"Unfortunately, I have accepted the inheritance three times before, and the strength of my soul consciousness is not enough, and there is no more energy to continue accepting this inheritance!"

Looking at the inheritance stone carving in front of the edge corners.

Niu Jingru's face showed a slight sorrow.



This inheritance stele in front of me.

What remains is likely to be one of the high-level inheritances at the core of the Linghai Sword School.

But to accept this inheritance, what is needed is the strength of the soul of the monk himself and the vigour of the gods.

Niu Jingru has no more power to accept the inheritance.

"fair enough!"

Niu Jingru said to himself in his heart.

Only one legacy remains here.

But there are two people.

Zhang Qingyuan has a life-saving grace for him, and he himself does not want to have conflicts because of interests.

Although there are some regrets in my heart, this is also the best.

"Thank you Brother Niu for perfection!"

Zhang Qingyuan also understood Niu Jingru's thoughts, and solemnly bowed his hand to him.

Niu Jingru waved his hand.

Thank you Zhang Qingyuan for his kindness.

"Brother Zhang, don't have to say too much. If you have a chance, you can get it right. Let's get the inheritance first and then talk about it!"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded.

No more words.

Go forward.

In the shattered space, the ground was full of broken rocks, and occasionally the light of the magic circle faintly flickered on the ground. It was the remnant of the broken magic circle, hiding a terrible danger.

Zhang Qingyuan moved forward cautiously.

Although Niu Jingru gave up competing with Zhang Qingyuan for the inheritance stele, this does not mean that he did nothing.

Look around.

Collect the broken pieces of heritage stele.

These things, although they no longer have the power to inherit, but because the inheritance was once attached, there may be some residual true meaning left behind, and their own value is not low.

I don't know that it was because that big hand violently destroyed the relationship between the core space of inheritance.

Still speaking, the design of the core space itself is like this.

In the entire space,

None of the ghost shadows appeared.

This is undoubtedly a great convenience to Zhang Qingyuan and Niu Jingru.

It's just that.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't dare to be careless.

"The previous inheritance stone chambers all have "tests" remaining. It is unreasonable that this core inheritance does not set tests. You must be careful."

On the way forward.

Zhang Qingyuan was cautious all the way.


Everything was stable and there were no accidents.

It's just that Zhang Qingyuan's spirit has condensed to the peak instead.

When he stepped into the range of fifty steps, a sudden change occurred.


It was exactly what motivated that, on the inheritance stone monument in front, the mysterious ancient prose began to shine.

In the void, the waves visible to the naked eye flickered like ripples, and the light and shadow of the gilt color appeared in the front.

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes suddenly condensed.

Different from the ordinary shadows I have encountered before, the outline of the face of this light and shadow can be seen, the sleeves are fluttering, and the decorations on the light and shadow can be seen in a Taoist suit, as if it is an ancient and powerful existence from time. Walked out and appeared in front of him.

The light and shadow appeared without any movement.

Ling Du was in midair, standing with his hands behind.

It's like an unworldly expert who has escaped from the world.

That light and shadow glanced at Zhang Qingyuan in front of him.

Do not know why,

Obviously this is just an illusory light and shadow, but there is a feeling that makes Zhang Qingyuan as if facing a real person.

The light and shadow stood with their hands behind them, their eyes staring at the sky.

A leisurely voice:

"The younger cultivator, the old man is Ye Wentian, the son of Qianyuan of the Linghai Sword Sect."

"The inheritance here is a type of Sanshou that I have practiced in the past years. When I practiced to the extreme, I deeply felt that I had learned so much that it was difficult to advance bravely, so I cut out some martial arts that were incompatible with my own practice system. A chance for the generation of monks to pass on."

"But even if this trick is not the core inheritance of the old man, it cannot be awarded to the mediocre. If you want to get the inheritance of the old man, you have to pass my test first."

I saw Qian Yuanzi waved his hand.

The palm of the hand was spread forward, and in an instant there was a kind of twisted and inverted light, and a heavy phantom shook open like a ripple of moving glass, as if thousands of rays of light were converging.

The two Qi Jin blended and intertwined between the palms.

It is like a wheel of Yin and Yang, spiraling and spreading continuously, stirring the heaven and earth auras, fusing the aura of heaven and earth in front or transforming into a huge void roulette barrier.

"The Tao is in my heart."

"This trick can be broken with one layer of true essence, but the nine layers may not be broken. Everything is in the heart."

"The younger monk, use your most powerful means, break it, and you will accept the inheritance of the old man!"

Void shocks.

The void roulette in front rotates slowly, seeming to merge the world of the entire space, giving people a sense of indestructibility, as if facing the entire world.

Qian Yuanzi stopped talking.

Standing with his hands behind, standing quietly, his eyes looked at the void.


Looking at the light curtain roulette ahead, Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly.

Obviously it's just a shadow of nothingness.

But at the moment Qian Yuanzi made his move, Zhang Qingyuan felt it. The move in front of him seemed to communicate the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the humans are one, without the slightest flaw!

No way to start!

"Brother Niu ever knew who Qian Yuanzi was?"

Divine consciousness swept away for a long time ~www.readwn.com~ and still found a trace of flaws in this void disk, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but frowned slightly and asked Niu Jingru aside.

"Qian Yuanzi, I seem to have heard about one or two... I forgot, but in the thousand years before the Linghai Sword Sect was destroyed, there should be no such name. Perhaps it is the more ancient ancestor of the Linghai Sword Sect. Come on!"

Niu Jingru frowned, unsure of the authenticity.

This name seemed to have been heard somewhere in the impression, but it was a long time ago, and he couldn't remember the specifics.

"No matter, since it is a test, there is naturally a way to pass."

"Since this predecessor stated in advance that the inheritance cannot fall into the hands of mediocre people, and at the same time, he said that this move can be broken with the first layer of the true element state, and the nine layers of the true element state may not be able to break... the meaning of the test, perhaps the test is for the spell The degree of mastery of martial arts, the degree of mastery of one's own power!"

In other words, you are a test of genius.

Test the genius who is far stronger than the same rank.

This meets the definition of not being a "Mediocre"!


In Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, a strong and firm self-confidence bloomed.


It doesn't matter if his understanding is correct.


Facing the inheritance before him, Zhang Qingyuan would not give up.

So it doesn't matter whether the problem is broken or not.

His only choice is to go all out and use his strongest strength to break through the barriers in front of him!

Only fight!

Zhang Qingyuan took a deep breath.

There were sharp and hot gazes from the pupils of the binoculars, and all the momentum of the body completely broke out at this moment, and the terrifying pressure formed a heavy impact of vigor visible to the naked eye and oscillated towards the surroundings!

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