With half a step in the realm of true essence, an attack comparable to the triple or even quadruple series of true essence broke out.

This secret technique,

Even Peng Li, who was a direct disciple of Yunshui Sect's Xuanshui line, was extremely amazed.

The higher the level of the secret technique.

The greater the power,

But at the same time, the consumption is also great.

The more powerful the secret technique,

The higher the repair base needed to support.

Logically speaking, to be able to do so, the power increase of the sword Zhang Qingyuan previously slashed is at least comparable to that of Huang Tier and above.

And to be able to support the explosion of this method, at least only the cultivators in the middle and late stages of the True Yuan have the ability.

But obviously,

Zhang Qingyuan's previous secret technique was beyond Peng Li's cognition.


Although there is a lot of curiosity in my heart.

But Peng Li didn't break the casserole and ask questions to the end. Everyone has their own secrets. Such an act of exploring the cards of others is equivalent to a serious provocation.

"All this has to be taught by Senior Brother Peng."

Zhang Qingyuan handed over his hands in a humble manner, without much pride on the face.

Seeing this battle.

Even though it was just a glimpse of the fight, both Peng Li and the mysterious man's methods have left a deep shock in Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

Let him realize clearly,

His own strength was nothing in front of Senior Brother Peng.

"I know how much your strength has to do with me, so I don't have to be too humble."

Peng Li shook his head slightly.

Then it seemed to think of something, and he hesitated for a moment.

Then took out a jade slip from the storage bag.

"But in more than a month, you will be able to practice Dahe swordsmanship to such a level. It seems that your talent in the swordsmanship is quite high. This is what a good friend of mine has learned about the training of the swordsmanship. I lost a bet. I myself am not proficient in any swordsmanship, so I will give you a good life to enlighten it. This should also have a certain effect on your practice of secret art."

Originally, Peng Li did not think of this incident.

Because that one of his friends was not an ordinary person, but a cultivator of the late True Yuan of the same level as him, and at the same time an expert in kendo.

more importantly,

The other party once had a certain relationship with the Zongmen Water Sword Fairy who was famous throughout Yuzhou three hundred years ago, and had accepted the instruction of the other party.

This jade slip is his own kendo experience, which is also mixed with that one's guidance.

Peng Li is not a sword repairman, and some of the profound concepts cannot be understood at all, so he has been sinking ashes in the storage bag all the time.

Even he himself didn't quite understand the things on this jade slip.

Naturally, I don't think Zhang Qingyuan can understand it.

But this line,

In just one and a half months, Zhang Qingyuan's Dahe swordsmanship was about to reach the point of great success, and he also vaguely comprehended the artistic conception of swordsmanship, and he was also wearing such a swordsmanship.

Such a talent in kendo.

Peng Li had the mind to cultivate.

This reminded him of the jade slip of kendo in his storage bag.

"Thank you Brother Peng."

Hesitated for a moment.

Zhang Qingyuan did not postpone after all.

Thanks to the other party and took the jade slip from Peng Li.

"Cultivate hard, whether you like it or not, starting today, you have entered the stage between Yuzhou and Haizhou, and there is not much time left for you."

Peng Li sighed.

If there is a point in the voice.

Zhang Qingyuan did not frown slightly, but did not ask, but asked another thing.

"Senior Brother, how could the previous enemy of the Boundless Sea Sect appear here? After Junior Brother returns to the Yuelian Islands, will that person come to attack and kill him again?"

Zhang Qingyuan knew clearly that the monk surnamed Ouyang had just retreated.

Once the opponent kills a shot.

After Peng Li left, he directly attacked the Yuelian Islands, so he could sit on the wax.

For this existence.

Zhang Qingyuan has no confidence in his escape.

"Don't worry about this. After this time, the old ghost Ouyang will inevitably leave the South China Sea overnight and escape from the customs at the border of North and South, otherwise he will have no future."

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan still hesitated.

Peng Li was not annoyed, and explained carefully.

