Now that the decision has been made, Zhang Qingyuan will naturally not regret it.


The reason why Zhang Qingyuan agrees with Lin Yan's decision is essentially because there is a certain danger in continuing to explore, but the danger is not too great.

Far from reaching the level of nine deaths.

As long as you don't encounter difficult enemies.

Then Zhang Qingyuan was confident that it was not a problem to escape back to the sect with his own strength.

And the chance of encountering a monster in the realm of true essence,


But it's definitely not big.


Lin Yan also took out a broken jade slip that he had obtained, and referred to it with Zhang Qingyuan.

This is the notepad of a senior in the inner sect of Yunshui Sect.

It's already a bit dilapidated.

The information recorded in it is intermittent, but fortunately, with just a few words, some of the information can be explored after all.

The master of the jade slip was a true elementary monk from the inner door hundreds of years ago.

In an adventure,

Obtained a 700-year-old green lotus with clear water.

It's just that the blue water and green lotus damaged the foundation and vitality because of unknown reasons.

The whole green lotus has become extremely sluggish.

In order to be able to restore the spiritual foundation of the clear water and green lotus, the senior took it into the underground water below Xuanshui Peak.

Use the majestic water essence in the underground river to continuously accumulate, hoping to achieve the effect of restoring the blue water and green lotus.

But put it into the groundwater and let it recover.

People can't stay by their side forever.

In order to hide the deeds, so as not to be stolen.

That senior specially ran to the underground waters outside the sect, and found a very secret place where few people went to plant it.

At the same time, a magic circle was laid to hide the aura fluctuations.


The senior was also very smart, and did not place it in the deeper abyss because the water essence of the underground abyss was more rich and abundant.

Instead, it planted the green lotus on the periphery of the groundwater.

That is to say, only the spiritual element realm monk activities, the real element realm monk's trace is basically invisible in the outer area of ​​Shangzeng.

With his cultivation in the realm of true essence,

Obviously, it is difficult to find the clues of the hidden magic circle that was laid out only by the spiritual element realm cultivator.

In this way,

Naturally it is foolproof.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven.

Now that this broken jade slip note had fallen into Lin Yan's hands, in all likelihood, that senior fell in midway due to some reason.

The layout of the year,

Instead, Zhang Qingyuan and Lin Yan were cheaper.

"The east of the underground water area, if calculated according to the foot strength of the true element realm cultivator, should be in the remote periphery a hundred miles away."

"It's just that there are many undercurrents in this underground water area, and there are huge undercurrents crisscrossing each other, it is really difficult to tell the direction."

"Fortunately, the senior was afraid that he would forget the road after leaving for a few years, and he also wrote down some relatively special road signs around..."

Spiritual consciousness swept through the broken jade slips.

Browse many of the information.

Zhang Qingyuan thought secretly in his heart.

"If you guessed it correctly, the intersection of the four dark rivers recorded here is the fork we passed through two days ago, right?"

After browsing,

Zhang Qingyuan was calm and honest.

In fact,

Zhang Qingyuan also discovered that the jade slip that Lin Yan gave him was only part of the diary.

Obviously it was specially selected by the other party.

What the other party needs,

Obviously there are records on other jade slips.

But Zhang Qingyuan obviously didn't intend to ask.

The other party has the needs of the other party and also has opportunities that belong to the other party.

No matter what Lin Yan needs.

It doesn't matter how big his chances are.

Zhang Qingyuan only needs the one thousand-year-old clear water green lotus, which is enough.

There is not enough heart to swallow the elephant.

In this world, not all good things belong to oneself.

at this point,

Zhang Qingyuan knew very clearly.

"Yes, it should be there."

"It was precisely because I found the location mark that day that I asked Brother Zhang to continue searching for two more days. I didn't expect that the past two days will still have nothing."

Lin Yan sighed.

Although compared to that thing, the clear water and green lotus of these thousand years are not comparable.

But such precious spiritual things give up,

After all, there was a trace of regret in Lin Yan's heart.

"It will take another quarter of an hour to arrive after leaving the four-way junction. With the feet of the True Essence Realm, it is at least ten miles away. It is normal to not find it in two days."

Zhang Qingyuan roughly calculated it in his mind and said.

According to the information in the broken jade slip notes,

The four fork in the road is the last terrain mark.

In other words,

If you continue to search around here, you should be able to find the place where the clear water and green lotus is.

"After all, it's something that the cultivators of the True Origin Realm deliberately hide, plus the secret of the hidden place, you still need to inquire a little bit more carefully."

The two faced the information given by the broken jade slip.

Discuss with each other.

The exchange of views between each other also roughly determined the place where the green lotus might be harboring the clear water.


The two continued to search.


In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Within these three days,

The two use spiritual consciousness,

Searching almost inch by inch.

Fortunately, Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual knowledge is extremely large, and Lin Yan is not weak as a refiner, so this similar carpet search did not delay too much.

It's just trouble repeating, it is inevitable.

During this period.

Two more batches of sect law enforcement monks passed by them, announcing the sect’s order, allowing them to leave quickly and return to the sect.

In this regard,

The two behaved well.

But after the law enforcement monk left, he continued to search around.

It's just that both of them have more urgency in their hearts.

Because the teams of law enforcement monks that I encountered seemed to be marching from all directions toward the abyss, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why this remote place would encounter the monks of the sect.

And I haven't seen anyone returning for the time being.

In addition, during the search process, the monster beast encountered became more and more irritable.

The water seemed to be filled with a manic breath.

Both of them clearly felt a sense of wind and rain.

I am afraid,

What's wrong with this groundwater area!


Neither Zhang Qingyuan nor Lin Yan had the mind to think about what happened, and the two of them worked harder to search around.

Finally it's the fourth day.

When Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness swept through a turbulent undercurrent of a turbulent river,

A small hole was found beside a huge boulder.

This kind of hole,

The terrain is extremely irregular, and the underground waters lined with caves and underground rivers are the most normal.


Zhang Qingyuan was keenly aware of the spiritual consciousness that was several times stronger than the ordinary late-stage cultivator of the Nine Layers, that a small opening tortuously stretched in the rock formation, extremely deep!


At the moment Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness swept through, a flash of fluctuations came from inside!


found it!

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