"Well, fellow Qingyuan Daoist?"

In the crowded and noisy internal affairs hall, Zhang Qingyuan was queuing to watch the line of handwriting on the front light curtain, preparing to find the pill of Guishui Pill for exchange.

Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind him.

Turned his head and looked around.

I saw Shen Hongzhou and a few chatting and laughing companions, not far behind him.

"It turned out to be Brother Shen, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Zhang Qingyuan bowed his hands and said with a polite smile on his face.

Shen Hongzhou is one of Zhang Qingyuan's few friends in the Yunshui Sect.

When he was in the Seventeenth Courtyard, Zhang Qingyuan once challenged him in a ranking, defeating and replacing the opponent's top ten position.

But later, it can be regarded as not acquainted with each other.

After entering the inner gate, several people once met once or twice under the leadership of Zhao Yuanyang.

Can be regarded as an average friend.

Shen Hongzhou is a few years older than Zhang Qingyuan, so Zhang Qingyuan has always called him Senior Brother Shen.

"You shouldn't have two words, brother, Yunshuizong's inner sect is respected by strength, and Yu brother is just a few years older, making Daoyou Zhang a joke."

Shen Hongzhou touched his nose, with a wry smile on his face.

Zhang Qingyuan called him a senior, but he did not hit a snake with a stick. He really regarded Zhang Qingyuan as a senior.

It is one thing for others to be humble, but another thing if you take it seriously.

Although he started earlier, he was also older.

But this world of comprehension, after all, is respected by strength.

"I haven't seen you in one year. Congratulations on your strength has improved by a big step. In contrast, my ineffective guy has fallen into the prestige of our Seventeenth House."

Looking at Zhang Qingyuan in front of him, Shen Hongzhou couldn't help revealing a bitter smile again when he sensed the powerful and terrifying dangerous feeling that the other party unintentionally exuded through the family secret technique.

How long is it?

Another big step forward!

It became more terrifying than the last time we met, and it was so big that Shen Hongzhou could no longer see the gap between them!


Is this a genius? !

Shen Hongzhou sighed in his heart.

In the past year, I was stimulated to practice hard, and I also made good progress. I confidently believed that I would be able to gradually catch up with the other party, and even surpass it in the end.

But now it seems.

My self-confidence is just a joke.

"Where is it, brother is absurdly praised."

Zhang Qingyuan's face was indifferent, without the slightest expression of pride.

He is not a young boy who appears to be young.

In the face of compliments from others, Zhang Qingyuan's heart may be useful, but he is more calm, and will not show anything just because of one or two compliments from others.

And all this.

Shen Hongzhou saw it all in his eyes, and his inner evaluation of Zhang Qingyuan also went to a higher level.

Don't be surprised, and have a firm and mature temperament.

No wonder he could endure that boring practice. No wonder he was highly valued by Liu Zhangyuan when he was outside, and even faintly he was above Wang Weifeng, who was the first place in the Seventeenth Courtyard.

Bright future!

For an instant, such a word flashed in Shen Hongzhou's mind.

Zhang Qingyuan naturally had no way of knowing Shen Hongzhou's inner thoughts. In such a noisy place with people and each having their own affairs, now they just happened to meet each other to say hello.

So the two only talked for a while, and then left each.

But before leaving, Shen Hongzhou told Zhang Qingyuan one thing.

"After Liu Zhangyuan took us to that session, he resigned from the position of the Seventeenth House and began to retreat. It has now been nearly two years...I got news not long ago, Liu The Headquarters is about to break through, so I plan to tell you if you will visit the Headquarters when you see it. By the way, I would like to thank him for teaching us for many years."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan nodded and agreed.

There is nothing wrong with this.

When he was at the outer door, Liu Zhangyuan did give himself a lot of help, and he should visit him if he was feeling or reason.

However, the time for Liu Zhangyuan to leave the customs is still undecided. Shen Hongzhou said he would contact Zhao Yuanyang and Wang Weifeng. Then the four disciples who entered the inner gate would discuss together and find a time to visit.

But this matter is not in a hurry.

There is still some time before Liu Zhangyuan leaves the customs, maybe a few months, maybe a year.

Time is uncertain.

Shen Hongzhou just made things right for the time being.

The matter was settled, and the two said goodbye.

Zhang Qingyuan squeezed into the crowd and exchanged the prescription of Guishui Pill with the deacon of the Internal Affairs Hall.

And Shen Hongzhou returned to the original friends.

"Shen Daoyou, who was the one just now?"

Someone asked aloud.

Everyone looked at them, and they were also a little curious.

"He, he is the same group of geniuses who entered the inner gate in the same courtyard as me!"

Looking at the back of Zhang Qingyuan's departure.

Shen Hongzhou said.

There are some mixed flavors in my mind.

"At the time of the Outer Sect Competition, that guy was in the mid-eighth stage, but in the eighth-fold realm, almost no one could compete with him. He had mastered several martial arts and even perfect martial arts, and he was a genius who understood the artistic conception. "

"After more than a year, it is already inferior to the mid-Ninefold realm..."

Shen Hongzhou briefly explained and made everyone around him amazed ~ www.readwn.com~ This kind of strength can indeed bear the name of genius.

What they didn't know was that Zhang Qingyuan was stronger than they thought.

Shen Hongzhou did not elaborate.

At this moment, there was something wrong in his heart.

Three years ago and earlier, when he was at the outer door, Zhang Qingyuan at that time was just an inconspicuous outer disciple.

He didn't even bother to look at it, let alone remember the name.

Seventy to eighty people in the Seventeenth House change a lot of blood every three years.

Come and go.

As a first-class genius at the top, who would have the mind to pay attention to the wide range of ordinary lower-level fellow monks in the same sect?

Different levels are not necessary.

But now.

In just a few short years, the status of each other has been completely reversed.

When did it start, the one who began to shine with his own light and let himself start to remember that name?

Shen Hongzhou was a little surprised.

It seems that after breaking through the seventh layer, a fellow named Yao Ping challenged.

After that battle that shocked almost half of the Seventeen Courtyard.

Then all the way forward by leaps and bounds.


Then he defeated himself, entered the top ten, and then bloomed in the Outer Gate Competition, which made almost all the disciples in the Seventeenth Courtyard feel shocked, invincible within the eighth realm, leapfrogged the challenge and defeated the early nines.

Until now, I have left myself far behind me all the way!

Looking at Zhang Qingyuan's leaving figure,

For a while,

Shen Hongzhou was full of unspeakable feelings in his heart.


ps: Two changes will be made today, and will be updated again and again tomorrow.

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