Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Chapter 169: Count the gains (I want to sell the cute rudder plus)


The long-held sword-drawing technique is once again out of the sheath.

Under the perfect sword drawing, the power is no less than the advanced martial arts of the human rank, especially the majestic sword intent that has gathered, and the extremely sharp blade has raised its power to an incredible level!

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind and showers.

It's like seeing the monstrous torrent collapse again!

Sword intent streamers interlaced time and space, and in the illusion that the cultivator of the late stage nine only felt that time and space had changed, it instantly expanded between his pupils, swallowing it!


The world revolved in an instant.

Consciousness plunged into the abyss of infinite darkness.

This sword had boundless power in the eyes of the late-stage cultivator of Nine Layers.

But in fact it is extremely restrained.

Everyone around had only time to see a dazzling sword light flashing between the volleys, turning into a long white pike, and traversing a space of tens of meters long in an instant.

The head of the late nine-layer cultivator who was embarrassed on the ground instantly rose to the sky.

The incision on the neck is as smooth as a mirror.

Blood is gushing.

It gushes out and stains the ground red.

And at this time,

After using powerful martial arts one after another, Zhang Qingyuan also turned pale and panted slightly.

But it's all worth it.

Killing the cultivator of the late stage nine with lightning speed, not only caused a relatively large uncertainty in the field to disappear, but also made the rest of the enemy's heart frightened, and completely lost resistance in shock. Fighting spirit, one after another turned around and fled in embarrassment.

It's just that all this is in vain.

The enemy who turned and fled exposed his back to everyone.

After some chase.

A group of people completely killed the intercepted enemy.

Then it didn't stay long.

Zhang Qingyuan and others simply packed up the spoils, and then quickly left here.

Soon after.

A monk who was attracted by the fluctuation of the battle came and saw a messy land, but only a few corpses were found.

But what happened behind him had nothing to do with everyone.

After several days of running around.

Everyone finally returned safely to the boundary of Yunshuizong.


Back safely back to the Yunshui sect boundary, the hearts that everyone was holding settled down.

But it is not time to relax.

After a brief rest period and returning to the mountain gate, everyone relaxed completely.

Waited for a few more days.

Zhao Jingping, the third uncle of Zhao Yuanyang who had left behind to contain Na Ma Yingyuan, returned and brought news that Ma Yingyuan finally escaped with secret techniques and was later accepted to leave. However, after Zhao Jingping’s investigation, it was found that Ma Yingyuan seemed to be related to the Xiuzhen sect outside Yuzhou. Han Haizong has contact.

The news was reported to the sect.

Zhang Qingyuan had no way of knowing how the sect had reacted and what actions would be brewing next.

Although a little curious, but did not continue to pay attention.

He will focus more on his own harvest.

Although this business is dangerous, the end result is extremely gratifying.

Great gain!

Before this trip, Zhang Qingyuan's initial goal was completely satisfied.

The dozens of alchemy prescriptions and the real alchemy perception of the master of the cave mansion far exceeded Zhang Qingyuan's imagination before he left.

These knowledge gains in alchemy are enough for Zhang Qingyuan to promote alchemy to the human level.

Before entering the True Essence Realm, basically there is no need to worry about the lack of alchemy knowledge.

And the biggest gain of this trip,

There is also a blood dragon fruit!

Although when he joined the team at the beginning, Zhang Qingyuan stated that he would not take anything in the cave, only a copy of the various alchemy knowledge and prescriptions in the cave.

But afterwards, Jin Tiefeng thought that Zhang Qingyuan could not contribute much, so he reiterated the rule of distribution based on contribution.

After that,

Whether it is defeating the puppets before the last level, save the team from survival.

Or later came to chase the enemy, shot at the critical moment, risked heavy dangers to repel the seriously injured half-step True Element Realm cultivator, and then quickly killed the late stage cultivator of the Nine Layers in the field, killing the remaining enemies, and beheading the enemy. .

Every time, Zhang Qingyuan played a huge role.

