"Is this the unique inheritance stone carving of the Linghai Sword Sect?"

In front of them.

The inheritance stone inscription shines brightly.

Runes rose in the light, and in the trance, it seemed that there was a light and shadow waving, setting off the entire stone carving extremely extraordinary.

"Yes, as long as the divine consciousness spreads to this inheritance stone inscription, it will be able to attract the powerful power in the inheritance stone inscription, and inherit all the magic and martial arts that the previous generation of Linghai Sword Sect monks cut out on the seal."

Niu Jingru looked at this radiant stone carving of inheritance, with a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes.

But this ardent desire did not drown his reason.

"It's just that this way of accepting inheritance is just what I learned from some ancient books, and I don't know if there are any other conditions, or if there are other traps..."

Although the seal technique and martial arts were engraved on the stone in front of him, the time for the Linghai Sword Sect to destroy the gate had obviously not happened yet.

But no one is sure.

The Linghai Sword Sect did not leave behind any hidden traps in these backdoors to identify the sect disciples or other thieves who had sneaked in.

"Daoyou Zhang, let me try this piece of inheritance stone carving first."

Niu Jingru took a deep breath.

Speak authentically.

It's not greedy for this inheritance.

But he felt that Zhang Qingyuan had a life-saving grace for him, and he also brought Zhang Qingyuan in here, and Zhang Qingyuan had also contributed more.

If there are any pitfalls hidden in this.

For example, the Linghai Sword Sect had hidden some means of identifying identity in the inheritance stone carvings, which caused Zhang Qingyuan to hurt.

For him, he was uneasy.

When he came in, Niu Jingru discovered that there were several complete inheritance secret rooms in it, and the first inheritance stone carving was best for him to try.

"Brother Niu..."

"Brother Zhang needn't say much, even if Niu takes advantage of you this time!"

Zhang Qingyuan has not finished speaking yet.

Niu Jingru interrupted him, his eyes full of determination.

Seeing Niu Jingru's face resolutely.

Zhang Qingyuan did not speak any more.

For one thing, although he has not known Niu Jingru for long, he also has a certain understanding of his character. Whether in the battle with Jin Yingpeng or later performances, he himself has shown a certain stubborn character.

He can be regarded as a gentleman himself, and his decision will basically not change.


Zhang Qingyuan did have a certain amount of dread for the inheritance stone carvings in front of him.

After all, the Yunshui Sect was the chief culprit of the Undead Sea Sword Sect. Who knew that they didn't leave any hands and feet before their destruction to prevent their inheritance from falling into the enemy's hands?

Niu Jingru volunteered to try.

In this regard,

Zhang Qingyuan also had no reason to object.

"Then everything will be Lao Niu brother, all be careful!"

Niu Jingru nodded,

Take a few steps forward.

Take a deep breath.

He raised his hand and placed it on the inheritance stone inscription, and at the same time closed his eyes, the divine consciousness spread along with the inheritance stone inscription.


The light oscillated,

Almost illuminates the entire secret room.

Zhang Qingyuan stared at Niu Jingru from time to time.

The rays of light visible to the naked eye converged like flowing water, spreading from Niu Jingru's hands into his body.

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan felt that an invisible and innocent sense of God seemed to spread from the inheritance stele, intersecting with Niu Jingru's spirit, as if pulling it into some mysterious inheritance space.

Niu Jingru's body was motionless.

Time passed slowly.

Zhang Qingyuan watched carefully while waiting.

About ten minutes later.

Niu Jingru opened his eyes, as if waking up from his dream, with a trace of blankness in his eyes, but he quickly returned to his usual appearance.

"How about it, are you okay?"

Zhang Qingyuan asked.

"No problem, no traps, it is indeed an inheritance stone carving that anyone can use."

"As long as you establish a connection between the divine consciousness and the inheritance stone tablet, the magic and martial arts sealed in it will naturally be automatically inherited and gathered on oneself."

Niu Jingru turned around and made sure that there was nothing serious about his body.

Then the palm stretched out.

The majestic power in the palm converges, and it seems that the space is faintly distorted, the majestic power makes people shocking, and the naked eye can visibly fluctuate.

I took a closer look at the martial arts power I got.

Niu Jingru just continued to speak.

"This is a high-level martial art Tianliu Gui Yuan Shou."

"This inheritance has reached the stage of great success, but I just instilled it. With a little practice, only the power of Xiaocheng can be displayed. As for Dacheng, it will take some time to practice."

"Fortunately, there is a complete path to achieve great success. It is not too difficult to upgrade this martial skill to great success. As long as all the memories are passed down and digested, it will come naturally."

"It's just that there seems to be a limit to the number of times this inheritance is accepted, and my head is a little groggy after accepting this inheritance."

"It looks like it can only accept the three or four ways of inheritance at most."

"However, in addition to being able to gain inheritance, it seems that the streamer of the spirits that were killed before can slightly improve the cultivation base..."

Niu Jingru talked about his feelings while experiencing it.

And Zhang Qingyuan listened carefully.

Nodding from time to time.

"Brother Lao Niu."

"You are welcome."

"Time is running out. Since there is no problem, then we will go to break other secret rooms of inheritance."



Confirmed that there is no problem with inheriting the stone carvings.

The two then left.

Quickly found an inheritance stone room.

This time, the inheritance stone room was in a deeper place ~www.readwn.com~, and it was also completely undamaged. Zhang Qingyuan and Niu Jingru, the two true essence realms, took action and quickly cleaned up the miscellaneous soldiers.

Just before the inheritance stone carvings, the strength of the five spirit shadows that last guarded the inheritance stone carvings in the inheritance stone chamber actually reached the point of triple true essence!

Fortunately, Zhang Qingyuan is strong.

These ghosts have no wisdom.

With the help of Niu Jingru, he finally killed the three-fold spiritual shadow of the five realities.

And Zhang Qingyuan was able to begin to accept the inheritance.

Put your hand on the inheritance stone inscription.

It feels a bit cold.

With the confluence of the divine consciousness, the light and shadow on the inheritance stone inscription seemed to be active at this moment, and the light and shadow of the villains followed the divine consciousness into Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

A lot of practice, the experience memory of using martial arts.

Reflected in the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge.

It's almost as if it's engraved in the mind, and the scene is clear.

At the same time, there is also a force that flows into Zhang Qingyuan's body along the palm of his hand.

Until more than twenty minutes later.

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes.

There was also a hint of joy on his face.

"Xiaocheng's quasi-yellow-level martial arts, Sihaizhen Tianzhang!"


Not only did he directly obtain a small quasi-yellow-level martial art within a short period of time, it made his own means even more points.

What Zhang Qingyuan is especially concerned about is.

After accepting the inheritance,

The realm of his True Yuan Dual Consummation was actually improved by one level!

"Perhaps, I will be able to upgrade my cultivation to the realm of True Yuan triple level within these few days?!"

Looking at the inheritance stele that has disappeared in front of you and has become bleak.

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes showed a longing look uncontrollably!

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