boom! ! !

In Zhang Qingyuan's mind, time and space seemed to be rotating.

Fan Yehuang directly imprinted the inheritance into Zhang Qingyuan's mind with the use of profound spiritual knowledge, and immediately set off a stormy sea on the sea of ​​his spiritual knowledge!

Countless messages are surging.

Into the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge.

Give Zhang Qingyuan a sense of incomparable mystery.

"so it is!"

Time freezes,

It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that only a moment of time has passed.

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes again.

He let out a long breath.

No wonder,

At the beginning, when Fan Yehuang appeared and used the power of his divine consciousness, he had a faint sense of familiarity and connection with each other.

It turned out that the other party also practiced Taiyi Divine Art.

And it is the second chapter of Taiyi Alchemy!

If the fragment that Zhang Qingyuan got back then was the first chapter of the foundation, then what Fan Yehuang cultivated was the second chapter of Taiyi Divine Art!


【You got the master's teaching method, and you learned the second chapter of Taiyi Alchemy. 】

【You have already practiced the basics of the Fragment of Taiyi Refining Techniques, and the chapter of Jishen Immortality is merged into the Taiyi Refining Techniques. 】

[Fragment of Taiyi Refining Techniques (2/?):? ? ? /? ? ? 】


Know the depths of the sea,

The proficiency panel also began to show lines of handwriting.

Record Zhang Qingyuan's acceptance of the changes in the inheritance of this secret technique.


On the suffix proficiency of Taiyi Alchemy, there are almost a series of greetings!


Undoubtedly, Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrink slightly.

This situation has almost never happened!

It means that the level of existence of this secret technique has exceeded the scope of his own knowledge!

Zhang Qingyuan was shocked.

But he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Just know that this secret technique is extremely extraordinary.

No matter how hard you meditate under the situation of insufficient information, it is impossible to imagine what you will experience out of thin air.

It's just a waste of effort.

He needs to put more energy on the experience and understanding of Jishen Immortal Chapter.

"Unexpectedly, there could be such a gain."

A huge amount of information flooded into my mind.

It was quickly digested by Zhang Qingyuan.

And as the inheritance freezes, the bottleneck that used to traverse the front is also broken at this moment.

As early as this nearly ten years, Zhang Qingyuan has never given up the practice of Taiyi Refining Divine Art Fragments that he obtained from the disciple of the Royal Beast Sect.

Even in the later stage, the more the level of spiritual cultivation, the less the effect of that fragment on the enhancement of spiritual consciousness.

But Zhang Qingyuan never gave up.


When I searched and harvested the ruins, I learned from the jade slips left by the other party that the disciple of the Royal Beast Sect who lived here was not very talented at first. It was after cultivating the fragments of the Taiyi Refining Techniques that he made rapid progress, and it was possible to make it impossible to break through to the True Origin Realm at an advanced age.

This description made Zhang Qingyuan see one thing.

That is the fragment of practicing Taiyi divine art.

Enhancing the vigorous and condensed level of the spiritual consciousness will help break through the bottleneck of the cultivation realm!

Because of this,

After spending nearly ten years in the South China Sea, Zhang Qingyuan has never given up on the practice of Taiyi Refining Divine Art Fragments.

Practice hard.

Think carefully.

I have already practiced this fragmentary practice to the point where it can be said to be impossible to advance.

And it is precisely for this reason.

Let Zhang Qingyuan's divine consciousness be more condensed and profound than ordinary monks of the same rank, and derive various abilities, greatly increasing his combat strength.

Among them is more important.

It is still that in the process of his practice, he rarely encounters difficult bottlenecks.

Ordinary cultivator of the true element realm.

It's not uncommon to encounter bottlenecks and get stuck there for more than ten or two decades.

But he Zhang Qingyuan,

It took only a few years from entering the real yuan realm to the current triple real yuan.

Among them, there was a lot of chance to enter the Linghai Sword Sect site this time.

More importantly, he practiced the Taiyi divine refining technique deeply, and tempered his divine consciousness to be extremely tough and strong. He didn't encounter any bottleneck with Ben.

Even if you encounter

As long as it takes some time, it will be possible to break through the bottleneck by relying on water milling.

This is the profound and pure function of divine consciousness!


Because of the unremitting practice of this fragment of Taiyi alchemy technique in the past ten years, it has now brought great benefits to Zhang Qingyuan.

As Fan Yehuang clicked the second chapter of the Taiyi Refining Technique into Zhang Qingyuan’s mind, after digesting the huge amount of news, the continuity of the link made the unsolvable problems he encountered in the past easily solved, and Relying on profound accumulation, in a short time, the second part of the chapter of Immortal Immortality is the introduction to cultivation!

Although it's just getting started.

However, the basic chapter and the second chapter are combined, and the intertwining between them has brought great gains to Zhang Qingyuan!

This is because he has already built a very deep foundation.

The embodiment of accumulation!

Through before and after.

The majestic power of divine consciousness is like the tide of the vast ocean.

The space seems to be oscillated by an invisible force!

And at this time,

"Boy, this inheritance has consumed most of my strength, and it's up to you next. Be sure to bring the token to within ten feet of the neighborhood!"

Fan Yehuang seemed to run out of The voice was weak.

Fainted, he curled up into the token again.

"Senior don't worry, juniors are not the kind of ungrateful people."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly, and his voice said calmly.

He did not intend to violate the agreement.

But this is not because he is someone who keeps his promises and makes a lot of money.

Pay attention to honesty, but also for people.


Because of Fan Yehuang's uneasy and kind performance when he first appeared, Zhang Qingyuan has been kicked out of the scope of such people who can speak honesty.

The reason why he shot.

But because of the need for a spoiler.

At this time on the field.

The intensity of the battle is gradually decreasing, and the two parties will shake hands to make peace and join hands.

Once the two parties join forces.

With the overall situation set, it is difficult for Zhang Qingyuan to get the chance to obtain that spiritual weapon!


He needs a spoiler to stir the water so that he can get a chance!

"Senior, get ready, I'm going to go!"

Put the token on the sleeve.

The figure is hidden in the black robe.

Step forward.

It seems to have crossed the space.

But it was heading towards Nangong Batian, Tan Nansheng and others in a swaggering direction!

"If it was before, there was no certainty in the face of the siege... but now, that's not necessarily the case!"

Zhang Qingyuan stepped on the void.

The momentum is rising steadily.

Shake the sky.

The eyes burst into light.

Without the slightest concealment, the momentum oppresses the sky.

"Just let you try it, the power that I gained after my spiritual consciousness was improved!"

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