
Invisible and intangible Qi Qi gathered in mid-air, forming a huge hand that was always transparent. One fell from the sky and grabbed the underground palace below.

There are light curtains rising up, the terrifying murderous intent is cold, the space is torn apart, the terrifying attack swept through the sky, and the cold light burst,

It seems that all the enemies who will be committed in the future will be smashed to ashes!

This is the counterattack of the defensive formation guarding the palace's surroundings against the intruding enemy!


The counterattack that was enough to kill a cultivator in the realm of myriad transformations on the spot, but in front of the invisible big hand thousands of feet high, it was as if an egg hit a stone, and it failed to play any role.

In the crackling sound,

The light curtain of the sky collapsed,

The sharp and sharp Dao magic machine that was enough to cut space was destroyed by that invisible mana hand!

Under the suppression of the big transparent hand, the self-destruction method that the surrounding guardian formation finally perished could not be activated.

Zhang Qingyuan was suspended above the collapsed Yanxingmen Mountain Gate.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes indifferent.

The machine is lingering all over the body, and it flashes automatically without wind.

Divine Mind manipulated two big hands to rip apart the broken earth and mountains below. Under the action of thousands of feet of mana, the thick rocky soil seemed to accumulate like bean curd scum, and the large pieces of land were pulled open and finally exposed. The hidden dark room under the dungeon!

"Huh? There are so many good things?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes also lit up after seeing the large amount of supplies in the underground palace that had been torn apart.

A large number of heaven and earth treasures, all kinds of spiritual pills, and spiritual stones are piled up everywhere, full of spiritual energy.

Among them, there are as many as 2,000 of the most precious top-grade spirit stones, and to Zhang Qingyuan's surprise, there is still a preliminary estimate of one party's source power stored in it!

This made Zhang Qingyuan overjoyed, and the color of joy appeared on his face.

"It's actually so rich, with these things, I can raise my cultivation base to the middle stage of the virtual sky!"

Can't help but say with emotion,

At the same time hands and feet are not slow at all,

The invisible big hand grabbed all the storage materials inside and carried them into the space of the virtual sky mirror!

With these resources, the urgent need can be solved,

Cultivation after the realm of heaven and man also requires resources.

Especially Zhang Qingyuan's rapid improvement, when his understanding of Taoism is far above his own realm, if he wants to maintain a rapid improvement speed, the number of resources required for cultivation is even greater!

"This place should be an existence similar to a secret hand left by the Daluo Reverend Sect. With so many sources of heaven and earth, even if the Daluo Reverend Sect encounters a disaster in the future, I am afraid that these resources can be used to quickly improve its strength. !"

"It's no wonder that in Nanyue Border, a place that belongs to the barren land of Central Continent, a monk in the Realm of Ten Thousand Transformations can be safely nested, and it is no wonder that Yanxingmen is so arrogant and domineering, and it is still not down for a thousand years!"

"That makes sense!"

At this moment,

Some doubts in Zhang Qingyuan's heart were also answered.

I just don't know if Daluo Zunjiao has left such a hidden stronghold for other purposes.

But whatever it was, it was none of his business.

After taking away the hidden underground secret room, Zhang Qingyuan turned around and left.

Leaving a mess in place.

To this,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't have the slightest psychological burden in his heart.

Not to mention that Yanxingmen has been domineering for many years, when he was in Qingzhou, Daluo Zunjiao tried a secret technique in order to test a secret technique. As a result, more than half of the people in the entire Qingzhou were sacrificed by the Great Zhou Emperor in order to obtain the power to transcend his own realm.

In that accident, it was hard to imagine how many innocent women, children, old people, and young people died in the entire Qingzhou land.

This kind of uncompromising means, treating human life as a must, Zhang Qingyuan really can't go all the way with them.

It is no wonder that the Da Luo Zun Sect was rejected by the Central Continent cultivator and regarded as a cult.

However, considering the terrifying strength of Daluo Zunjiao.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't want to face such a behemoth, so after destroying the Yanxingmen and taking away the backhands who left the Daluo Zunjiao here, Zhang Qingyuan left.

This time he didn't delay and left cleanly.

Although the South Vietnam border is a million miles wide, for the existence of the virtual sky level, it is only half a day's work.

That Yanxingmen vowed to say that the blockade of each entry and exit, and the net of heaven and earth, which is even more a joke!

half day scene,

He has already left the range of South Vietnam,

He plunged into the vast land of Middle Continent and did not know where to go.


before leaving,

He also did not forget to slash out with a sword tens of thousands of miles away, and the sword was mighty and pierced through the sky for thousands of miles.

Those cultivators from Yanxingmen far away near Zhujiang City who had already captured hundreds of thousands of people in Zhujiang City and were going to use them as hostages to force him to appear, could not even react~www.readwn.com~ was the **** of death. The sickle cut off the head.

It caused a panic among the hundreds of thousands of people in Zhujiang City who were lucky enough to survive.


After a few days,

The news of the destruction of Yanxingmen, like a hurricane, swept the entire Nanyue border!

Countless people who heard the news thought that the other party was joking at first, but with more and more rumors around them, and when they had noses and eyes, they couldn't help but feel suspicious.

And this doubt did not last long,

When a famous person or a major force went to the Yanxingmen Mountain Gate to personally visit, and after the news of the Yanxingmen Mountain Gate's destruction was spread, it immediately set off a storm in the whole of South Vietnam!

Unparalleled waves swept through every corner of the South Vietnam border!

So shocking!

Counting it down, Yanxingmen has been a powerful force for 4,000 years since its founding and established a sect in Nanyue!

During these 4,000 years, many people have lived under its lewd power from birth to death.

on everyone's head,

They are all pressing down on a heavy mountain called Yanxingmen!

But suddenly one day,

The mountain suddenly collapsed!

Countless people were overwhelmed and at a loss.

But more people,

It is cheering!

In the cultivation world of the Nanyue border, there was even more turmoil.

Countless monks and many forces, only a few went to Yanxingmen Mountain Gate to see if they could find some benefits. More, they were keeping an eye on the remaining Yanxingmen monks, or the lackey forces who helped Yanxingmen bully sentient beings in the past!

There are also many lone cultivators, with red eyes, seeking revenge like crazy.

With monstrous hatred in his eyes!

Those are many monks who have destroyed their homes because of Yanxingmen, and they are ready to take revenge on them one by one!

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