
The huge amount of tsunami rushed, like a water wall up to several meters high, overturning and impacting, with powerful and unmatched strength, it severely inflicted the pirates on the surrounding pirate ships into the sea.

The pirate spirit boats around for several weeks shook violently in the impact of this earth-shaking ocean current.

You know, this ocean current is not pure water current.

Among them, the power mixed with the artistic conception of water is attached to it by Zhang Qingyuan's unmatched spirit element, which contains terrifying attack power.

Under this terrible attack, the low-level cultivators in Lingyuan basically died of the hit and wounded those who touched it.

Just the time between breathing,

The pirates around were already defeated by the waves.

The huge waves on the sea gradually subsided, but at this time on the pirate ship, the mood before all these scenes was so long that it could not be calmed down.

The gap between the monk and the monk is so big!

Between this kind of action, the power to destroy the thieves like a change of heaven and earth is really too strong, and the Zhang family who escaped on the boat at this moment all showed incredible faces.

More than half of the Zhang family members who came this time were all experienced family elite monks over the age of 40 and 50, who came to help Zhang Qingyuan stay in the Moonland Islands and develop them by the way, bringing some resource income to the family. Among them, only two or three are relatively outstanding descendants of the family, ready to come together to experience increased insights.

However, even those family members who have lived for decades have never seen such a powerful nine-fold monk.

Have such a terrifying strength.

Probably there is only the real ancestor of the True Essence Realm in the family.

Fang can be compared to one or two.

This kind of power that has not yet touched the true essence can have the power of overturning the mountains and the sea, making them shocked for a long time to be unable to recover.

If you change yourself to the impact of such a tsunami, the end will probably not be much better. That majestic sea-like power is far beyond the terrifying level of the spiritual origin cultivator!

But in addition to the shock, these family members and Zhang Changyang also felt extremely gratified in their hearts.

This trip is right!

The younger generation of Zhang Qingyuan is indeed the hope of the future generation of their Huainan Zhang family!

When he was less than twenty years old, he was already close to the True Primordial Realm.

Moreover, the foundation is still so strong, the strength is invincible in the same rank, no one thinks that he will not be able to be promoted to the true essence realm in the future.

Among the brothers of the Zhang family, some old people who had watched the family decline gradually.

Seeing the rise of the new generation, it is already full of comfort at this moment.

Although Zhang Qingyuan is not a direct line of the family, it is just a remote branch of the distant house, and not very close to the family, but in any case, it is the blood of the same family.

No one can deny this.

Once Zhang Qingyuan was promoted to Zhenyuan, he was not very close to the family for a long time, but just his own existence can greatly increase the momentum of the family that is now declining.

There is no need for Zhang Qingyuan to do anything, as long as he can be promoted to the real yuan realm.

That's enough!

It is precisely because of this that the Zhang family decided to take great risks and come to the South China Sea to help Zhang Qingyuan settle down and manage the Yuelian Islands. Of course, this also has certain benefits.

But being able to let him sprint into the True Element Realm with peace of mind is the main purpose.

A great battle, the curtain finally came to an end.

After killing all these pirates and no pirate was seen on the vast sea, Zhang Qingyuan asked the Zhang family to clean up the mess.

Collect all the storage bags on the pirate monks who were killed, as well as all the magical tools they used.

There are also those unmanned pirate ships, although they have suffered a lot of damage in this battle, they are also an extremely rich asset.

You must know that these pirate ships are only about the low-grade magical weapons if they talk about power, but because of their size, it is not easy to refine and build, a small and medium-sized pirate ship is at least three thousand spirit stones!

Although the pirate ships in front of us are all small French ships, the one-eyed pirate monk's boats are also considered to be large among the small French ships. Although they are not comparable to those small and medium-sized ships, their value is not too low.

If all were auctioned at the port, at least two or three thousand spirit stones could be recovered in total!

This amount of spiritual stones, in the view of Zhang Qingyuan today, is not a wealth that can be ignored casually.

It’s just that these pirate ships, Zhang Qingyuan has no intention to sell them all for the time being. On the vast sea, for the spiritual yuan realm monks who have not yet been able to fly with the sword, the magic ship is the most important means of transportation. Incorporating these ships into a fleet will also have good benefits for the development of the Moon Link Islands.

Not long after, the battlefield has been cleaned up.

Pirates’ storage bags, magical instruments, etc. were all gathered together, and those corpses were thrown directly into the sea to feed the fish.

It's a pity.

These pirates did not have much spoils in their storage bag pockets. It is said that when they were besieged, two ships had already left with the spoils from the robbery.

Very few gains, only about a thousand spirit stones But those pirate monks used a lot of magical tools, and the gains were not bad.

Finish cleaning the battlefield.

Everyone in the Zhang family separated into several teams, and proceeded to other ships to steer away, heading towards the Yuelian Islands.


A few days later.

Brother Zhang family bumped and bumped the Dharma ship, and finally reached the Yuelian Islands.

In order to welcome the arrival of everyone, Zhang Qingyuan rarely held a banquet on the island owner's mansion to celebrate their arrival.

But at the banquet.

Except for Zhang Changyang, the others are more or less restrained.

Not only because Zhang Qingyuan didn't have much contact with the family, and his own rise has not relied much on the help of the family, but also because of the powerful strength he showed on that nameless island a few days ago.

Those middle-aged monks are okay, and the **** relationship can still be drawn to Zhang Qingyuan's dead parents, recalling the prosperous years of that year.

The younger generation is much more restrained.

This is because, with Zhang Qingyuan's strength, Zhang's family is now the top first class elder in the family. Although they are similar in age, they are two worlds between them, so they don't dare to offend much.

In any case, a banquet eventually brought Zhang Qingyuan and the Zhang family closer.

And Zhang Qingyuan is generally satisfied with the people in these families.

So I handed over some posts on the island to them, and spent a few days thinking hard about how to manage the rules and regulations that stimulated the enthusiasm of employees in some companies in the previous life, and set up a set of management systems suitable for the world. The personnel on the islands have been reformed and transferred.


ps: If something happens today, it will be updated, and tomorrow will be compensated three times in the next two days.

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