"Zhang Shangxian, you are here, please here."

Somewhere in the pavilion in the mountains, the old man named Xu who arrived early and waited saw Zhang Qingyuan flying by lightly not far away, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet the tunnel.

"Lao Zhang is the old senior of the Xu family? It doesn't have to be like that. Let Lao Zhang wait early, but it's a shame to the younger generation."

Zhang Qingyuan fell from a distance.

There was a wry smile on his face.

He had been ahead of time for a while, but he didn't expect the other party to be earlier. Although the realm of the old man surnamed Xu is not as good as him, the value of respecting the old and loving the young cultivated in the previous life is not so easy to break.

"It's not early, it's not early, waiting for the arrival of the immortal is what the old man waits for."

The old man from the Xu family was smiling and flattering.

The two talked and laughed.

But it made Xu Biyun on the side a little unhappy in his heart.

This was the first time he saw Grandpa's humble attitude.

Zhang Qingyuan, who had a bad preconceived impression of him, was in his heart.

It's even worse.

"Shang Xian, this time our Xu family hopes that you can help us to clean up the monster beasts entrenched near a newly-emerged spiritual land for our Xu family, and help our Xu family occupy that spiritual land."

"As a reward, our Xu family will give you the red flames of real gold left by our ancestors. However, if we know some news about the white porcelain Sanyin soil, our ancestors of the Xu family did not have the ability to obtain it, so we stayed in the family. In the record, only the gods can get it by themselves at that time."

Speaking of this, the old man in the Xu family was a little embarrassed.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't care at all about this.

It is great to be able to get news.

Zhang Qingyuan also speculated about the reason why the Xu family in front of them possessed these two things. I am afraid that it was not because their previous family had been lavish and prepared to open an alchemy furnace.

As a result, the family fell down before the materials were ready.

The preciousness of the two materials also made the Xu family dare not show it to others. This time they took it out as a reward, which was to let Zhang Qingyuan help attack a piece of spiritual land in the mountains and forests near the Xu family, and replace these temporarily unused treasures into Can strengthen the foundation of their family heritage.

However, no matter what the other party's reason is, anyway, his goal can be well obtained in Xu's family.

"But Shangxian, that opponent's monster beast is very strong. Investigations have found that there are at least three nine-fold monster beasts, but you need to find someone to help?"

"It's okay, as long as there is no monster beast in the True Element Realm, then Zhang will have no enemy that cannot be killed."

Zhang Qingyuan smiled confidently.

With his strength, he really has the qualifications to say this.


Suddenly there was a voice around him.

"Who wouldn't say big things, if you lose at that time, who will be responsible."

It was Xu Biyun who had been beside him without a word.

Zhang Qingyuan turned his head, his eyes calm.

The old man Xu's complexion changed drastically and his eyes were angry.

However, facing the glaring gaze of the old man in Xu's family, Xu Biyun held his head boldly, without the slightest push back.

Zhang Qingyuan chuckled lightly.

"Zhang Mou really said nothing."

"This time Zhang was invited by your Xu family, so I don’t want to be underestimated by you, so, kid, I think you can only cultivate to the sixth level of Lingyuan, then I will treat me next In the early stage of Lingyuan’s strength, let you attack. If you can knock me back by half a step, then it will count as if I lose."

Zhang Qingyuan's face was indifferent, but his words showed no mercy.

When he arrived, he had already seen the expression of dissatisfaction on the face of the young man in the pavilion.

In this regard, Zhang Qingyuan did not have the slightest plan to get used to the other party.

There is no such thing as the idea of ​​waiting for the development of the plot under the faint provocation of the other party, facing the suspicion and despising gaze of others.

For example, after the other party hired a few outsiders from the outside world to provoke and ridicule, and then later in the task of clearing the forest monster beast, the few outsiders who joined later failed miserably, and finally relied on Zhang Qingyuan to turn the tide...

This kind of first depression, then depression, and finally the protagonist burst into a refreshing frenzied face.

In Zhang Qingyuan's previous life, the author had already used it so skillfully that Zhang Qingyuan was very familiar with it, and he was even able to fill in the plot of tens of thousands of words in his mind.

He Zhang Qingyuan is not immune to this kind of anger.

For a problem that can be solved from the beginning, there is no need to pretend to be slapped in the face later.

This and his plan of action are not at all helpful.

On the contrary, it may drag him down.

Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan showed no resistance to his strength before the mission.

So he directly picked the kid who was unhappy with him, and challenged him in an almost humiliating way.

Who made this kid face him upset.

Still provoked him at the very beginning.

Zhang Qingyuan's attitude.

It's like the villain who looks down on the protagonist.

Make Xu Biyun extremely angry.

The other party is completely looking down on him!

Suppress your strength in the early stage of Lingyuan, and fight against a Lingyuan Sixth Layer. Who do you look down on!

Even if the gap between the cultivators in the early and mid stages of the Lingyuan Realm was not as big as that in the later stages, the leapfrog challenge is not a difficult task, but there has never been a case of being able to leapfrog the Lingyuan Sixth Layer in the early stage of the Lingyuan Realm!

The mockery of this.

It's just like asking you to challenge me, letting you stand still with your hands and feet.

That is completely seeing oneself as a waste material, a weak slag!

This kind of superior attitude.

Let Xu Biyun feel a great insult!

For a moment,

The anger in Xu Biyun's heart burst open, filling his chest.

"This is what you said!"

His face was already flushed.

The flame of anger, almost erupted from his eyes.

"Grandpa, you don't need to say any more, you can punish me whatever you want when you go back, but today I must teach him well!"

The old man Xu Xing's complexion changed wildly.

Just about to stop.

But at this moment, Zhang Qingyuan's voice came from beside him.

"Lao Zhang Xu, I already know what you are asking for this time. It's just to expel and clean the wild monsters that are entrenched in the mountains. This is nothing to me, but if Zhang does not show some strength, how can I? Convincing, Zhang doesn't want to delay too much time here~www.readwn.com~Lao Zhang, you should watch it from the sidelines."

In a faint voice.

Zhang Qingyuan waved a palm of his hand casually, as light as a volatile and calm lake, without the slightest smell of fireworks.

But with his move.

Just in time, an invisible force was generated out of thin air, but the old Xu family, whose cultivation base was also in the Seventh Layer of Lingyuan, had no resistance at all, so he was directly taken flying by Zhang Qingyuan with the palm of his hand and left a few feet away.

A palm forced the old man of the Xu family away, dividing the battlefield.

The Xu family elders were particularly shocked by this method of lifting weights lightly.

He never thought that the opponent would have such a strong strength that he could not even resist.

Xu Biyuan on the side faced this powerful method.

I also felt shocked in my heart. ,

In the past, Xu Biyun was more aware of his grandfather's powerful strength when he was often taught by his grandfather. It can be said that in the current Xu family, his grandfather is the most powerful one.

But even so.

Under Zhang Qingyuan's actions, there is still no resistance at all!

"But, so what?!"

Even dare to fight against me with the Lingyuan triple cultivation base. I really think I am a waste!

Let me teach you a lesson!

In his heart, Xu Biyun's heart was even more angry.


Seeing this, the old man surnamed Xu on the side was worried, but he could only sigh helplessly.

I just hope that Zhang Qingyuan in front of him can be an adult regardless of the villain's faults, just a little lesson, not to be more prosecuted.

And in fact,

If Zhang Qingyuan became angry from embarrassment after his failure, he would be helpless.

"bring it on."

Zhang Qingyuan's voice was flat while standing in the field.

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