Yang Jinfeng was the place where the Linghai Sword Sect was used to refine tools.

That year's battle to destroy the sect came suddenly, and there must be a lot of treasures such as magic weapons and magic weapons that have not been transferred in Yang Jinfeng!

For the monks present,

Undoubtedly, it has great appeal.

So when the forbidden circle that blocked the mountain was breached, the crowd dispersed in a rush, scattered around, and went to collect the treasures in the palace.

Zhang Qingyuan is no exception.

He has his own calculations.

The spiritual tool that can obtain Yang Jinfeng during this trip is the best, but in this chaotic battle, he also knows that the difficulty is extremely high, and the ultimate ownership of the spiritual tool may not be able to fall into his hands.

At this time, at least search around Yangjin Peak.

Let's talk about getting guaranteed benefits.

Step forward.

It seemed to have crossed the space, and appeared ten feet away in an instant.

The monks who had scattered on four or four weeks also turned into a stream of light and scattered towards the palaces of Yangjin Peak.

After a few breaths.

Zhang Qingyuan straddles the void.

Appeared in the sky above a palace that collapsed half of it.

Although most of it has collapsed, the bright golden attic can still see its former glory and domineering. Obviously, three hundred years ago, this place was not a busy place.

Around the palace.

A beam of forbidden light surrounds, blocking the way forward.

It's just that after hundreds of years of brilliance, the magic circle has been weakened a lot.

Raise your hand.

make a fist.

The five fingers condensed a huge and incomparable momentum, mighty, like a flood blasting out, and in a flash, it seemed as if a big river rushed out from above the sky, bombarding the light curtain array in front.

There was a scream.

The formation light curtain in front of them shattered one after another, and the unparalleled momentum rushed in all directions, causing a huge smoke storm in mid-air.

not far away.

Someone seemed to be attracted by this light.

The streamer flickered in this direction.

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at it and didn't take it too far.

Step forward.

As if crossing the space, the figure shifted between breathing and appeared in the collapsed hall.

The collapsed hall.

There were broken walls and broken bricks everywhere, and at the same time, pieces of magic weapons fell to the ground, filled with dust!

"This is where the magic weapon is placed?"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes lit up.

Obviously, this weapon full of ground will not be a simple place.

Especially among these magic weapons, a large part of them are defensive magic weapons!

If you can get a defensive magic weapon.

For Zhang Qingyuan now, it obviously has a great effect.

The consciousness quickly swept away.

next moment,

Zhang Qingyuan's gaze focused on the big tripod under the half of the palace that hadn't collapsed!

The great cauldron is several feet high, like a small house. The mysterious runes on it are looming, shimmering with gilt colors. Below the great cauldron, a cluster of orange flames that have not been extinguished for three hundred years is burning.

There was a high temperature all around.

"what is that?"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes condensed.

There is a certain guess in his mind.

Step forward.

Instantly crossed the space and came to the big tripod.

Waved backhand.

A majestic force was like a flood. It lifted the lid on the big tripod, and there was a thud, golden light soared into the sky, and the hot flames of gold and gold flow scattered everywhere!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure was suspended in the air.

Look down.

In the great cauldron, there is a golden body with a long ruler, with a pattern carved on it like two round shields surrounded by dragons suspended in the centre of the great cauldron, emitting a radiant golden light.

"This is... a defensive magic weapon?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes showed joy.

Defensive life-saving equipment is more precious than ordinary magical weapons.

This is not only because defensive equipment is more difficult to refine than offensive or functional artifacts due to materials and refining techniques.

It's because for the monks.

In the fight against the outside world, life-saving is the most important first element.

"it is good!"

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but applaud when he got this defensive weapon by accident.

Before he was promoted to the real yuan realm.

Also once possessed a defensive magic weapon, that was the Xuanyuan body armor obtained from Luoshuijiang's family.

It's just that as time goes by, the cultivation base grows.

That Xuanyuan body armor had already suffered irreversible damage in a fierce battle, and even if it cost a lot of repairs, it would definitely fall into the ranks.

What's more, now Zhang Qingyuan has been promoted to the real yuan realm.

For him, the effect of magical implements has not played much role.

So there is no more effort to repair.

As a result, Zhang Qingyuan no longer possessed a piece of defensive equipment.

Get this magic weapon.

Undoubtedly, his own strength will rise to the next level.

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, Zhang Qingyuan did not hesitate, and quickly waved his hand. The majestic true essence was like a big hand that turned into a substance and grabbed the magic shield in the cauldron. In the bag.

Action must be fast!

He didn't forget,

When the cauldron was just opened, there was a burst of golden light.

It is very likely to attract other monks to come.

Just when Zhang Qingyuan was about to leave quickly, his eyes touched the cauldron, and suddenly a certain thought in his mind flashed away.

Then he didn't hesitate.

Put the big tripod directly into the storage bag.

It's just that Zhang Qingyuan is a step slower after all.

When he put the big tripod in his storage bag, outside the palace, two powerful streams of light aura rushed over and fell into the hall~www.readwn.com~ just saw Zhang Qingyuan's trip into the big tripod. Scene of storage bags.

Two ugly-faced monks in the True Origin Realm.

One double and one triple.

One high and one thin.

In the outside world, they are called the twin ghosts of Yama,

This nickname not only describes the appearance of the two, but also reflects the behavior of the two to a certain extent. It is obviously not a decent person.


The two ghosts of Yan Luo are two brothers. When they were young, the family of Debao was destroyed by a family of comprehension. The father of the two had made arrangements to leave the treasure to the two brothers and succeeded in the catastrophe. Pretending to deceive the enemy, let the two brothers escape.

The only price is the destruction of the family members.

The two brothers fled to the remote and chaotic area, relying on the treasures left by their father to cultivate all the way to the real yuan realm, and after achieving the real yuan, they returned, and annihilated the cultivation family that day.

Because it grows from a place of chaos.

Both brothers carried the savage habit of bandits in their actions.

Bullying and oppression, killing people for treasure, and destroying family forces for resources have not done less, and because of their own experience, the two brothers have always cut grass without leaving roots.

Under many evil deeds, it is called Yan Luo Double Ghost.

This nickname.

But with the **** grievances of an unknown number of people, and the curses of those who had managed to escape.

"Boy, what did you take away just now?"

Seeing in the center of the palace, a certain big cauldron on the orange flame was taken away.

Then I sensed that the breath of this kid in the hall had only the triple true essence.

Yan Luo Shuanggui, one tall and one short, looked at each other, their cold voices echoed in the air, one left and the other blocked the space behind them, and they approached with a sneer.

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