
At that moment.

Zhang Qingyuan, who had never relaxed his mind before, did not hesitate to think, his figure moved away from the void like a teleport, appearing ten feet away!

at the same time.

A sword light seemed to flash out an extremely subtle arc in the air, and then expanded at a certain moment, like a collapsed river bank, the sharp and boundless sword light reflected the sky, crashing like a meteor from the sky!

Boom boom boom! ! !

A huge roar.

The space seems to be disturbed.

The air is torn,

The wooden beams on the merchant ship, the keel of the magic weapon series, and the tall masts collapsed and shattered layer by layer under this terrifying vast sword light, as if there was nothing that could stop in front of the sword light.

Just a sword,

The entire merchant ship was almost split apart from the middle section, revealing a huge sword mark that almost cut off the entire ship!

The shock and shock of terror.

The monk shrouded in sword light was suddenly wiped out.

Even those who are farther away.

The heads seemed to have been hit, violently roared, and went blank.

"True Yuan Realm!!!"

Dangerously and dangerously avoiding this sword, Zhang Qingyuan's face did not show the slightest excitement, on the contrary, he was extremely horrified!

The complexion was extremely complex and the work started.

Did not dare to stay at all.

According to the plan already prepared, the silver luan **** was summoned from the spirit beast bag with a wave of hands, jumped onto the tit's back, and drove the opponent to flee quickly into the distance!

Disappeared into the distance in an instant.

"Oh, interesting!"

"The means of the Royal Beast Sect! It seems that the harvest this time should not be bad!"

In the dark night, the indifferent voice shook and opened, sweeping the audience.

Being with others is like facing a great figure above the sky, with aura sweeping across the world, involuntarily producing a feeling of the urge to kneel down!

I saw a figure driving a long sword leisurely emerge in the dark mid-air.

The momentum is terrifying.

Just stand there casually,

The sober people on the broken merchant ship were sweating and trembling.

"It's no wonder that you can defeat my stupid brother, so that you can't be killed, and you can only be proud to escape under the ambush of the True Primal Realm."

"It's just, can you escape?"

The real yuan surging under the feet.

The long sword magic weapon shining brightly, the next moment the figure of the True Origin Realm monk disappeared into the distance with a swish, and followed Zhang Qingyuan's direction.


His plan was only to kill the kid in the chaos secretly, and to blame the pirates, maybe he didn't have to escape from Yuzhou.

But what I didn't expect was that the strength of these pirates was so wasteful.

He was killed by that kid in a blink of an eye, so that he could not find a good assassination opportunity.

Without any choice.

I can only do it myself.

As for whether the news will be leaked.

After killing that kid, it shouldn't be a big problem to turn around and destroy all the people on the merchant ship.


Two streamers, one in front and one in the back, flashed quickly in mid-air.

After all, it was a true elementary realm monk.

Even though Zhang Qingyuan relied on the Yinluan titmouse to flee quickly, the light and shadow behind him were still approaching.

have no choice.

Zhang Qingyuan had to stop.

Landed on a rock.

"I don't remember that I once offended seniors. I wonder what seniors mean by this?"

The figure of the True Yuan Realm monk from behind came with sword.

Suspended in mid-air.

Looking condescendingly at Zhang Qingyuan.

"You want to know, so what if it makes you understand?"

"Wan Lean in this seat, Wan Dehua is the elder brother of this seat. He resents you deeply because you broke his way, so before leaving the sect, he asked me to send you to death."

Wan Lean is indifferent and authentic.

There is no concealment at all.

Indifferent eyes, as if looking at a dead person.


Zhang Qingyuan couldn't believe it.

He can't believe that the protagonist's bridge in the previous life will happen to him!

But then, a little bit of anger rose.

"Wan Dehua's final fate is nothing but karma. He committed crimes by himself, so what is it to do with me?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was calm.

But the anger in my heart began to grow stronger.

Difficulty breathing.

Anger was burning.

"The cause of the battle that day was just because that Wandehua coveted my treasure, framed me because of greed, and had to resist."

"If it weren't for me to have some means, once it fell into his hands, there would be no day to see the sun again!"

"Broken his arm, it was the price he coveted my treasure and wanted to frame me!"

"As for afterwards, he was imprisoned for twenty years. All this is because he himself was in the law enforcement hall at the beginning, and he was caught by the law enforcement hall for personal gain. Why did he do it to me?!"

"How much does this matter have to do with me?!"

"I was imprisoned for committing sins, but in the end it is not counted on me?!"

"In this world, is there still heaven?"

The anger in my heart,

It almost exploded his chest!

All this was caused by Wandehua's greed, and in the end Lao Tzu was demoted to Nanhai for ten years, and at the same time, he lost an opportunity to obtain Condensed True Pill.

in the end,

The mistake he committed himself was severely punished by the sect.

In the end, it was turned upside down and still clasped on my head? !

If it weren't for Wandehua's greed, how could I fight back? How could I fight with Wandehua for no reason~www.readwn.com~ and break his arm? !

If it wasn't for Wan Dehua that he was misbehaving and was found by the Zongmen Law Enforcement Hall to find evidence, how could he be confined to the ice jail for twenty years? !

That's right!

The fuse of all this was his own battle, yes, but didn't he find all of this on his own? !

Could it be the beginning.

I should do nothing and let him knead and fiddle with it? !

Terrible anger.

The reflection made Zhang Qingyuan's eyes red.


Because that guy was far away from the native land of the sect, and was relegated to Nanhai for ten years, he felt angry with that **** Wan Dehua in his heart.

Now, can't he hold the pot he asked for himself on me? !

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan almost laughed in anger.

"Tian Li?"

In the mid-air, Wan Lean's face with Yujian suspended in the air, but there was a hint of sarcasm in his faint voice:

"Boy, what do you think there is in this world?"

"Let me tell you, in this world, the strong are respected, and the strong are the laws of heaven!"

"Because this seat is stronger than you, so you have to accept whatever this seat says. I say you are the culprit of my brother, then you are!"

"If I want to kill you, you have to die!"

The taunting voice fell.


The magic sword under his feet trembled, emitting an incomparable light, and the surrounding air vibrated violently at this moment, making a sharp and piercing sound.


The long sword is like a galaxy falling from the sky, with dazzling light covering the sky.

Blast down towards Zhang Qingyuan.

The bright sword light runs through the sky!


ps: Finally there is no backing

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