
Yao Pojun waved his hand and led everyone away.

And at this time,

When everyone was not paying attention, Yao Ping glanced deeply at the place where Zhang Qingyuan had left behind.

His eyes were filled with incomparable complexity.

Three years,

The ranking conflict on that day, the scene where I challenged it in the next month.

It's like yesterday.

After that conflict, Yao Ping almost followed behind him, watching the opponent rise step by step.

First, he defeated himself, then Shen Hongzhou, then the Outer Gate Ten Academy Little Bi, and then the Outer Door Big Competition, successfully entering the semi-finals.

The territory of Yae is invincible, leapfrog challenge and defeat the early stage of Kuo.

Become a legend that is still circulating in the Seventeen Courtyard.

In my own attention.

Rise step by step.

Until I can't touch it anymore!

The opponent that he looked down on in the past surpassed himself in a blink of an eye, watching the opponent step by step to widen the distance and step onto a higher stage.

This kind of feeling undoubtedly made Yao Ping feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Before today,

He was not reconciled yet, and was cruel in his heart.

After Zhang Qingyuan entered the inner gate to practice, he worked hard and practiced hard.

Want to one day, enter the inner goal and step on the opponent's feet.

But now,

When we meet again three years later, the strength and status of each other are already vastly different.

Never see the other side's back again.

Now Yao Ping has reached the mid-eighth stage, and his strength ranks in the forefront of the Seventeenth Academy. This kind of progress has actually been extremely impressive.

But under Zhang Qingyuan’s one move,

The strong monster beasts of the nine-fold perfection were all killed by a single move.

This degree of gap,

Basically, it has reached a huge gap in the ravine like a sky moat.

For more than three years,

Yao Ping's heart was completely dissipated at this moment.

Looking back at the direction of Zhang Qingyuan's departure, Yao Ping followed the team and left far away, full of complexity in his heart.


Zhang Qingyuan naturally has no way of knowing Yao Ping's inner activities.

When Yao Pojun asked for help,

He recognized Yao Ping in the team through a distance of hundreds of meters.


Three years have passed since the conflict at the outer door.

passing of the times,

Dilute everything.

The gap between them was already a huge difference, and Zhang Qingyuan did not have any retaliatory mentality anymore.

This feeling,

I just thought of being poor a few years ago, I was ridiculed and looked down upon, thinking that one day I will achieve something and I must slap the other side severely.

After several years of hard work, his wealth has become extremely rich and his wealth is tens of millions.

Once again I met the person who mocked myself back then.

Look at each other.

But after several years of hard work, I have seen a wider world, and for a person who once mocked himself, he has long no longer felt the anger of that day.

The level between each other, the gap has long been the existence of two worlds.

He didn't want to fight back and respond to the other party's thoughts.

Or put it another way.

That is speechless silence, naked reality contrasting face-slapped, is the best response.

The reality is the same.

Zhang Qingyuan quickly forgot about Yao Ping.

at this time,

What he is more concerned about is the situation in the groundwater area.

Since that day, they separated from Yao Pojun. Zhang Qingyuan and Lin Yan continued to explore, killing monsters along the way, and seizing the treasures guarded by the monsters.

Under Zhang Qingyuan's powerful strength.

It has also gained a lot, and did not encounter too many troubles.


As it gets deeper and deeper.

Zhang Qingyuan's complexion also became more solemn.

Because although these aquatic monsters won't cause too much trouble for him, the deeper they explore, the stronger the monsters' strength will increase.

On one occasion, he was attacked by a three-headed nine-fold mid-term aquatic monster.

After Jin beheaded them, he did not encounter the treasures of heaven and earth that they guarded around.

this means,

The three monsters of the middle stage of the nine-fold, left their lair territory!

This is a signal that a monster is about to go unrest.

Among the classics of the sect.

More powerful monsters generally only stay in their fixed lairs, guarding the heaven, material and earth treasures inside, and practice cultivation with the help of the spiritual energy released by the heaven, material and earth treasures.

Once encountered a large number of monsters leaving the territory.

That means the occurrence of accidents.

or it could be,

Monster tide!

Zhang Qingyuan had never experienced the demonic beast tide mentioned in the classics of the sect, and could not determine whether the three monster beasts that left the domain were recruited by the beast tide.

But he clearly felt it.

The monster beast in this underground water area seems to have become a lot irritable.

Lenovo a year ago,

I refined the essence of Guishui in the underground river of Xuanshui, and then was attacked by monsters.

A bad feeling came to my heart.

"Brother Lin, haven't you found what you need?"

A few days later.

With one move, the monster in the mouth of the dark river valley filled with water and grass was beheaded, and the blood was splashed. Zhang Qingyuan was not at all excited about beheading the enemy, but looked very dignified.

"There has been an accident in this underground water area, and it can't go deeper!"

In the past few days ~www.readwn.com~ because Lin Yan's strength in the water has been greatly reduced, and Zhang Qingyuan himself is the main one in the fight, so he can more clearly feel the changes in these aquatic monsters.

More powerful, and more irritable.

Even if oneself and others have never entered the other's territory, they will encounter fierce attacks from these aquatic monsters.

Along the way.

They have seen many monsters killing each other, and the monster energy of riots swept through.

The scene of blood splattering.

Fighting everywhere.

Very fierce.

"What the **** happened?! There seems to be no description of this kind of change in the sect classics!"

Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

At this moment, a retreat was already born.


He is still a relatively stable person.

When encountering danger, the first thing I think of is not the hidden opportunities inside, but how to avoid it.

"Not yet, let's continue to explore for a few more days, Daoyou Zhang, this counts as I owe you a favor!"

Lin Yan obviously felt something was wrong.

But after all, he gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

Seriously and authentically.

Zhang Qingyuan was silent.

"Two days, two days at most! If you can't find what I want in two days, then let's retreat!"

Seeing Lin Yan so firm.

Zhang Qingyuan thought for a moment,

Judging from the current strength of the monster beast, it could not threaten his life for the time being.

As long as there is no monster in the True Element Realm.

Basically safe.

"No matter, let's search for two more days, but then again, if you can't find it after two days, then you must retreat."

"That's natural."

The two agreed,

Searched around for a while, and then continued to search forward.

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