Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help being unhappy.

Because of the flaws of the magic weapon, once the magic weapon is severely damaged, it will also cause turbulence in the monk's spirit.

Therefore, when the monks of the True Origin Realm use sacrifices and cost-birth magic weapons, they basically use the best quality magic weapons on hand to minimize their negative effects.

The so-called magic weapon.

It is a treasure that is above the level of magical artifacts.

In other words, if you use another name, you can call it an advanced instrument.

Regardless of power, ability, and other aspects, they are far more powerful than the magical artifacts that can be used by the cultivators of the Lingyuan realm!

High-grade magical instruments, the highest price is only about the Qianlai Lingshi.

But for any inferior magic weapon, the price will be more than ten thousand spiritual stones!

And only the true essence and divine consciousness can provide the consumption that drives itself.

Magic weapon.

Basically, it can be said to be the exclusive weapon of the True Element Realm.


The magic weapon itself is also extremely precious, and it is not something that anyone can afford to use.

The ordinary cultivators in the early stage of the True Element Realm in the outside world, and even many cultivators do not have a magic weapon on hand.

This is because,

Anyone who can obtain a magic weapon will basically refine it into a magic weapon of life.

Since then, no one can use it anymore except for himself. Even after his death, his descendants rely on the power of the bloodline to barely be able to use half of the power, but other people have already used it.

In this way,

Even if the opponent is killed, the magic weapon that has been refined into one's life is reduced to a waste product, except that it is more tenacious than the ordinary magic weapon, and basically has no other effect.

The magic weapon is almost reduced to consumables.

Once it is sacrificed by others,

Basically, there is no possibility of being able to be used again.

It is necessary to know that the refining of magic weapons is not simple. It requires not only extremely precious treasures of heaven and earth, but also advanced refiners to be able to refine them.

As a result, it is almost impossible to make ends meet.

The magic weapon is therefore more precious.

New changes in the proficiency panel today.

This allowed Zhang Qingyuan to treat the True Essence Realm as the natal magic weapon of waste products, cleanse the remaining life and blood pollution in them, and restore their power again.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the source of Zhang Qingyuan's magic weapon and his cultivation resources in the future!

You must know that the magic weapon of life that has been sacrificed and refined can be taken away by only a hundred ordinary spirit stones, but if a complete magic weapon is tens of thousands, it is cheap!

This is almost a hundred times, or even a thousand times more profit!

"However, this matter is of great importance. You must be cautious when trying to trade. You must take one shot for another when you ship. You can't be greedy, just keep secret..."

Although I am very pleased with the newly developed functions of the proficiency panel.

But Zhang Qingyuan also understands,

When acquiring the used natal magic weapon and renewing it, you must never catch clues to outsiders, otherwise, even if Yunshuizong can protect himself, he will not start exploring the secrets of himself.

But it can't be said that in the future, all will become the full-time tool of the sect.

This is what he didn't want.

"For the time being, I have no shortage of training resources. If I take a risk, there may be a risk of exposure. This matter needs to be considered long-term!"

Thinking of the possible consequences of exposure,

Zhang Qingyuan is always an exciting spirit, and his restless and happy heart also calms down.

"But with this ability, maybe I can go to the Yunhai Mountain Range, and I don’t want to participate in that terrible battle, but I can take the opportunity to obtain the large number of magic weapons captured on the battlefield from the underground channels in the nearby market. !"

Think of the two battles on the front line of the Yunhai Mountains.

Think about the True Element Realm that fell there. Those True Essence Realm monks who were the two sects, more or less possessed one or two magic weapons as their natal magic weapons.

As a result, the Yunhai Mountain Range at this time is likely to produce a mountain of "cheap" natal magic weapons.

This is a "scrap" that has little effect on others.

But for myself, it is undoubtedly an extremely powerful asset!

For a moment.

Zhang Qingyuan has the urge to leave immediately.

But after all, he suppressed this impulse for a lifetime.

It is not the time yet.

When one's strength reaches the bottleneck, all areas that can be improved are basically complete. When it is difficult to improve, it is the best time to go to the frontline battlefield of the Yunhai Mountain Range.

Take a few deep breaths.

Zhang Qingyuan returned his gaze to the Yin-Yang Yuan magnetic beads in his hand.

"Now that I don't have a magic weapon for my life, do I need to refine this yin and yang element magnetic bead into my magic weapon for my life?"

Zhang Qingyuan hesitated.

This yin and yang element magnetic bead is undoubtedly an extremely precious treasure.

According to the elder Jiang family, the Yin-Yang Yuan Magnetic Mother made into Yin-Yang Yuan Magnetic Beads is a treasure of the world that is also coveted by the real world.

After being refined into a magic weapon, it is even more powerful.

Zhang Qingyuan also saw the strength Luo Guilong showed that day.

The other side's various methods were mediocre.

It can only be regarded as ordinary in the Triple Realm of True Primordial Realm.

However, with this magic weapon, he was able to compete against the four-layered elder Jiang of the True Element Realm ~www.readwn.com~ and exerted a shocking power.

Enough to see its power.


This yin and yang element magnetic beads are powerful but powerful.

But one thing is that it does not fit well with its own power system.

This makes Zhang Qingyuan a little worried.

Thinking for a long time.

Looking at the levitation in front of him, the force of violent electromagnetism is exuding, and the friction produces powerful lightning, which contains the powerful and mighty Yin-Yang Yuan magnetic beads.

Zhang Qingyuan thought for a long time, but finally made a decision.

"That's fine, this Yin-Yang Yuan Magnetic Bead is indeed very strong, but because of my own cultivation system, there is not a big difference between the power of being a magic weapon of my own life and just being a magic weapon itself."

"For the time being, I will use it as a normal magic weapon. I really can't find a good magic weapon in the future, and then refine it into my destiny magic weapon!"

Now that the decision was made, Zhang Qingyuan no longer hesitated.

Although not refined into his own magic weapon.

But Zhang Qingyuan can also incorporate it into his dantian to study the following yin and yang element magnetism.

Zhang Qingyuan from a previous life.

More clearly than ordinary monks, what this power of yin and yang really means.

If there are really three thousand great roads in this world.

Then this way of yin and yang must be one of the most powerful ways at the top!

Maybe I was far away from that level.

However, as one's cultivation level was upgraded to the True Essence Realm, the divine consciousness had undergone a transformation, and the insight of the Yin and Yang primordial magnetism might be able to produce an analogy.

Nor does it force to comprehend what Yin-Yang Dao.

If you can understand the power of yin and yang, it is enough to give Zhang Qingyuan's strength an essential improvement!

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