Zhang Qingyuan was not clear about the subsequent series of changes.

At this time, after a period of rushing, he has safely returned to the Yuelian Islands.

There was no further attack on the road.

Except for the islands being more prosperous than before, and there are many French ships in the port, there is basically no change, and no people dare to attack the Yuelian Islands.

It seems that the person who may be hiding in the dark has always just targeted him.

There is no idea for island development.

This undoubtedly gave Zhang Qingyuan a sigh of relief. After all, the Yuelian Islands were only islands where he was disciplined and guarded by the sect, but he had lived here for many years and built a series of foundations. He still didn't want to let himself live. Suffered.

Zhang Qingyuan's return did not attract too many people's attention.

As the island owner who has reached the real yuan realm as a cultivation base.

His prestige is unshakable in the entire island.

Zhang Changyang came to pay a visit, and briefly reported to Zhang Qingyuan on all kinds of affairs on the island since these days.

After his spiritual transformation, Zhang Qingyuan's ability to process information has also been greatly enhanced.

After spending a little time to scan, I have a general understanding of various affairs on the Yuelian Islands.

Generally speaking, the development of the island still meets Zhang Qingyuan's expectations.


Zhang Qingyuan came to station on this island at the beginning, and a series of plans for the development of the island, some of the measures seem to be incompatible with this rigorous world of comprehension.

For example, in the case of large-scale breeding of demon pigs.

Those monks who breed blackthorn wild boars, Zhang Qingyuan just taught them some simple, simplified techniques of caring for blackthorn wild boars.

"As long as any of you can improve the breeding methods of the blackthorn wild boar, increase the reproduction output of the blackthorn wild boar, improve the meat quality of the blackthorn wild boar, etc., then with the credit, you can get a complete Beast defense, and reward spirit stones depending on the degree of contribution."

This is the original words of Zhang Qingyuan when recruiting the low-level monks of Lingyuan who breed the black thorn wild boar group.

Respect for inventions and creations.

Reward for merit.

Encourage low-level monks to self-research and explore, and improve production methods. In respect of knowledge and skills, what he did is almost completely different from the high-level monks in this world.

It is completely different from native monks who respect their strength and ignore or completely ignore the development of the underlying productive forces.

And it is for this reason.

Under the heavy reward.

Nowadays, the breeding of black thorn wild boar on the Yuelian Islands has been gradually supplemented and improved under the general framework proposed by Zhang Qingyuan.

Such as the improvement of temperament and meat quality, the production of cheap and suitable feed, and the daily regular cleaning, etc., the rules and regulations that Zhang Qingyuan had not considered at the beginning were perfected one by one, and began to enter a formal path.

And in return.

There are already two cultivators with two or three levels of Lingyuan, and they have accumulated enough credit to redeem Zhang Qingyuan's complete beast control technique in the palm of Zhang Qingyuan's palm, and have received a lot of spiritual stone share rewards.


Relying on this accumulated knowledge for improvement, the two low-level Lingyuan monks have also become the famous beast stall leaders in the Yuelian Islands.

Responsible for the large-scale breeding of the black thorn wild boar herd I.

This is only the breeding of Blackthorn wild boar.

The same is true for the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum.

Under this dynamic change.

However, after a few years of work, Yuelian Islands have developed significantly, and the inventions have been exhausted, which has created extremely extraordinary wealth for Zhang Qingyuan.

This change,

It undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan happy.

It is not entirely because of the development of Yuelian Islands that its own income has increased.


It was because of the changes in the humanities and culture of the Yuelian Islands, and to some extent, it was somewhat close to the kind of living environment in his previous life.

"It's been more than ten years, after all, I can't forget that world."

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly sighed.

The changes in the Yuelian Islands made Zhang Qingyuan a little bit emotional, because everything in this plan was based on what he thought and learned in that world in his previous life.

It can be regarded as a part of the continuation of that world civilization here.

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly recalled a certain sentence in his previous life.

If you don't want to adapt to the world, let the world adapt to you!

Although the idea of ​​allowing the entire cultivation world to adapt to itself is too arrogant for Zhang Qingyuan now.

But relative to the Moon Link Islands.

Relative to this place where he lives.

He did it.

Because of his existence, the place where he lives in Yuelian Islands has changed according to his will.

And all this,

It is also because of his own strength.

"If one day I stand at the pinnacle of this world, will this world that has not been changed for hundreds of thousands of years changed again because of my arrival?"

For a moment, such a thought flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

But soon.

He put this idea behind him again.

Not to mention that he is just a small monk in the True Origin Realm, and he is still a thousand miles away from the top of the world.

Furthermore, the world is different and the foundation is also different.

In this world where Weili belongs to itself~www.readwn.com~Zhang Qingyuan also has no ambitions like changing the day.

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world.

But the goal of benefiting the world is still too far, so let's talk about it first.

Finished the many trivial matters of Yuelian Islands.

Zhang Qingyuan declined the idea of ​​elder Zhang Changyang hosting a banquet to welcome him back. Zhang Qingyuan, who was free to practice in retreat, was preparing to break through to the first perfection of the true yuan, and began to organize the storage bags seized from Zeng Mingshi.

Zhang Qingyuan was not surprised.

Zeng Ming Shidong hid in Tibet, the spiritual stones in the storage bag were basically consumed, and there were not many immortals and spiritual relics left, but there were only a few high-grade artifacts.

But for Zhang Qingyuan now, Wei is not very attractive.

Possess the golden finger of refining one's life magic weapon.

As long as the collection of magic weapons is a little below, there is no shortage of magic weapons at all, and magic weapons are of little use to him.

But it's not nothing to gain.

The Array Breaking Talisman that Zeng Mingshi had previously used as a bait was placed in the storage bag intact. At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan also found a Escape Talisman from a sealed jade box.

Escape symbol,

As long as it is stimulated, it can escape hundreds of miles away randomly, which is really a life-saving artifact.

This made Zhang Qingyuan a little grateful.

Fortunately, at the beginning, I took the opportunity to kill Zeng Mingshi immediately.

So in the end, I had to escape such a big enemy.


Zhang Qingyuan was also delighted in his heart.

With such a talisman, there will be more means to save lives in the future.

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