
The violent roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the terrifying impact swept across the sky, and the space was shattered, causing the earth to shake violently!

The fierce battle between the two men and horses directly collapsed the area for thousands of miles!

"Murongyue, I have already set the net, you can't escape today!"

During the battle, a stern roar sounded, two figures in black on the left and one on the right, and the huge black mana exploded, overwhelming the sky, almost drowning the entire sky!

Two tyrannical avenues of mana bombarded, running through the sky, and the avenues collapsed and appeared!

The face of Murong Yue, who was under siege, was shrouded in veil, and her face was pale. Under the terrible oppression of the two lands in front of her, her cold eyes sharpened.

A guqin, which exudes immortal light, suddenly appeared in its hands,

Zheng! !

The sound of killing suddenly sounded, and Xianyin Avenue turned into a boundless sea of ​​killing that overwhelmed the world, overwhelmed the void, and rolled back with a bang!

Boom boom boom! !

Under the earth-shattering collision, the void was shattered and shattered!

Murong Yue's figure flew out like a thin leaf, spitting out a mouthful of blood, dyeing her veil red.

The two men in black on the opposite side were just silhouettes,

The body took a dozen steps backwards,

Obviously not many injuries.

This is the combination of the two, not only to unload the force of the rebound, but also to use the terrifying strength that broke out together, in one fell swoop, this Zhongzhou is also a famous fairy!

Seeing this scene, the two men in black robes did not show any pity for Xiangxiyu, and their power was unforgiving. They joined forces to once again set off the terrifying avenue of mana that covered the sky and the sun, slammed into the void, and attacked Murongyue not far away with the power of heaven and earth. !

The vast air machine is shocking!

almost in an instant,

The terrifying ultimate move hit Murong Yue, shattering the void into nothingness!


There was no joy on the faces of the two men in black, but a hint of surprise appeared in their eyes.

In the shattered vacuum ahead, Murong Yue's figure was shattered and completely disappeared.

And on the other side,

thousands of feet away,

The vacuum is twisted,

The figure of Murong Yue holding Xianqin suddenly fell from it, spitting out a big mouthful of blood, and her face was as pale as paper!

"Hmph! It's a good death talisman. I didn't expect a monk from a small sect to have such a precious thing, but unfortunately, no matter how precious the treasure is, it can't save your life. You will die today!"

One of the men in black snorted coldly,

For the death talisman,

That is an extremely precious life-saving thing handed down from the upper realm!

Knowing that you are already certain to die, why don't you want to die obediently?

Such a treasure was wasted in vain!

Another person also shouted pity,

If they can kill each other in the first time, then the Death Immortal Talisman can stay and become their trophy.

As such,

They have a second life!

Even an immortal-level attack would never change this!

"Do it, kill her with one blow!"

The two men in black looked at each other and understood each other's feelings.


The power of the black avenue swept across the sky, filling every corner of the world. In the endless chaotic darkness, the shadows of the two worlds rose slowly, invaded the world, and exerted an incredible power like freezing time and space!

In order to prevent Murongyue from using any more treasures, the two men in black worked hard!

The Void Realm appears in the cave,

With supreme strength,

To kill him in one fell swoop!


At this moment, Murong Yue's complexion was extremely ugly, and there was a hint of despair in those beautiful eyes under the long eyelashes.

In order to deal with the pursuit of the two virtual-level enemies, she has almost exhausted all means at this time.

the wounded self,

Even under the suppression of the two sides of the virtual world, he couldn't even move, and he had to face this attack that was enough to kill her!

A ruthless look flashed in Murong Yue's eyes, just when she was about to give the other party a ruthless expression even if she died.

"Two big men bully a weak woman, are you embarrassed?"

A clear and familiar voice resounded in the void.

Before Murong Yue and the two men in black could react,


A beam of sword light, like scissors cutting the paper in the space, swept through like a torrent of invincible swords, which came first, and resisted Murong Yue before the two men in black joined forces to attack!

In an instant,

Like a river pouring down,

Murong Yue only felt that the world in front of her eyes was filled with the dazzling and indescribable sword light!

Boom! !

In the earth-shattering loud noise,

the vacuum collapses,

The avenue was cut off, and the Void Realm Cave Heaven Dharma Form displayed by the two men in black was actually smashed by a sword!

The two men in black spit out a mouthful of blood.

It was directly blasted out!

at the same time,


A certain kind of power from the sky spread out, covering the vacuum on the side, covering and protecting Murong Yue.


A figure appeared beside her.

"Fellow Daoist Murong, goodbye, long time no see, are you alright?"

Murongyue turned her head, the figure of the person who came against the background of the sun seemed to be a little more handsome and handsome, which made her cold heart for many years unable to bear a little turbulence. UU Reading

Fortunately, she quickly recovered.

The face of the person in front of him also seemed to be somewhat familiar, and a certain thought flashed by in his memory.

"You are, Zhang Qingyuan, fellow Daoist Zhang?!"

The words were doubts at first, and affirmations at the end, apparently recognizing Zhang Qingyuan, who had a relationship in the Eastern Realm decades ago!

At that time, President Shen Zheng invited her to do a favor, and one of the other two invited was Zhang Qingyuan.

The impression the other party gave her was very deep!

Can it be profound?

In the realm of Heaven and Man, who can defeat the three enemies of the virtual sky with one move, there are not many who can find them in the entire Central Continent!

What's more, the other party and himself belong to the new generation, and the other party is younger than himself!

until today,

He Zhang Qingyuan is also recognized as the first person among the new generation of monks, ranking first in the Dragon and Phoenix List, which has not changed for decades!

"You, promoted to Void?!"

Murongyue, who had finally calmed down her mood, suddenly discovered that the cutting void that was lingering around Zhang Qingyuan's body formed a virtual shadow of a boundary that was independent of heaven and earth.

This is the signature ability of a cultivator at the virtual sky level!

In an instant, Murong Yue couldn't help but exclaimed!


It's too incredible!

It seems that only eight or ninety years have passed since the last meeting.

That guy who didn't enter Hedao Heaven for a long time, just broke through all the way and ascended to the virtual world? !

Murong Yue exclaimed, her long eyelashes fluttered, her eyes widened,

In the past, the delicate and cold snow-like face showed an incredible look at this moment!


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