time flies.

Zhang Qingyuan, who was immersed in recovering his injuries and tempered his body, didn't even notice that time flies so fast.

Until he proceeded from the huge shock oscillation.

Only then discovered that three full days have passed since the cultivation and tempering at the bottom of the Daluo Golden Pool hidden in him!

Within these three days.

Zhang Qingyuan recovered all his injuries and his aura returned to its peak state. At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan's body became more tenacious and strong because of the tempering of the golden gold in the Daluo Jinchi!

The improvement of physique is undoubtedly a great effect for Zhang Qingyuan, who is basically good at blood roots.

Although I haven't tried it.

But Zhang Qingyuan also sensed that his own body skin was no less inferior to ordinary low-grade magical weapons if only the defense power was considered.

If supplemented by true yuan,

I'm afraid it's not even more powerful!

This is because Zhang Qingyuan has not practiced the physical exercises.

"Unfortunately, with the improvement of the body's tempering degree, the tempering of Da Luo Jinchi has gradually reached a limit, and the recent refinement effect has become slow."

Feel the improvement of the body.

It's a blessing in disguise.

This unexpectedly gave this opportunity to improve his body, and Zhang Qingyuan's heart undoubtedly gave rise to a sense of joy.

The combat power has been improved again.

But after all, he did not indulge in this joy for long.

Even the golden round shield of the magic weapon series that he had previously ventured to get was not able to take a close look, just a few glances, after confirming that there was no problem, he merged into the dantian ritual.

It is a medium-grade defensive weapon!

An extremely precious registration artifact.

Have not had time to be happy.

Then his attention was attracted by the huge fluctuations coming from somewhere.

Boom! ! !

The huge shock and vibration caused the entire Great Luojin Pool to vibrate.

The golden lake is reflected.

Set off waves.

The bottom of the lake was shaking.


Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly, and the aftermath of the battle shook the entire Daluo Jinchi. One can imagine the momentum in it, not to mention the explosions coming one after another.

Vaguely perceiving the impact of a dozen or twenty chaotic auras, it seems that the real elementary realm powerhouse is fighting on a large scale!

Among them, Zhang Qingyuan is particularly concerned.

In the core area of ​​the big Luo Jinchi, there is a Qi Ruo shining straight into the sky, soaring through the heavens and the earth.

Oscillating massive world!

It's as dazzling as the sun, making it almost hard to look directly at it.

"Could it be that the spirit weapon was born?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's heart was tight.

There is a possibility in mind.

Without staying for long, he immediately concealed his figure and displayed the Fengyun Wuxiang to quickly climb at the bottom of the Daluojin Pool, like a swift fish swimming in the direction where the movement came.

Although there are many inconveniences under the Great Luojin Pond.

The lake is blocked.

However, relying on Zhang Qingyuan's strength, the speed is still extremely fast, and within a quarter of an hour he sneaked from the water to the core area of ​​the Daluo Jinchi.


at this time,

The prohibition circle near Daluojinchi has been violently cracked, and the incomplete legal prohibition is shattered, spreading across the surrounding waters, looming.

The space above the sky is cracked like a mirror.


The pitch-black space within the crack swallowed all the light.


All over the space within a few miles of a radius.

It's terrifying!

There are foreign monks who are adventurous and want to rush in.

He rushed into the core of the big Luojin pool that was enveloped by the remaining magic circle, and was swept by a blast of wind in the middle, which slightly touched the broken circle around him. The fragments were cut down like an indestructible knife. The body was cut in half from the middle.

Before even a scream, blood from the corpse fell.

This horrible scene,

Not only did the cultivators of the True Element Realm who were watching nearby chill out, but Zhang Qingyuan was also vigilant.

"What to do? There seems to be a big battle inside, and the aftermath of the impact disrupted the heavenly machine's aura. The outer law-forbidden area simply cannot pass!"

Someone was floating on the lake, looking at the violent turbulence coming from the core.

His face was unwilling.

"It is rumored that this spiritual weapon remains in the sect site of the Linghai Sword Sect."

"The Rongtian Island in this big Luo Jinchi must be the place where the spirit weapon is placed!"

The man's words are ordinary.

The surrounding monks were also agitated.

Spirit weapon,

That's a magic weapon!

Above the magic weapon, it is enough to become a strategic weapon of a medium sect!

Moreover, from the core of the Daluo Jinchi, the heavenly aura can be sensed by them even a few miles away.

Such a majestic air machine,

No matter how you look at it, it will not be a simple chance.


The cultivators of the True Origin Realm who can come here alive here are not stupid.

Not completely driven by this word.

"What about the spirit weapon, the contention is all those who are above the mid-True Element Realm, and this formation has been jointly broken half a day ago, and those who are strong have entered it."

Someone had a solemn expression and a deep and authentic voice.

"Let's not talk about this half-destructed formation group, it is extremely dangerous, there is no trace at all, even if it is lucky to pass."

"Yuhuazong Xuancheng Taoist Tan Nansheng, Zizhushan native Yu Tianfu, Crazy Sword Nangong Overlord... Which of these people is not the overlord of one party~www.readwn.com~ There are five or six layers of the True Primordial Realm. With the number of hands, there is no chance at all."

This statement came out.

The **** monks around also calmed down.


But there are still some more radical and adventurous True Element Realm cultivators, who struggled a few times, and finally plunged into the broken formation group.

Under the water.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at everything in front of him coldly.

Frown slightly.

"Did you get through here half a day ago...I hope everything is still too late..."

Zhang Qingyuan whispered in his heart.


In fact, he didn't have to get this spiritual weapon. At the beginning, he came to compete with a dispensable mentality. After all, it was a strategic weapon that could change the battle of high-level cultivators.

Because it is precious, it is competing.

There is nothing necessary.

If it is impossible or the situation is too dangerous, it is not impossible to retreat.


Now, with the mighty energy exuding from the core of the big Luo Jinchi, Zhang Qingyuan has a feeling of being attracted by him!

In the midst of it, there was a premonition that that thing seemed extremely important to oneself!

Zhang Qingyuan's sixth sense rarely made mistakes.

And this time,

I'm afraid it can't be wrong!


The sword type that contained sword skills in Zhang Qingyuan's dantian actually had a faint echo with that energy!

"This spiritual weapon seems to be of great use to me!"

"What the **** is it?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly.

Then one step forward.

Before everyone noticed, he set off directly from the bottom of the water towards the core.

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