"My top ten should be stable now. Even in the face of those weaker ten shows that failed to advance to the real yuan realm, I have a certain degree of certainty that I can win."

"It's a pity that I haven't been able to break through to the Nine-fold Consummation. Otherwise, even if I am number one, I will be able to compete for one or two!"

Inside the cave,

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning in the dim space.

Light up the space.

After sorting out his own strength and means, Zhang Qingyuan thought secretly in his heart.

In fact, with Zhang Qingyuan's current strength, if he is facing a half-step True Element Realm cultivator from the outside world, he will also have an 80 to 90% chance of defeating the opponent.

But it was a pity that it was placed among the new inner disciples.

He doesn't have much confidence that overwhelms the contemporary.

Everyone who can be promoted to the inner sect is a favorite of heaven, belonging to a genius and the like.

For example, Gao Wenhao is a genius who understands the meaning of the sword and integrates the artistic conception into the technique of the sword.

Compared with Zhang Qingyuan, it is not vulgar.

There are not a few geniuses in the top ten who possess a variety of powerful methods, and Gao Wenhao did not rank much in the outer door competition that year.

Zhang Qingyuan is very clear about this.

Among a group of ordinary people, it is not difficult to leapfrog the challenge.

But if in a group of geniuses.

If you want to leapfrog the challenge, the difficulty increases dramatically.

So if you want to compete for the first place and get more rewards.

Only step into the Nine-fold Consummation,

It is possible to have a greater opportunity.


Now that the cultivation base has been promoted to the peak of the late stage nine, if you want to make a breakthrough, this step will take at least half a year.

This is still under the auxiliary practice of Guishui Pill!

If there is no auxiliary practice of Guishui Dan.

It will take at least one year.

And the distance ratio,

It's been less than two months.

At this moment,

It is not enough for Zhang Qingyuan to make a breakthrough.

"No matter, if you can't be the first, you can't be the first. As long as you can get into the top 10, it's enough to get a condensed real pill."

Zhang Qingyuan sighed in his heart.

The reward for the first place is naturally excellent.

But now I am not strong enough, so I don't have to say anything, I must strive for the first place.

For the first,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't have any necessary determination.

Do what you can,

Do your best to the best of your ability.

There was a slight unwillingness in his heart, but it was soon suppressed.

Continue to practice and improve.


However, after all, Zhang Qingyuan could not continue to retreat for too long.

Not long ago,

Letter from Lieyangfeng Lin Yan.

Yan Dao had agreed to explore the underground river of Xuanshui last time.

In this regard,

Zhang Qingyuan did not delay either.

Reply directly to let the other party find some time, and I'm ready for everything.

You can start at any time.

Both of them passed the letter a few times, and finally determined the departure time.


A few days later.

Zhang Qingyuan and Lin Yan had already reappeared in the underground river of Xuanshui.

"The Xuanshui Dark River was suppressed by the sect's magic circle with great magical powers. It is divided into three levels. The first level is the spiritual element realm monks can enter, and the second level is the range where the true element realm can move. As for the third level, Among the rumors, only Dong Zhenxian is qualified to enter."

In the huge dark river, there is no lack of light.

As a half landlord, Zhang Qingyuan is giving Lin Yan and Xuanshui underground river a lot of knowledge.

In any case, Zhang Qingyuan is a disciple of Xuan Shuifeng.

After the last turmoil in the underground river of Xuanshui, Zhang Qingyuan specifically inquired about the underground river of Xuanshui in the sect.

In the description of Zongmen's information.

The underground river of Xuanshui leads directly to the depths of the earth veins, extending to an abyss where the margins cannot be seen far away.

A large amount of Shui Yuan power was engulfed by the dark river from the abyss of the earth veins, turned into a tributary, passed under the Xuanshui Peak, and was finally captured by the sect, and turned it into another cultivation treasure for the disciples of the Yunshui Sect with the magic circle. .

A lot of spiritual materials.

The power of the strong water element.

It is undoubtedly a great cultivation resource output of Yunshui Sect.

"Within a ten-mile radius below Xuanshui Peak, it is a place shrouded by a large array. It is relatively safe and is where many disciples practice. Also because too many monks gather here, there are all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth. Basically it has been scraped clean."

"The safe area covered by the formation is only suitable for self-cultivation."

"If you want to get more spiritual materials, you can only go to the outer domain outside the envelope of the big formation."

"The outer realm outside the large array is relatively dangerous, and the sect disciples' exploration level is relatively low. In that vast area, more water-attribute spiritual materials can be found."

"However, the stronger the underground aquarium is, the more it needs the support of a huge water element. Therefore, a powerful underground aquarium can only be found in the population of the abyss."

"As long as we wander and search in the shallow area, we basically won't encounter a monster that is too strong, and it is relatively safe."

The last time the underground river of Xuanshui changed.

Zhang Qingyuan was fought by Wang Yuenian to close the gap in the magic circle. This circle is where the area under Xuanshui Peak is used as a safe practice area for sect disciples.

Do not allow too many threats to disturb the practice of the middle school disciple.

That's why Zhang Qingyuan temporarily blocked the entrance ~www.readwn.com~ to prevent these powerful underground aquariums from entering, disturbing the safety of the area.

In game terms, the place covered by the formation is the safe zone.

If you want to go out and explore to get resources.

You can only get out of the safe zone and go out for adventure.

"Understood, this time I have to rely on Daoyou Zhang for help."

Lin Yan thanked him by his side.

What he practices is the fire-attribute exercises.

In this place full of water power, the strength of his body has been suppressed a lot, and he can only play 60% at most.

This is why Lin Yan asked Zhang Qingyuan for help.

"Brother Lin, don't be polite. Last time Brother Lin spent a lot of time helping me refine magic artifacts, didn't he say anything?"

Zhang Qingyuan waved his hand.

For Lin Yan, he still regarded the other party as a friend.

"Let's go, it's late."

Lin Yan nodded.

Then the two figures swam towards the distance.

At the junction of formation and Outland, there are special entrances and exits.

Others are patrolling the entrances and exits.

The two registered their identities,

The guards who inspected were sure that they were correct, and released the two of them out of the formation.


Step out of the light curtain.

The outside world is changeable.

Beyond the array light curtain, there was a gloomy water.


Hidden in the darkness are not many dangers, but also many treasures of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, for a cultivator, his eyesight is far better than that of ordinary people, and even if he completely loses his vision, he can still search and observe through spiritual consciousness.

The two looked at each other.

Without hesitation, he plunged into the undercurrent in the distance and entered the vast underground waters.

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