"You are probably relieved to practice. Send sect monks secretly to the enemy sect domain to kill those junior monks with great potential. This is something that Yunshui Sect and Hanhai Sect are accustomed to."

"In this regard, we have already had a plan."

"The Zhoushan area is in the South China Sea. It is considered to be one of the most stable rear areas in the South China Sea. It has set up a border blockade with the North Sea Front Zongmen itself. Moreover, there is also Master and his elderly living in Tiannan City, which is extremely safe."

"This time the old ghost Ouyang can get in, most of it cost a lot of money to cross the sea without covering the sky, otherwise, it is basically impossible for the enemy sect spies who cross the sea to cross the sea to escape the surveillance of the open sect. Now that old ghost Ouyang's deeds have been revealed, if he wants to die, he will continue to hide in the area."

"The power of the Immortal Dongzhen is not what you can imagine..."

After Peng Li's explanation.

Zhang Qingyuan also felt a little relieved.

Although Peng Li didn't reveal much, Zhang Qingyuan was able to peek one or two from his expression, the stalwart power of the realm of cave.

There was already such a mighty power in the late Zhenyuan.

What about Dongzhen, called a fairy by the monks?



A large part of the reason was that Peng Li gave Zhang Qingyuan a life-saving array. As long as there were enough spiritual stones, he could support a quarter of an hour under the monks of the late True Yuan period under his auspices.

As long as it is arranged on the Yuelian Islands, once an attack occurs, Zhang Qingyuan will be able to support enough to wait for the arrival of the Mingshui Dao people.

In this regard,

Zhang Qingyuan is naturally grateful.

After that, Peng Li directly controlled the sword light and brought Zhang Qingyuan to **** him back to the island.

It was already very close to the distance of Yuelian Islands.

Under Peng Li's speed, Zhang Qingyuan returned to Yuelian Islands in only half a day.

Return to the island.

Peng Li declined Zhang Qingyuan's kind invitation and said that there was something important to do. With Zhang Qingyuan's gratitude, he drove the escape light and left the Yuelian Islands.


Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly arranged the magic circle sent by Peng Li.

Seeing the powerful array hiding the void, Zhang Qingyuan felt a little relieved.

Sit down and look at the gains and losses in this industry.

to be honest,

Sun Xiuren and other Zhoushan pirates' remnants attacked in his own expectation, but the appearance of the powerful man of the Hanhaizong ~www.readwn.com~ was completely beyond Zhang Qingyuan's expectation.

He did not expect that the interception of himself would be pushed by Han Haizong behind his back.

And there are many doubts about the matter.

But half a year later.

As some shocking news spread, Zhang Qingyuan's doubts disappeared.

The two super sects of Yunshui Sect and Hanhai Sect,

It's war!

When Zhang Qingyuan was intercepted and killed by the powerful Hanhaizong, the young and outstanding generations of the Yunshuizong were attacked one after another.

Especially Zhang Qingyuan and the others claimed to be the strongest outsiders in decades.

Most of the Ten Outer Shows of the year were attacked.

Among them, the Yan lunatics who shined at the beginning, directly encountered the attack and killing of the three late True Yuan monks. The contemporary Bing Yuyao, Fu Qiaolei and other Tianjiao all encountered different levels of monks interception and killing. .

According to rumours, the Yan madman suffered heavy losses, if it weren't for the sect master to arrive, I'm afraid it would have fallen.

But even so,

It was heard that his injuries were extremely serious, and he had to go into retreat.

Other people have suffered more or less injuries. In severe cases, their lives were directly lost. The prestigious ten shows in the past, and even the previous and next ten shows, are all from ten to five and six, and the losses are heavy. !

In this regard,

Yunshuizong also tit-for-tat, sent people to attack.

at the same time,

The frontier monks began to fight, and the two sects were recruiting monks from all continents, and tens of thousands of monks were sent to the front.

On the border between Yuzhou and Haizhou, which stretched for thousands of kilometers, large-scale melee began to break out.

Flames everywhere.

. . . . . .

ps: Some Cavan, one update today, three more compensation tomorrow.

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