"Three hundred middle-grade spirit stones, it seems that this guy shouldn't take all his wealth with him..."

Pour out all the things in Fan Hongrui’s storage bag and count the harvest.

Zhang Qingyuan was a little disappointed.

Not much inside.

Three hundred middle-grade spirit stones, a few offensive magical weapons, all of which are fans, hammers, ropes and other middle- and high-end magical weapons, not many of them are of high value.

Inside, there is a big blue seal engraved with the two characters "Junshan". The entire big seal is like a mountain. From its gray appearance, it can still vaguely feel the powerful pressure of its heyday.

This is a magic weapon.

And it's still a magic weapon.

A magic weapon that lost most of its power due to the fall of its owner!

This undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan a little puzzled.

Ordinary cultivators in the True Origin Realm, the magic weapon of life is basically stored in the dantian, and it is relatively convenient to use, and can better cope with unexpected emergencies.

But this Fan Hongrui put the magic weapon of life in the storage bag.

Why is this?

"It's weird!"

Zhang Qingyuan whispered in his heart.


This is uncertain about the other party's hidden hands.

After all, no one would have thought that someone would put the magic weapon of his life in a storage bag.

Just as before.

If Fan Hongrui said that he wanted to take out the evidence for the existence of the spiritual tool from the storage bag and show it to himself, then he would probably not be guarded.

And once it took out this magic weapon, and used this magic weapon to attack suddenly.

I really understood his way out of all likelihood.

"Fortunately, I was decisive enough to kill him."

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel fortunate.

We weighed Junshan magic weapon,

The huge divine consciousness made him feel vaguely that this magic weapon had reached the level of a middle-grade magic weapon, and it had a powerful suppression ability.

Of course, this was before Fan Hongrui's death.

Now that the owner is dead, the power of this Junshan magic weapon has quickly faded.

But it doesn't matter.

With the proficiency panel, he can refine the imprints on the magic weapons of his life, and revive the ability of these magic weapons of life.

Put Junshan back into his storage bag.

Zhang Qingyuan did not immediately practice.

It is not the time yet.

In the storage bag, the remaining miscellaneous things are not what they used to be, especially the pills used in practice. Although they are valuable, Zhang Qingyuan dare not take them.

Although Zhang Qingyuan was an alchemist, he was not completely sure that the other party hadn't left a dark hand in the pill.

You can only sell it on the black market when you go to the black market after a while.

"It's a pity that there is no Liuyun Tianshou, this is the first martial skill of the yellow rank I have ever seen!"

I turned over the storage bag completely, and apart from some useless jade slips recorded in obscure language, there were no more noteworthy objects.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help sighing.

Even though the Liuyun Tianshou was broken open by his own sword, it didn't mean that the martial skill was weak.

In the Triple Realm Realm, that Fan Hongrui was able to achieve almost no opponents at the same level, relying on this hand to flow Yuntian sleeves.

If this means can be obtained.

Then Zhang Qingyuan can not only enhance his own background, but also add a more powerful assassin, and exert a more powerful force.


The opponent does not have the habit of carrying this martial art with him.


Zhang Qingyuan put Fan Hongrui's storage bag away, and then put aside his regretful thoughts.

Organize your mind.

Place the white jade futon on the ground and sit cross-legged on it.


Zhang Qingyuan felt more and more that the white jade futon he had obtained back then was as powerful as any magic weapon.

Not to mention its ability to automatically gather aura and accelerate Zhang Qingyuan's practice.

It was the effect of meditation and concentration that made Zhang Qingyuan value him even more than any of his magic weapons.

"I don't know where the one sent by the deacon back then got this precious object..."

Many messy thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

However, he didn't spend too much energy on these doubts that could not be answered at all. Instead, he began to gather his mind and raise his state of mind to the top, and then took out the snake's letter fruit that burned like a flame from the storage bag.

open mouth.

There is not much hesitation.

Take a bite down.

The moment the skin of that fruit was bitten.

The whole fruit immediately turned into liquid, pouring into the abdomen through the throat.


A hot stream suddenly exploded within the pubic area.

Like a stream of magma fire,

With the majestic spiritual power, it is carried out towards the meridians of the whole body.

Like the dantian meridians are torn!

But Zhang Qingyuan knew that this was just an illusion produced when the snake fruit was digested.

It's like a hot sensation when people eat hot peppers, not because the dantian meridians are really torn apart.

But even so.

This feeling is absolutely uncomfortable.

As the medicinal power dissipated, the meridians seemed to be lava flowing, and the hot pain poured into my mind like an overwhelming mountain.

But it's all worth it!

With the scorching medicinal power dissipating ~www.readwn.com~ The power of the residual royal jelly originally deposited in Zhang Qingyuan's body began to burn and refine, constantly impacting the meridians in Zhang Qingyuan's body!

Accompanied by the role of snake letter fruit.

Majestic vibe,

It is rising steadily, and Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation level is also continuously improving little by little!


time flies.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Qingyuan on the futon opened his eyes, and the vigorous momentum swept away, shaking the surrounding air, and rolling up a burst of visible impact out of thin air!

"Twofold is complete!"

Hand grasps fist.

Feeling the powerful and unparalleled power, Zhang Qingyuan's burning eyes are full of confidence.

Before coming in,

He would never have imagined that he would be able to get such a great opportunity to quickly rise from the first real elementary duality to the point where the true duality of duality is perfect!


The existence of Snake Xinguo only dissolves part of the medicinal power deposited in the body.

The remaining power of royal jelly has not been completely digested yet.

As long as he goes back and continues to practice for a month or two, then his cultivation base will surely be able to quickly enter the triple stage of the True Origin Realm!

"Very well, swallowing this snake fruit, completely reduced my hard work for half a year!"

"Now that I have reached the double perfection of the True Element Realm, with my current strength, the cultivator in the middle of the True Element Realm may not be able to succeed if I want to take me down!"

"it's time!"

"Since this period of time, the mountain gate guarding formation of the Linghai Sword Sect will soon be breached!"

Zhang Qingyuan stood up.

Facing the center of the island, looking into the sky, as if seeing the remains of the Linghai Sword Sect standing in the center of the island and surrounded by the monks of the True Origin Realm!

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