If it has not reached the inheritance of Qian Yuanzi, and has not experienced the subtlety of the universe, Zhang Qingyuan would have discovered the flaw in the attack of Yan Luo Twin Ghosts.

I am afraid it can only be powerless.

This kind of insights derived from Qian Yuanzi's own martial arts avenue, and the understanding of the integration of the universe and the universe, made Zhang Qingyuan's martial arts more sophisticated.

This is also an important reason why Zhang Qingyuan was able to defeat the combined lore so easily.

The two ghosts of Yan Luo were photographed by Zhang Qingyuan's mysterious grasp. The kind of turning things around and taking self-attack as nourishment made them all shocked.

Among the two ghosts of Yan Luo, the white-faced ghost with the true essence of duality stayed in place even more sluggishly.

Exposed a huge flaw!

In this level of life-and-death battle.

Just a little stagnation is enough to determine the end of life and death!

Seeing the other party revealing such a big flaw, Zhang Qingyuan would naturally not let it go, running Zhou Tianyun, the majestic and majestic Zhenyuan waves rolled, and the waves swept across the sky.

Entrapped by the unresistible majestic force, it is like a grinding disc to crush the air layer by layer, and crush it down!

Under a huge attack.

Heaven and Earth Qi Machine,

The layers of space seemed to be trapped in an extremely thick mud swamp, not to mention avoiding it, even breathing was extremely difficult.


Among the two ghosts of Yama.

The blue-faced ghost of Zhenyuan triple layer was the first to react, knowing that the two of them had provoked an unprovokable terrifying enemy.

Has now fallen into a desperate situation.

That terrifying force twisted the sky, and was already in front of him with a great danger of speechlessness.

There is no escape,


Under the crisis, the green-faced ghost made an unexpected move.

He suddenly stretched out his palm to control the vigorous real vitality, and slapped his brother Baimiangui's back, who was stunned in place by his side, and the powerful real vitality swayed away.

"Brother, instead of letting both of you die here, it's better to let you complete my escape, and I will definitely avenge you in the future!"

A trace of cruelty flashed across the tall and thin green-faced ghost's face.

At the same time by this counterforce.

The green-faced ghost stepped on the void, his figure was like a big bird flying upside down, and in the blink of an eye he escaped from the range of the terrifying true essence vortex shrouded in a range of ten feet!

And the other side.

The Hundred-faced Ghost was out of reach and suddenly suffered this blow. A large mouthful of blood was spit out from his astonished face, and his whole body flew like a broken kite toward the huge True Essence vortex that was rolling over!

Like a tiger's mouth!

Without any precautions, it was delivered straight to the door!

"Do not!"

At the moment before Zhang Qingyuan’s body was about to hit Zhang Qingyuan’s overwhelming half of the hall, before the terrifying true essence vortex that shook the sky, the unbelievable white-faced ghost woke up from the horror, but only had time to cry out a desperate tragedy. Called, I was swallowed by the vortex that shook the entire hall and swallowed everything!

boom! ! !

The powerful force impacted, and the whole hall was crumbling.

The white-faced ghost suffered an unprecedented hit, and immediately lost all its vitality.


The blue-faced ghost, who was running away, heard a scream from his younger brother behind him, and his footsteps did not stop at the slightest.


He shot the white-faced ghost in his palm, Zhang Qingyuan watched the trail of light left when the blue-faced ghost disappeared not far away.

A cold light flashed between the pupils.

Although this battle was devastating, the victory was already divided between the electric light and the flint, but Zhang Qingyuan still gained a lot in this battle.

Especially in the actual combat process, the understanding of the universe together has gone to a level.

It’s just that under the current situation,

But he couldn't help but calm down to experience the harvest.

Even the brothers who have grown up to this day can leave them so cleanly and cruelly, as a stepping stone to escape, without any hesitation.

Such a cruel heart.

If the opponent flees, saying that it will not cause a lot of trouble in the future.

Zhang Qingyuan has no idea of ​​raising tigers.

"Don't want to escape!"

boom! ! !

Taking a step, it seemed as if a huge torrent of true essence was set off under his feet. Under the powerful force, the whole figure seemed to have broken through a lot of space in an instant, appearing beyond the space of tens of meters!

Every step is taken.

They all set off turbulent waves visible to the naked eye in the void.

The vigorous true power oscillated in all directions.

A huge storm was set off in the air.

Zhang Qingyuan traversed the void like a meteor walking on the moon, chasing after the blue-faced ghost who fled in embarrassment, and the perfect series of situation and appearance that he displayed made him almost as if he was in the middle of the wind and clouds.

Invisible and invisible.

The speed is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, it swept through hundreds of meters of space like a teleport, and already appeared behind the blue-faced ghost!


Seeing this scene, the green face ghost looked terrified.

The grateful heart that had originally escaped from the Jedi in his heart fell to the bottom of the valley in time, as if he had fallen into a dark abyss.

"Impossible! Obviously, it's only the same three-tiered cultivation base, how can it be so fast?!"


Like an abyssal behemoth in the dark, it swallows the entire heart of the green-faced ghost!

this moment,

The green-faced ghost almost regretted that he had slapped himself to death.

Seeing that this kid was young and his breath was only the early stage of the True Yuan Triple Layer, he thought he was just a lucky little mouse, with the strength of the two of them, he would surely be able to capture each other.

But who knows.

The little mouse in their eyes ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly transformed into a terrifying dragon and beast in the next instant!

It's terrible!

It was just a single blow to destroy them like a dead end!

If they had known such a result long ago, how could they provoke such a terrifying existence? !

It's a pity that there is no regret taking medicine in this world.

Just when the blue-faced ghost was desperate, intending to explode his life weapon and fight back desperately.

"Well, Fellow Tang, what happened?"

A vigorous voice suddenly echoed in my ears.

The green-faced ghost turned around,

It was not far away that a stunned man carrying a big knife was walking through the void, and a terrifying aura filled the void around him, oscillating wanton.

Unprecedented hope suddenly burst out of the originally desperate eyes of the Green-faced Ghost.

"Crazy Blade Hero, help!"

"My brother and I were on an adventure in a hall not far away. Who knew this kid suddenly appeared, saying that those who have a predestined treasure will get it, and those who see it have a share, and then suddenly attacked and killed me and waited for the two to find me. Take away the treasure that comes!"

"Pray for the mad sword heroes to be fair! Oh, pity my brother who believes in people wrongly, but was attacked and killed by this cunning man, and he has already died here!"

The green-faced ghost's eyes reddened, and seeing the big man was like seeing his relatives.

It's like grabbing a straw for life.

Weeping and rushed over.


Zhang Qingyuan was stunned.

Such a reversal of right and wrong, he has never seen such a brazen man!

However, Zhang Qingyuan's figure stopped in midair.

Suspended in mid-air.

Did not continue pursuing.

Gaze ahead.


The big man who appeared in front of him was the South Sea Crazy Sword Nangong Batian!

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