Covering the sea with three stacks of waves, the top martial arts of the human level.

A few months ago, Zhang Qingyuan had already cultivated this martial art to the pinnacle of introductory skills. With the improvement of his cultivation level and the growth of spiritual consciousness in the process of practicing alchemy, he was finally able to display the second level of power. attack!

When he was still in the first power, Zhang Qingyuan used a palm to smash the head of the white bone demon in the early stage of the Ninth Level of Spiritual Element in Yinfeng Valley.

Now Zhang Qingyuan has been promoted to the Ninth Layer.

The power is even more terrifying, and at the same time, the sea-covering three stacks of waves that have entered the realm of Xiaocheng are able to display the second terrible power!

Double burst stacking!

Boom! ! !

The incomparable strength surging across the flow, the space within a radius of ten meters is attracted by the spirit element of the three stacks of waves covering the sea, turning into a rushing tide, like a huge wave raging in the sea.

In the center of the huge wave visible to the naked eye, huge light blue palm prints overlapped, turning into boundless power and superimposed together, like a terrible attack that overturned the space and shot towards Liu Caijiu!

boom! ! !

The tip of the needle is to the awn.

The star finger, which was like a meteorite falling from the sky, was bombarded with that huge palm print.

Two powerful martial arts collide,

The unparalleled spiritual vitality exploded immediately, and under the shock of terror, the hard stone slabs on the ground burst into cracks at this moment, spreading in all directions in an instant like a spider web.

At the same time, the two terrifying spirits impacted, and the field was like a monstrous hurricane, setting off an endless torrent, sweeping in all directions.

A powerful and terrifying storm was rolled up all over the square.

The surrounding tall trees collapsed under the impact, and the broken branches and leaves flew together, mixed with a large amount of smoke and dust, blocking the view, making everyone around had to retreat.

Looking at the field in amazement.

"Hi, two people are so strong!"

The terrifying wind was raging, and the impact of the collision of the tricks made everyone present in shock.

I thought that this would be a battle that was overwhelming.

It turned out to be evenly matched!

The power of any one of the two bombarded him, and everyone present was afraid that not many people could resist it!

Not only did the fellow monk at the bottom look solemn.

Even the top geniuses have a sense of solemnity in their hearts.

I thought in my mind what kind of result would it be if I changed to play by myself.

The reaction of everyone around.

The two in the field didn't care at all.

Returning without success in one blow, it was only matched, and even a bit of cheapness could not be taken up. At this time, Liu Caijiu's little stare in his heart had completely disappeared.

Unprecedented dignity.

The guy opposite Zhang Qingyuan is not only powerful in martial arts.

Liu Caijiu, who was in a head-on confrontation, could clearly sense that the pure and vigorous Lingyuan level was simply not something that a cultivator who had just entered the Ninth Level of Lingyuan could have!

Not at all weaker than the accumulated cultivator in the middle stage of the Nine Layers!

"But, so what!"

There was a deep cold light in Liu Caijiu's eyes.

"I'm in the late stage of Kunou!"

A sharp spear appeared in Liu Caijiu's hands at some point, and the surrounding dragon pattern was shining with gilt gold.

The whole person was suspended in mid-air, and the strands of spiritual energy under him turned into invisible steps.

Strong momentum, surging.

It's like turning into substance.

The fellow cultivators with a lower realm all around felt difficulty breathing.


A shot broke through the air, without the slightest change in his moves, it struck Zhang Qingyuan straightforwardly.

But it was this unremarkable shot,

But it is like a meteorite falling.

Bring up the monstrous power, the light shines in the sky!


Without intending to head-on, Zhang Qingyuan's figure turned and disappeared suddenly.

The sharp and cracked tip of the gun instantly penetrated the afterimage of Zhang Qingyuan left in place.

One shot missed,

But then, like a snake circling, it turned into an indestructible golden thunder light across the void, chasing and killing Zhang Qingyuan, who appeared not far away!

A chase and flee.

The spear pierced through the sky, and everyone around had no time to see the remaining spear shadows in mid-air, and they had already stabbed an unknown number of times in an instant.

There are no twists and turns, no brilliant sound and light colors.

Every time it was a straight stab.

But every shot, with the incomparable strength of the Ninth Stage of the Lingyuan Realm, broke through the air, and the intensive blows were like gusts of wind and rain, shaking the sky!

There are no extra moves.

It is already the most terrifying killer move!

It shocked the many colleagues around him, and even the top five were amazed, thinking that only this hand of Liu Cai was long enough to compete in the realm of late Kunou.


Compared with Liu Caijiu, if his strength is amazing.

Then Zhang Qingyuan's performance shocked almost everyone.

Under Liu Caijiu in the late stage of the Ninth Layer of the Lingyuan Realm with all his strength, the realm was just Zhang Qingyuan, who had just entered the Ninth Layer, and he was able to do it with ease.

Phantoms flickered in the field.

Occasionally, with a punch and a palm, a strong Lingyuan exploded to miss the spear's attack.

With ease.

Confronting Liu Caijiu's marksmanship with the smallest price!

"How can this be!"

Nearly everyone had such a thought at that moment.

The higher the realm, the stronger the strength.

This is not only an improvement in the number and purity of spirit elements, but also an improvement in all aspects such as body skills, physical defenses, and strength of spirit elements.

Separated by two small realms, the cultivator's body speed in the late stage of the nine-fold is more than 30% faster than that of the cultivator in the early stage of the nine-fold!

This is 30% of Lingyuan's nine-fold realm!

However, at this time, Zhang Qingyuan is facing the opposite, and Zhang Qingyuan, who is in a disadvantaged state, is especially superior to Liu Caijiu, and he has the freedom to dodge the powerful and unmatched gun shadow!

"What kind of martial skill is that? So strong!"

Someone screamed in a cold sweat.

Liu Caijiu's strength is already not low, and his marksmanship is even more powerful. It can't help Zhang Qingyuan.

What if you change to play by yourself?

I'm afraid it's not that I can't even touch the figure of Zhang Qingyuan on the other side.

"I don't know, but I heard that before then, that Zhang Qingyuan had practiced a Yunyanwu ordinary martial art to perfection. Even if this martial art is not, I am afraid it has an indispensable relationship with that martial art. ."

"This martial art skill is at least human level or higher, and you have also cultivated to Xiaocheng!"

There was a lot of discussion around everyone.

On the high platform, Wang Yuenian was also slightly surprised.

"It turned out to be Fengyun Wuxiangshen, not only cultivated, but also reached the point of Xiaocheng!"

He couldn't be more clear about the body technique used by Zhang Qingyuan.

Surprisingly, it was the top-level human-level martial arts Fengyun Wushen that he handed over to Zhang Qingyuan a few months ago!

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