Old eleven, don't be impatient. "

The feminine man didn't pay much attention to the offense of the bald man and waved his hand to calm him down.

Explain carefully:

"Recently, our old man went to collect information about that kid. It is said that the kid named Zhang Qingyuan is an inner disciple of the Yunshui Sect. When he injured a half-step True Essence superior in the inner door, he was finally caught The punishment was thrown to Nanhai, a place where father and mother do not love."

"After all, he is an inner disciple of the Yunshui Sect, and he has a record of damaging half a step Zhenyuan."

"For safety's sake, the boss sent me over to take a look."

"This trip is not only for revenge for the eighteenth brother, but there is also a major customer who spent everyone buying his life. We have been named for so many years, but you can't overturn the ship."

The eighteen thieves of Zhoushan, who once confessed to blood as an alliance in matters of weakness, have a stronger relationship with each other than ordinary people.

It is precisely because of unity that it will finally be able to survive for more than ten years, and its reputation in this southern overseas region is growing, and not many people dare to offend.

This is also the case.

Although the feminine man has a strong cultivation base, he also patiently explained, without the slightest impatience.

"The third brother is worried. Although my strength is far less than yours, my brother, but I have been rolling in this South China Sea area for more than ten years.

"Those sect disciples, in addition to a variety of techniques, etc., are nothing more than some powerful methods. They fight life and death, where can they be so powerful?!"

The big bearded man disapproved of this.

"If that kid knows himself and hides back to the sect, I can't help him. If he dares to appear in front of me, I will definitely unscrew his head as a chamber pot!"

Facing the arrogant words of the bearded man, the feminine man in the seat didn't care much.

In fact,

He also doesn't think that his brother will capsize. After all, he is a half-step Zhenyuan realm powerhouse who has been in the sea for many years. How can he be defeated by a fledgling guy?

It's impossible to think about it.

However, he still admonished:

"Eleven, no matter who you are facing, you can't take it lightly. Now the eldest brothers are busy with a major event related to the future of our brothers. We can't hold them back."

"Also, when the boss intercepted a merchant ship in the inland sea last time, he seized two dragon grass and a bottle of thousand-year-old celestial milk. This time I also brought you these two main materials plus your previous collection. , The material of the condensed true pill should be almost the same, when will you find an alchemist to refine the pill?"

The feminine man took out a storage bag and handed it over.

The big bearded man took it quickly, and his spiritual sense looked inside, his face full of joy.

"It's fast, fast! I will find a few more fat sheep to do so many votes in the future, and it is estimated that I will be able to collect these materials, but then I will have to find a more reliable alchemist to refine the condensed real pill. ."

As the saying goes, people don’t get rich without windfall, and horses don’t have night and grass and are not fat.

Although it is dangerous to be a pirate, if you succeed, the accumulated wealth will be much faster than that of some cultivating families on the mainland.

Among the Zhoushan Eighteen Thieves, the top ones who were promoted to the True Origin Realm looted enough wealth on this sea, and finally succeeded in being promoted by luck and became the overlord in the Zhoushan area of ​​the South China Sea.

Of course, when the pirates also missed.

You must know that Zhoushan pirates started with a hundred and eight justices, but now they are working hard to this day, and only 18 people are left.

No, it is seventeen now.

It’s just that although it’s dangerous, it’s a lot of trouble, but in the world of cultivation that already has a fixed class of benefits on the mainland, how difficult is it to rely on proper channels to obtain cultivation resources?

You must know that although the True Element Realm is strong, it is not strong enough to be invincible.

What's more, the higher the cultivation base, the more cultivation resources are needed.

Therefore, although some people from Zhoushan Pirates have been promoted to the True Essence Realm, no one has ever thought about washing their hands and quitting this business.

With the advancement of the leader's strength to True Yuan, the Zhoushan pirates became more and more vigorous.

"Well, if you can be promoted to the True Element Realm, then our pressure will be much less."

The feminine man nodded and said.

Although the Zhoushan Pirates were very powerful, with their rise, they also began to threaten some major families of the big islands or some large business houses.

These old fur seals living on the sea have already smelled a conspiracy against them.

Only when the eighteenth was killed, the Zhoushan thief reacted so fiercely.

Send someone directly to blockade the Yuelian Islands.

In order to be able to slaughter the chickens and the monkeys, show the Zhoushan Pirates' own strength.


There is another factor in this. Some people sent the spirit stone to Zhoushan, naming the surname to buy Zhang Qingyuan's life. Under various conditions, this trip of the bearded man and the feminine man was born.

These two are the reasons for everything.

"Brother, what happened?"

"It's nothing, your level can't be blended with this matter. After this matter, you must be promoted to the True Element Realm as soon as possible. Only in this way can our brothers have another way out."

"Okay, third brother."

The bearded man nodded, his expression also solemn.

He also knows something about the situation of the Zhoushan Pirates. On the one-third acre of land in the South China Sea, they are not considered to be the top forces.

Once the large and medium-sized families and business firms on the big islands unite, the Zhoushan thief is afraid that it will not be hurting the bones from now on.

In the past, they were able to be at ease. In addition to their daring to fight and to fight for their strength, and others can't afford it, a big reason is also because some big power and big business firms did not take it seriously.

In other words, those big power and big firms also need their presence to help them clean up the many small power and small firms, so that their own profits will increase.

However, with the development of Zhoushan Pirates, those big men are now faintly threatened.

What's more, Zhoushan Pirates themselves, with the increase of True Element Realm monks, the numerous small businesses and small island owners have gradually been unable to satisfy their appetite ~www.readwn.com~ conflicts, it is imperative to do so.

For a while,

There was some silence in the hall.

at this time.

A small servant outside the door bowed his head and walked in with tea.

Carefully walked to the side of the bearded man, and put the tea cup filled with tea on the tea table beside him.

Just a little thirsty.

The bearded man didn't care much either.

Pick up the teacup and prepare to drink water.

The feminine man in the first seat frowned slightly, and he didn't know why, suddenly something seemed to be wrong.

It seems a little out of place.


A flash of light flashed through his mind.

"No! This is a temporary camp, where are the servants from?!!!"

The feminine man woke up suddenly.

"No! Eleven be careful!"

However, at this moment, the voice has not yet fallen.

A stern sword light suddenly shone, tearing through the sky, and lightning-like light instantly illuminates the entire hall, and the overwhelming biting sword intent fills every corner of the hall.

The feminine man's voice just fell.

I saw the head of the big bearded man with wide eyes and flying high.

And the body that is still sitting on a chair with Da Ma Jindao, the head is missing on the neck, and the hot blood on the smooth, mirror-like incision is like a fountain!

"Asshole! You are looking for death!"

The feminine man's eyes were cracking, and his extremely angry voice was like thunder exploding in the hall, shaking the whole hall trembling at this moment.

With immense anger,

A punch was blasted out.

It turned into a bunch of mysterious light that penetrated the void, with the power that overwhelmed the sky and made the space tremble, and blasted towards the little man!


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