Sun Xiuren's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of incredible.


Zhang Qingyuan spent a lot of energy in this discipline, combining what he had learned, and was born out of the martial arts secrets of the perfect level of sword drawing.

At this moment, it is finally blooming with supreme brilliance!

The sword turned out to be.

It is like a bud bursting out of grass seeds, and at this moment it has exerted an earth-shattering power!

The sword light pierced through the sky, the air seemed to be shattered layer by layer, the terrifying sword intent was like a torrent of torrents, everything in front was destroyed by the collapse.

Sun Xiuren saw the most terrifying scene in his life!

I saw that a beam of sword light ran through the sky, tore through the sky, and it was invincible. I gathered the power of my whole body to cover the sky and obscured the sun. At this moment, it collapsed inch by inch, as easily as a piece of paper. Was torn apart.

There is no resistance.

Sword cut the sky,

The layers of dark clouds covering the sky were cut off even with the huge black wind and clouds, and a huge gully was torn in the sky above.

The clouds split, and the sun shone from the top.

It's terrifying.

The strange sight at this moment touched Zhang Qingyuan's pale face.

It felt like eager to try.

Just about to move.

Make him think.

But all this has nothing to do with Sun Xiuren.

His ultimate move was torn and slashed from the front, and the surplus of that terrifying sword force remained undiminished, as if it had torn the space and arrived in no time.

In his horrified gaze, he was completely overwhelmed!

"How can this be!"

Until the moment before the consciousness fell into the darkness, Sun Xiuren's heart was still full of unimaginable unbelievable.

In the realm of half a step,

The strongest ultimate move that he exploded from the front of the real yuan dual layer was easily torn like a piece of paper, and even his body and life were swallowed.

Destroyed and decayed,

There was no obstacle.

How could there be such terrible martial arts in this world!

A mere half-step in the True Origin Realm,

How can you display such terrible martial arts? !

A grass seed,

Why can such a great force burst out? !

Unspeakable and unbelievable, mixed with endless doubts, Sun Xiuren completely sank into the darkness.


Sun Xiuren didn't know.

In a certain world's ancient and wild land, amidst the vast wilderness, there is such a nine-leaf grass, born in the ordinary, but in the end it cuts out the sun, moon and stars in one leaf.

Shattered Jiuxiao, running through the chaotic world.

Zhang Qingyuan's swordsmanship.

Based on the concept of imitating the germination of grass mustard life, the sword power comes from the germination of grass seeds, although it cannot be the one-billionth charm of that stalwart.


Zhang Qingyuan comes from the blue star in his previous life.

For the mighty power that shattered the chaos, although it was the same admiration, it had never been worshipped.

Never surrendered.

He believed.

One day, he will also reach the kind of stalwart realm in which he holds the sun and the moon and picks the stars between his hands and feet, standing above the world.


In my heart, when creating this kind of swordsmanship, I never thought that one day his sword could grow to this kind of point.

Or maybe because of this great goal.

Give him unlimited possibilities.

Or maybe the existence of that plant in the dark can still be projected into this world through thousands of time and space.

Or maybe it was Zhang Qingyuan's concept of swordsmanship, which gave it the terrifying power of transcending realm class.

Even Zhang Qingyuan has not been able to figure it out completely.

Why does my own martial arts secret art born out of sword drawing have such a terrifying power that surpasses the mundane.

But one thing is undeniable.

He succeeded.

Successfully created this terrifying secret martial arts.

One sword will completely kill the cultivators of the True Origin Realm who burst out of lore.

Although this trick turned almost all the spirits and spirits of Zhang Qingyuan into raw materials, it finally nourished such a sword.

Even after this move, Zhang Qingyuan's body was empty, no matter whether it was spiritual sense or spiritual essence.

It seems to be completely squeezed clean.

But it can burst out such a sword.

All the price is enough.


On the surface of the sea, the sea rushed and churned.

The waves are rough.

It looks like an angry dragon is making waves below.

The two True Element Realm cultivators who came to besiege him now have been killed one by one by Zhang Qingyuan.

If it is the late stage of the first stage of the real yuan, a pirate with the second stage of the real yuan besieged a half-step real yuan boy, not only failed, but was intercepted by the other party, this matter was announced.

There will definitely be turbulent waves in the South China Sea, and even the entire Yuzhou.

Zhang Qingyuan’s name,

Must be famous for Yuzhou!

But at this time, Zhang Qingyuan didn't have the slightest complacency on his face, Qiang Qiang's last trace of strength was based on the void, and his eyes solemnly looked at the empty distance.

Seems to see the flowers.

The matter is far from over.

Sun Xiuren's two real-element monks, one and two-tiered monks, could not hide Zhang Qingyuan from the divine sense.

Since he was silently found and intercepted by the opponent.

There must be even more terrifying monks assisting behind.

Now that the incoming puppet has failed, the black hand behind the scenes should also show up.

as predicted.


A huge splash of water surged over the sky.

I don't know when the sky has dimmed, and something terrifying is slowly rising from the seashore.

"Sure enough, it is amazing and gorgeous. This kind of strength must be the top talent of the next generation of the Yunshui Sect thief. If you set the target on you, I deserve to do a great job this time."

The general sound like gold and iron clashing.

It came from afar in the void.

Dull and depressed.

As if the entire void was shaking.


In the surging sound of the clear water, only the light ahead oscillated, and the huge amount of sea water oscillated continuously, and the majestic air machine between heaven and earth was also spurred at this moment.

Fall down.

Cause a sudden change!

A powerful figure, as if standing far away.

The figure gradually appeared.

Suddenly, it filled the world in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, suppressing the void.


Feeling the heavy pressure on his Zhang Qingyuan almost took a breath in his heart.

This pressure.

This kind of power is simply irresistible!

"Who is your Excellency, why are you blocking me here?"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was heavy.

With such a terrifying power on the opposite side, he couldn't even take a move!


There is not much fear on his face.

"Of course I'm here to kill you, there are so many whys."


Like thunder resounding in the sky.

"I understand that the deadline has come, so I gave up struggling..."

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan's expression unchanged, the existence was secretly authentic in his heart.

But the hands are not slow at all.

Printed out in one palm.

The sucking turned into a big hand that covered the sky, and the vast power seemed to fill the entire world, shooting towards Zhang Qingyuan like an overwhelming sky.

The space shook violently, as if glass was about to shatter.

All the spaces around Zhang Qingyuan, up and down, seemed to be sealed at this moment.

There is no escape.


Up to this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan's face changed slightly just now.

But there is not much worry.


He has someone too.

"Old ghost Ouyang of the Hanhai Sect is over a hundred years old. Is it interesting to bully a younger generation? If you have the ability, how about making gestures with Peng?"

A faint chuckle came from Zhang Qingyuan's deep void.

Peng Li's figure stepped out of the void,

It's like coming across boundaries.

Between waving sleeves,

That vast horror, like the huge power that caused the mountains and rivers to reverse, suddenly overturned the world, and blasted up against the attack ahead!

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