"The condensed spiritual consciousness allows me to control my own strength more carefully, and further enhance the ability of spells and martial arts, and it is more than that."

"The improvement of spiritual consciousness also allows me to use the water-preserving technique more profoundly!"

After sorting out his own practice system, Zhang Qingyuan secretly said in his heart.

The effect of the fragments of Taiyi alchemy on Zhang Qingyuan.

It cannot be said to be insignificant.

Let alone other things, it's just that when Zhang Qingyuan was in the outer sect, the water-preserving technique given to him by Liu Zhangyuan was already a significant increase in his own improvement.

You know, now Zhang Qingyuan is practicing the One Yuan Kuaishui Sutra.

The spirit element in the body is more refined and strong.

It was almost like a river and sea rushing, and the spirit element alone was not inferior to the average late-stage cultivator of the Nine Layers.

Coupled with the artistic conception of water understood by Zhang Qingyuan.

In cooperation with each other,

A punch and a palm is enough to set off a monstrous wave, gradually crushing the enemy with unstoppable force.

Water imperial art itself is an auxiliary spell that strengthens the monk's imperial emissary water element.

And Zhang Qingyuan, who understood the artistic conception of water, coupled with his vigorous water attribute spirit element, can almost directly be regarded as a majestic water element power, driven by the secret technique of water imperialism.

Zhang Qingyuan now.

You don't even need to use magic or martial arts, just roll up the monstrous spirit element at will, and control it with the imperial water technique, and you can achieve an attack that is not inferior to the martial arts performed by the monks in the early stage of the nine layers!

It's only in terms of imperial water technique.

The improvement of Zhang Qingyuan's improvement by practicing Taiyi God Refining Technique can be seen!

It only takes a while to digest the harvest this time.

Then he is confident,

The strength must be greatly increased!

"If Gao Wenhao or Wang Zhiliang have not been promoted to a half-step Zhenyuan, then with my current methods, it is enough to compete with them!"

Clench a fist and feel its majestic power.

Zhang Qingyuan is confident and authentic.

Although when he was in the Monster Beast Mountain Range, Zhang Qingyuan once blatantly killed the opponent during the siege of a nine-fold consummation monk in the late stage of the nine-fold.

However, those who can join the Yunshui Sect's inner sect belong to one of the kind of geniuses in the hundred.

The martial arts and martial arts practiced are more diverse.

This is not comparable to outside monks.

But even so,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't have the slightest fear.

Just when Zhang Qingyuan was confident for his own improvement.


A sharp crow piercing through the air came from high above the sky!


It was seen that most of the silver-luan chickadee, whose injury had healed, descended from the sky with a gust of wind, and fell in front of Zhang Qingyuan, raising a cloud of dust and smoke.

Then a silver head kept leaning on Zhang Qingyuan's body.

Begged him for food.

"You glutton..."

Seeing the silver-luan **** that was constantly leaning toward his arms with the beak dangling from the corner of his clothes, Zhang Qingyuan also showed a look of helplessness.

Brought this guy back since that day.

And after referring to the beast control technique to refine the spirit within him into a monster under his control, this guy recovered from his injuries under the care of Zhang Qingyuan.

I got acquainted with him soon.

I don't know if it was because Zong Yueyun had stayed with this guy.

Yinluan Titmouse seems to have a higher wisdom than other ordinary monsters.

Even know how to observe words and colors.

Every time I saw Zhang Qingyuan finished his practice, he would come up to ask for a pill when he was in a good mood.

No matter what kind of pill, they couldn't wait to put them all in their mouths, and the higher the level of the pill, the more he liked it.

"Alright, alright, here it is for you."

Zhang Qingyuan took out a bottle of Qi Gathering Pill, which was made daily to maintain the alchemy feel from his storage bag, and sprinkled it on a basin beside it.

The silver **** tit ran over with excitement.

Peck off one pill in one bite.

Swallowing the Qi Gathering Pill in the basin one after another.

This Qi Gathering Pill itself is nothing to Zhang Qingyuan, it is only used to consolidate alchemy and daily refining tasks, plus the value is not high, Zhang Qingyuan does not bother to run around for such a small aura. city.

Might as well feed this guy directly.

Staring at the appearance of the silver luan **** eating the spirit pill, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly got a little distracted.

Sometimes I feel that I’m tired of practicing, fishing, planting and farming, and feeding this guy a good leisurely life. Comprehension requires a combination of work and rest.

At least it was calm.


A bottle of pill was swallowed up.

Turning his head to Zhang Qingyuan's side again.

Looking at Zhang Qingyuan with both eyes eagerly,

Head down and scream in a low voice.

"Okay, I'm here for today, let's go play, don't run too far."

Zhang Qingyuan touched the head of this greedy guy speechlessly.

If you are not working as an alchemist at the same time, you might really not be able to feed it.

And there is not much self-control.

Last time,

Zhang Qingyuan put too much medicine, and as a result, this guy was also suffocating. He didn't stop and almost broke himself to death.

Since then.

Zhang Qingyuan knew that this little guy shouldn't be too indulgent, otherwise it would be a big joke if it was just like the stuffed goldfish in the previous life.

The Yinluan Titmouse circled around Zhang Qingyuan for a few times~www.readwn.com~ his head rubbed against Zhang Qingyuan.

Indicates closeness.

Then he whispered pitifully and didn't give up begging for food.

But Zhang Qingyuan did not waver at all.

"You fellow, if you eat any more, you have to die. I'm here today. Go and play by yourself. Be careful not to get too far away from Xuanshui Peak, otherwise I can't save you if I'm caught and stewed."

Silently patted the huge wings, and Zhang Qingyuan spoke authentically.

See here,

There was also a humanized reluctance flashed in the eyes of the silver luan tit, but with a little wisdom, it knew that today's share of the pill was indeed gone.

The owner of his own is very firm, and if he says no, he won't give it no matter what.

If you want to beg for food, you can only wait until the next time the master breaks through, and you can come again when you are in a good mood.

The silver **** turned around, spreading its wings and flying to the sky.

Decisively leave Zhang Qingyuan behind.


Run after eating.

Zhang Qingyuan was a little speechless.

But Zhang Qingyuan didn't care.

You don't need it for the time being, just keep it.

And in the inner door, there is no need to worry about the safety of this guy.

In the inner sect, the disciples in the interior tamed monsters and beasts.

Just report in the sect,

It will not cause too much trouble.

So this guy flew to the sky alone and swam around and played, Zhang Qingyuan didn't care.

Finished feeding the silver luan tit.

On the next day, Zhang Qingyuan took Chi Yan real gold and white porcelain Sanyin clay, the two main materials for refining magical artifact-level pill furnaces, and went to look for Lin Yan in the direction of Lieyang Peak.

He planned to fix the alchemy furnace of this magical device series before Xuanshuifeng's second year of ranking competition.

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