
"Although the kid was demoted to the South China Sea by the senior management, he is still one of the top sects. It hasn't been long since this incident. If I do it, I will definitely be found on me! The people in the law enforcement hall are not vegetarian! "

The comer directly asserted rejection.

"Hehe, don't think I know nothing."

"Yes, I am a trash, yes!"

"But my eyes are not blind yet!"

"Zongmen? Zongmen is a **** to you! What's more, that kid was demoted to the South China Sea. It is not too easy to clean up the traces on the sea!"

"Help me! Help me get rid of that little beast!"

"That thing is yours!"

"Otherwise, I would rather take this secret into the grave!"

Wan Dehua stubbornly grasped the cold mysterious iron railing in front, causing the surrounding iron chains to rattle, and on the remaining arm, the blue veins violent.

Both eyes were scarlet.

The person's complexion is a bit ugly.

But when I think of that thing, I can raise my trash brother to a half-step true essence. If I can get that thing, wouldn't it be as powerful as a tiger?

Since I knew the existence of such a thing.

He has been planning for several years.

It's a pity that my half-brother is trash, but he is not small in his mind and has never been able to find a chance.


The opportunity lies ahead!

Nothing more,

Even if it is finally discovered, how about being chased by the Zongmen Law Enforcement Hall? !

The big deal goes straight out of Yuzhou!

Thinking like this.

There was a serious flash of light from the visitor.

"it is good!"

"Tell me where you hid your stuff!"

"You take the oath of heaven first!"

In the cell, Wan Dehua, who was extremely embarrassed, opened his mouth, revealing a grinning smile.

A quarter of an hour later.

The time for the visit has come.

The figure in front of the cell was taken away by the guard monk.

And in the dark.

The crazy Wan Dehua raised his head, and his muddy face was full of crazy smiles.

"Hahaha! Zhang Qingyuan, I am waiting for you below!"

Laugh three times.



There was a muffled hum in the body, and the remaining spirit essence exploded.

Dantian collapsed.

The meridians are all broken.

With a big mouth of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, with a grinning smile, the vitality of Wandehua in the cell disappeared for a while.


Wan Dehua is already crazy!

The road is cut off.

Even more, he was thrown into this dark ice prison and endured the pain of 20 years of wind and cold. At that moment, he was destined to become a waste.

The reason why there is still a breath is just to drag him into **** with the culprit who left him in such a world.


After getting the oath of heaven from his nominal younger brother.

He couldn't stand the pain for the next twenty years.

I chose suicide directly!


Changes within the sect.

Zhang Qingyuan is naturally unclear.

After rushing on the road in a low-key manner for more than half a month, Zhang Qingyuan entered the territory of Nanhai and came to Tiannancheng where the Nanhai branch of the Zongmen in Nanhai is located.


It can be said that it is the center of power established by the Yunshui Sect in Nanhai.

It is no different from the governor's mansion in the colonies in Zhang Qingyuan's pre-Yuan Dynasty.

The handover was completed at the Nanhai Branch of Yunshuizong.

Zhang Qingyuan was assigned hundreds of miles away, and a place called Yuelian Islands was guarded and the Yunshui Zong guard was established.

Suppress the surrounding monsters, fight against bandits, and protect the safety of the people there.

For ten years.

There are five hundred Lingshi as a subsidy for the guards every year.


Usually, you can leave the Yuelian Islands for a short time according to your own wishes, go out at sea or explore other places, and there is no limit to staying on the Yuelian Islands.

But the prerequisite is to determine the safety of the inhabitants of the islands.

Ensure the amount of cultivation resources produced by the residents of the islands every month. Once residents are damaged by an attack or the resources produced in the month are reduced, they will be punished.

Similarly, population increases or output increases.

You can also get a certain reward share.

After the handover, Zhang Qingyuan also had a general understanding of his responsibilities.

The deacon over the branch wanted to take office within three months.

So Zhang Qingyuan is not in a hurry.

After staying in Tiannan City for more than ten days, he collected a lot of information about Haizhou, including the information in the Yuelian Islands that he was going to.

Tiannan City is a big city developed by the Yunshui Sect.

It is also an outpost for the Yunshui Sect to develop in Haizhou, where monks gather and various cultivation resources are rich, and it is almost the most informed place.

Collecting some information is not difficult.

Soon Zhang Qingyuan had a general understanding of the surrounding situation.

There is also a certain psychological plan for how to sit down and develop.

Then Zhang Qingyuan did not rush to take office.

Instead, he was going to the branch hospital to see if he could see the master of Mingshui Dao in front of Xuanshui Peak, as Senior Brother Wang Yuenian said.

See if you can hug your thighs.

But obviously Zhang Qingyuan is going to be disappointed.

According to the monks of the Zongmen Branch, the people in the waterway have already gone out to explore and travel, and they have not yet traveled. It may take a year or a half before they can return.

Without any choice.

Zhang Qingyuan also had to spend some spiritual stones to do a bit, and ask the other party to help send out the talisman after Mingshui Daoist returned.

Take the spirit stone.

The sect monk patted his chest quickly and promised that if he said something trivial, he would definitely not miss it~www.readwn.com~, bid farewell and leave the Nanhai Branch.

After that, Zhang Qingyuan also went to the Fangshi of Tiannan City and found that most of the cultivation resources produced in the vicinity were water-based spiritual objects.

Of course, there are still many ore collected by monks in the deep sea, real gold and so on.

All kinds of exotic customs, let Zhang Qingyuan feast his eyes.

Moreover, he has a clearer and deeper understanding of the place where he is going to be stationed. At the same time, from those who returned from overseas and sold spiritual objects, Zhang Qingyuan also learned more about surviving in the South China Sea.

After visiting Fang City.

Zhang Qingyuan still did not leave.

Although his mood has changed, it is not a reckless recklessness to have an edge in his heart. It is not his style to rashly plunge into the boundless place.

Before you are ready.

In other words, before the expiration of the three months of the sect, he did not plan to go.

Improve your practice, buy commonly used artifacts such as the Dharma boat, as well as some formations, and learn how to manipulate and master, bit by bit, to enhance your ability to survive in the South China Sea.

And every day I often go to the market to listen to various gossips.

at last,

In order to prevent an unpredictable crisis, Zhang Qingyuan took out the jade talisman that Liu Zhangyuan gave him back then that sealed the attack on the True Element Realm.

Relying on the powerful spiritual consciousness ability to spend a lot of time for sacrifice.

In order to be able to stimulate in the first time when in danger, as the most powerful hole card.

So carefully prepared bit by bit.

More than two months later.

Seeing that the time limit of the sect was about to arrive, the people of Mingshui Dao never returned.

Zhang Qingyuan, who was ready, could only leave.

Almost set off with full armor.

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