Although this trip was fruitful, more and more people entered the ancient world.

But Zhang Qingyuan's heart not only did not settle down because of this,

On the contrary, I am more and more worried.

that feeling,

Even if there is some danger condensed around, and it is getting stronger and stronger!

The exit of the space channel in front of him slowly rotated, as if there were some terrifying threat hidden, which made Zhang Qingyuan frown.


Suddenly, Zhang Qingyuan's brows moved.

Not far in the void,

A figure with a disordered breath seemed to be rapidly shuttled between the voids, rushing in this direction.

"But a scholar and fellow Taoist? Uh, this is it?"

When the figure walked through the void and approached, Zhang Qingyuan could see the person coming, and his face showed surprise.

If I am not mistaken,

This person was a scholar from Haoran Academy that Murong Yue had introduced to him before entering the ancient world!

Still a page scholar at this time, the situation doesn't seem to be very good.

The original, suave, white-faced scholar image with a feather fan and a long scarf has long since disappeared.

The upright Confucian crown above the top has long been thrown into an unknown corner. His hair is in a mess, his clothes are tattered like a beggar, and even one of his shoes has been lost, leaving one bare foot!

Those who don't know, thought it was some greedy guy who ran to steal the fruit in the orchard, but was chased by the wolf dog kept by the owner's family.


When he heard Zhang Qingyuan's voice transmission, his whole body exploded, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and he stopped in the air, as if he was a bird in shock!

Fortunately, after he looked up and saw clearly a man and a woman in the void, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be two people. I met Daoyou Zhang and Daoyou Murong."

A page of scholars sorted out the tattered Confucian clothes. Although it was lonely, the clothes are not important. What matters is the temperament.

Then he clasped his fists towards the two of them and saluted.

"This... Fellow Daoist, what danger did he encounter? And what about fellow Daoist Chiyan?"

Seeing that the scholar on the page was so embarrassed, Murong Yue couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

You must know the name of a scholar in Haoran Academy, but the entire Central Continent cultivation world is a well-known figure. As a genius of the previous era, I am afraid that now he has already reached the limit of the virtual sky, and Murong Yue has heard the fame.

Even in the era of her rise, the name of a scholar has long been a favorite in Central Continent.

such a person,

Under the circumstance that the legend cannot escape, I am afraid that it is already the peak of the cultivation world. How could it end up in such a miserable situation?

It seems that since following Zhang Qingyuan all the way, he has obtained many opportunities, and the journey has been smooth and smooth, and he has not encountered any dangers? !

For a while, Murong Yue's delicate face also showed a trace of confusion.


Hearing Murong Yue's question, the scholar on the page seemed to recall the experience of this period, and his eyes were red.

He took a deep breath and spoke all kinds of words, and finally turned into a helpless sigh that was difficult to express in words!

"This matter is a long story..."

It seems that after being hunted down for a long time, the scholar Yi Ying finally found a person who could complain, so since he entered the ancient world, the unfortunate deeds after entering the ancient world have been narrated from his mouth.

From the Tibetan Scripture Hall to the Emperor's Tomb, and then to Jutianchi, the main target of his trip, every time he ran to nothing.

more fatally,

In the end, in front of the empty Jutian Pond, he met the four scheming Taoist priests from Taiqing Dao, and that **** stabbed him in the chest in front of him and Chiyan!

Yi Ying Scholar didn't know if he meant it or not, anyway, in the end, Chi Yan, the brainless guy, broke out.

Chasing all the way,

Fortunately, his movement skills are good, and he moves strategically fast. After spending a relatively high price, he escaped from the furious Chi Yan's pursuit.

But even so, he paid such a huge price.

That chicken coop-like head, dark eye sockets, ragged clothes, and the image of a lost shoe are proofs!

"You said, is there any reason for this!"

A page of scholars cried with grief and anger, and their grievances shot into the sky!

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Qingyuan listened to a page of the scholar's accusation, the whole person was stunned, and undoubtedly opened his If he had a cigarette in his mouth, he would have fallen to the ground at this time. .

This is really,

how to say?

He also has nothing to say!

Murong Yue, who was beside her, turned her head to look at Zhang Qingyuan with a strange expression, how strange her expression was.

Some want to laugh,

But I can only hold back,

With her slender hands pursing her lips, a blushing glow appeared on her goose egg-like face.

It was a little hard to endure!

How can there be such unlucky people in this world?

But rather,

He complained to the murderer again!

It's been a long time since I saw you,

For a moment, Murong Yue really wanted to see what kind of expression the unfortunate scholar in front of him would look like when he knew that the murderer who caused him to end like this was in front of him.

At this moment, both of Murong Yue's eyes were curved like the moon.

"Ahem, that, fellow scholar, my condolences, everything is just an accident. I believe that people will not be unlucky all the time."

Zhang Qingyuan coughed and patted the scholar on the shoulder, expressing comfort.


There are still 400 words here, and I will continue writing in half an hour.


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