I don't know how far in the sky, there is a bottomless dark abyss.

One by one, the bubble-shaped unknown substances fluctuated in chaos and collided with each other.

In this abyss, the terrifying chaotic storm swept across, destroying every inch of space, and the turbulent flow in it, even if the avenue was here, was wiped out!

This is a place of chaos and nothingness that connects the sky and the sky,

Through the mouth of this abyss,

From the outside, you can see a vast and endless film, like a blister, the surface is uneven, and the water waves are like one after another.

Beneath this thin film, dense strips of mysterious and immeasurable rays of light interweave into light bands, shrouding a light blue world below where the specific shape cannot be clearly seen!

This is the blue world!

The blue world beyond the fetal membranes of the world!

The avenues are intertwined, manifesting thousands of worlds, and the fetal membranes of the world are to resist the terrifying dangers that are invisible from the chaos, and protect the hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the world.


For some reason,

Somewhere in the fetal membranes of the world, a huge gap appeared.

like festering gaps,

A channel connecting the blue world world and the infinite chaos and nothingness of the outside world has been created!

in this passage,

In the infinite darkness where you can't see your fingers, you can't see the end, suddenly there is a wave that is invisible to the naked eye, and the moment is like a stone falling on the calm lake, causing an indescribable hidden in the infinite chaos. The attention of stalwart beings.

[It seems that your plan has failed. 】

[The calculation of ten thousand years has finally turned into an eastward flow. It can be seen that there is a master in the blue world, the way of heaven is still there, and people from outside the realm are not allowed to show their prestige and aggression. What if your Excellency retreated? 】

In the terrifying chaotic darkness, within the passage swept by the chaotic storm of death, a mighty voice resounded into everyone's ears.

In that infinite darkness, in the area close to the blue world, several stalwart figures loomed in the darkness.

[However, the idea of ​​mere frustration is not enough. 】

In response to the other party, it was a faint sound, with a kind of indifference that the mountain collapsed in front of him and did not change color.

Perhaps for the owner of the voice,

thousands of years,

It was just a blink of an eye.

[The way of the sky, the damage is not enough but the service is more than enough, this seat is stronger than you, everything in this world naturally belongs to me. 】

Light voices spread through the chaos,

With a sense of reason.


Nature has everything,

so-called aggression,

In his view, it was nothing more than a weak and incompetent verbal counterattack.

【Humph! Your Excellency, don't forget that the Canglan Realm is not a place without a foothold. It has been 140,000 years since the immortal Dao spread. There are a total of 13 Immortal Venerables in my Canglan Realm who have ascended to immortals. Reason, this blue world should belong to thirteen Immortal Venerables. Are you not afraid of the blame from the upper world now? ! 】


Close to the area inside the blue world, another voice came, with a little impulsive anger, resounding through the entire chaotic void channel like thunder.

[Giggle, the upper realm is your upper realm, why is it not me waiting for the upper realm? What's more, the Southern Immortal Territory in your upper realm has undergone a major change. I heard that the immortal king who sat on the road and immortalized has died, and the true immortals are bleeding countless times. Is it possible that you still hope that the true immortals will survive and be able to pull? Can't you be the leader? 】

The crisp laughter rang like a silver bell.

Obviously another existence outside the domain,

seems to be female,

With a certain kind of seductiveness, just the sound of the voice swaying, it is the turbulence of those stalwart figures at the end of the abyss!

Even the Avenue of Heaven and Earth below seems to be affected!


[You wait for the disaster of the end of the world to come, the change of the sky is imminent, the yin and yang of Jie Shi are in rotation, the universe is in chaos, and the will of heaven is hidden. Isn't this world still going to be our hunting ground? 】

[Desperately struggling, why is this necessary? 】

[When he changes day by day, it is the day of reckoning. Jieshi is dead and his clan is destroyed, and the inheritance of the sect is destroyed. Don't blame the slave family for being cruel! 】

The coquettish voice echoed in the chaos, evoking the deepest irritability in people's lives!

Even if it is said to be beyond the heaven and earth, the stalwart existence of Dao Dunyi, at this moment, the mind can't help but fluctuate for a while!

this man's words,

Not a lie!

This kind of existence that can be outside the superficial layer of the sky and face the terrifying existence that is unimaginable and unimaginable in the chaotic nothingness is beyond the level that can be imagined by Dao Dunyi!

If it wasn't for the will of heaven to reject it, I am afraid that the blue world would have already fallen.

not to mention,

If there is only one such extraterritorial existence,

Consuming most of the background of the blue world, it may not be impossible to kill it.

But what was attracted by the coming celestial change,

Not just one person!

[The old man's skin and the inheritance of Taoism are all gifts from heaven and earth. Heaven and earth are parents, and monks are children. There is no reason why parents are aging and children are killed to survive. 】

[Your Excellency don't need to waste any more words, people are in the abyss, that's all! 】

At the end of the entrance to the abyss, there was an old and calm voice.

The other side did not speak any more,

able to come this far,

It is not, but it can be achieved with luck.

Everyone is a determined person, and they will not change their views easily because of words or the future.

【Then let’s wait and see. 】

An indifferent voice echoed in the abyss.

This conversation is over,

abyss passage,

into a dead silence again,

Only that terror swept through, even if Hedao celestial beings strayed into this place, they would be flooded by a terrifying storm that would be torn and shattered by the Chaos Astral Wind!


The scene that took place in the distant sky, in the territory of Central Continent, and the three Zhang Qingyuan who entered the Monster Beast Mountains in the Eastern Realm, are not clear.

With the help of the power of heaven and earth, Yimu Shenlei used the power of heaven and earth to punish him, and in one fell swoop, "Blood Yama" was destroyed.

residual power,

It directly shattered the heaven and earth with a radius of ten thousand miles.

The sky, the earth, and the space are all broken!

There is only a dark, dark abyss with no end in sight!

The world is missing a big mouth in this area!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The terrifying energy shock still swept across the world.

However, the dark clouds and thunder above the nine-day sky~www.readwn.com~ began to gradually dissipate.

At the same time,

Not far from where the blood Yama fell,

A fist-sized piece, shining like sunshine, contains the supreme avenue. It seems that if you look at it, you will be attracted by the avenues in it.

"This is!!!"

With that earth-shattering blow, his whole body was almost sucked dry. Zhang Qingyuan, whose face was pale, swayed and fell from the sky. Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be shocked!


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