In addition to Zhao Yuanyang's successive use of his hole cards to severely inflict the half-step Tsing Yi monk in the True Element Realm, Zhang Qingyuan's contribution to the team was already the greatest.

However, Zhao Yuanyang already said after returning to the sect.

Because the enemy was chasing them this time, causing everyone to fall into a dangerous situation, so they gave up the harvest distribution this time, and just copied those alchemy and alchemy experience.

According to the law of contribution distribution, the one with the largest contribution has the right to be selected first.


Although this time caused danger because of Zhao Yuanyang's own sake, the ruins of the cave mansion itself was discovered by him, and the exploration was also organized by Zhao Yuanyang, so it is naturally impossible for the other party to "go back empty-handed."

Therefore, Zhao Yuanyang was chosen as the last one under negotiation.

As a result, Zhang Qingyuan became the first person to choose the harvest.

Faced with those precious and incomparable gains, Zhang Qingyuan struggled for a long time with the Huazhen Pill and the Blood Dragon Fruit, and finally decided to choose the Blood Dragon Fruit.

The pill that increases the success rate of breaking through the true element realm will naturally have time to collect in the future.

But that blood dragon fruit.

This kind of spiritual thing that can be vigorous and energetic, and to a certain extent enhance the qualifications of cultivation.

It's rare!

Since the value ratio of the blood dragon fruit is too high in the harvest, after choosing the blood dragon fruit, the subsequent harvests have no relationship with Zhang Qingyuan, and there is no qualification for selection.

This is because of his great contribution.

The few who took away the two blood dragon fruits and the true pill, even had to post them upside down, and took out enough spirit stones for other people to make up for the shortcomings of their contribution to this trip.

This distribution is generally fair.

But not everyone can get what they like.

So Zhang Qingyuan spent three middle-grade spirit stones that consumed one-third of it, and Hetian Renzhou exchanged it for a Mingshen Pill to increase spiritual consciousness.

He has not contributed enough.

By the time he was queued, the precious Blood Dragon Fruit and Realization Pill had already been selected by the people in front.

Not an alchemist, the effect of Mingshen Pill is not that big.

The reason for choosing this pill is simply because of its value, which can be sold at a high price in the market.

Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan has nothing to do with Even because it is a middle-grade spirit stone, he is extremely grateful for this transaction, even though the aura in the three middle-grade spirit stones has been consumed. Quite a lot, but after all, it is a middle-grade spirit stone.

In addition to the gains in the cave ruins.

After killing the intercepted monks halfway, Zhang Qingyuan, who contributed the most, also obtained the same first-round selection right among the spoils seized later.

Among the storage bags of the monk in the late nine-fold period, Zhang Qingyuan obtained one of the main materials of the condensing essence needed to break through the real yuan realm.

Dragon Ginseng!

Almost every nine-fold cultivator who is interested in the true element realm is collecting, extremely precious elixir!

In addition, he also obtained a share of the loot from hundreds of Lingshi.

That was one of the rewards of selling the magical artifacts and various odds and ends in the other's storage bag.

"Fifty-three kinds of alchemy prescriptions, various alchemy ideas and experiences of the advanced alchemist."

"Eleven used three and eight spent middle-grade spirit stones, six puppet remains of unknown value, blood dragon fruit, Mingshen pill, one of the main materials of the condensed essence pill used to break through the true origin. Dragon ginseng, more than one hundred spirit stones..."

Zhang Qingyuan muttered to himself.

In my mind, I simply calculated the harvest of this trip.

Although this line is dangerous.

But the gain is equally huge.

This is no longer rich, it is simply rich!

With this harvest.

Zhang Qingyuan is even enough to practice in the inner sect, and he doesn't have to go out to find resources for cultivation until the late stage of Jiuzhong!



Yesterday’s update, to make up for the update that I explained on the third day of the last month but did not make it.

Tomorrow is estimated to be three shifts, the monthly pass is 100 plus one shift, and the monthly pass of the previous month will be gradually replaced in the future.

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