, !

ps: Don't subscribe when you see this line of words. This is a repeat of the previous chapter, because it hasn't been written yet, so let's post it first to get a full attendance, and everyone will read it tomorrow.


in a blink,

The three standing at the peak of Central Continent are enough to be invincible in the world of Central Continent.

The unparalleled combat power shown by Zhang Qingyuan shocked the whole world!


At the moment when he made his move,

The other elders of the Da Luo Zun Sect who gathered around and stared at each other for the three big imaginary extreme elders also moved!

But for any enemy, the moment of the shot is the biggest flaw!

boom! ! !

Someone came out with a sword, the blood-colored holy sword, shone like a scorching sun, but the breath of the air caused the vacuum of thousands of miles to be cracked!

The ten thousand zhang sword light suddenly appeared, and the sharp roar swept through the ten thousand zhang starry sky, and the monstrous momentum slashed towards Zhang Qingyuan!

At this time, the five-color divine light that Zhang Qingyuan cast dissipated,

The old force has gone, the new force is not yet born, and it is in a state of undefended!

The **** edge filled every corner of the world, blocking the vacuum, and death came at this moment!


The person who shot the sword sneered, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and he hit the best time to shoot!

Whether he has reservations or not,

And whether or not he runs out of light,

this sword,

Enough to kill him!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The few remaining powers of the virtual sky level also shot, and the terrifying fluctuations caused the stars above the nine heavens to be shattered and shattered at this moment!

The terrifying force of the sky swept across the void, blocking the world!

Large swaths of the sky collapsed and collapsed, and the terrifying aura suppressed the vacuum.



I don't see how Zhang Qingyuan made his move,

Suddenly, **** appeared behind him, pinching the terrifying blood-colored sword that was as red as blood and slashed the world!

The sword light of the sky was frozen at that moment,

It's like being frozen!

Zhang Qingyuan squeezed his fingers, shaking suddenly, the void shook and ripples, and the avenues seemed to be distorted!

the next moment,


With a crisp sound, the divine sword shattered instantly, and the lingering Dao Law was directly broken open!


Zhang Qingyuan flicked his fingers,

The fragments of several divine swords were like lightning, tearing apart the vast void, and instantly traversing a distance of thousands of miles like lasers, hitting the owner of the blood-colored divine sword and the two people around him in an instant!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Before the three of them could react, they were knocked flying by a terrifying force. The terrifying force pierced through the chests of the three of them, and the entire chest was blown open. Torrent of horror!

At the click of a finger, kill three enemies again!

However, at this time,

The attack from the others has arrived too!

The surrounding vacuum was smashed, and the vast power came, vowing to kill Zhang Qingyuan!

"Isn't it bad to live? Are you looking for death?"

In the face of this terrifying siege attack, Zhang Qingyuan's expression was flat and did not change in the slightest.

At this time, among the people taught by Daluo Zun, there are still five elders of the virtual sky level, two of which are the virtual sky limit.

There are many other celestial beings and the existence of myriad transformation series, but they only dare to hide behind and dare not step forward, for fear of being affected by the terrifying confrontation and dying on the spot!

And the several terrorist attacks that arrived at this time shattered the sky and shrouded the boundless power of terror.

It happened that he chose to attack like lightning in the gap after Zhang Qingyuan shot one after another!

Under this circumstance, any cultivator of the virtual sky level in the world might not be able to resist it!

But unfortunately,

They met Zhang Qingyuan!


The space distorted and vibrated, and the avenue ran through the void, appearing between heaven and earth.

Yin-Yang First Coming · Tai Chi Chart!

The two colors of yin and yang revolved, reflecting the heavens, tearing apart the avenues of heaven and earth, forming a huge yin and yang grinding disc in the vacuum.

The grinding wheel of yin and yang rotates, emitting thousands of indestructible and indestructible fluctuations of the law of terror!

Boom boom boom! ! !

One after another terrifying attack bombarded the Taiji map, and the resulting explosion swept across every corner of the world.

The earth is ups and downs, and the impact of the Dao of Law is sweeping!

Thousands of miles of heaven and earth shook violently again, and the terrifying storm impact swept through everything!


at the center of the explosion,

All the avenues and powers are wiped out by the yin and yang grinding disc!

With Zhang Qingyuan as the center,

Thousands of feet in radius are shrouded in the yin and yang Taiji map. Under the terrifying attack, they survived without the slightest damage!


Seeing this scene, the five remaining virtual heaven masters, the five people's cooperation did not play the slightest role, and they couldn't help but look horrified!

The body could not help but take a step back!

"How is it possible! Why can he stop it?"

"The attacks of the five people I am waiting for are all magical powers of the heavenly rank. I am afraid that only the Supreme Being can stop it!"

Several big virtual sky powerhouses were horrified, and they only felt a wave of fear welling up in their hearts.


They didn't have time to react.

Zhang Qingyuan, who resisted the siege of the crowd with a move of the Immortal Technique Taiji Diagram, did not know when a golden dazzling sword appeared in his hand.

Zheng! ! !

long sword unsheathed,

The terrifying sword pressure roared, and a sharp whistle sounded between heaven and earth. Thousands of swords spread, and the void was cut open layer by layer!

At this moment, all the monks nearby felt a huge terrifying pressure.

Like the sky has collapsed,

The unbearable weight made them almost crushed into the ground!


boom! ! !

Zhang Qingyuan slashed out with one sword and swept across the vast void. The vast and terrifying sword pressure swept across the nine heavens and ten places, until it was an upside-down Tianhe, covering the sky!

Supreme Destruction Heavenly Sword!

The sky is falling, the universe is reversed!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Those five Da Luo Zun Sect's illusory powers were cut in half in an instant, and the vast and terrifying sword force swept across, crushing their bodies!

Successive explosions swept through the sky!

At the same time, the remaining decompression swept through, and the substantial pressure hit the rest of the Da Luo Zun cultivators.

Many heavenly beings were knocked flying, and the monks below the realm of ten thousand transformations were crushed and crushed!

Under the sword ~www.readwn.com~, the Daluo Zunjiao who was besieged by a large group of horses, suffered heavy damage, the existence of the virtual sky series was completely destroyed, and the remaining Wanhua was very few!

Zhang Qingyuan roamed the void, took a page of scholar and Murong Yue away, and no one dared to stop him along the way.

in place,

Only a messy battlefield remains,

And many survivors who looked at each other with blank eyes, not knowing what to do next.

Although there is a command threat from the Supreme Being, but after all, the senior elders are already dead, and there is nothing they can do.


The surviving two or three big cats and kittens Da Luo Zun taught the monks and gave up the pursuit.

"This matter must be told to the Supreme, in the new era, another evildoer has risen!"

Someone was staring at the direction Zhang Qingyuan was leaving,

The complexion is unprecedentedly dignified!

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