Suddenly such a change occurred, and this change occurred. At the first moment, it was an ally and daoist, and the next moment it was life and death.

In order to seize the spirit weapon that was born in that round.

Even the enemies in front of them gave up directly, fighting each other.

Are Nangong Batian and others stupid?


But the deterrent power of the spirit weapon is too strong!

As long as anyone can get the spirit weapon first, even if he can't play a tenth of it, it will be enough to sweep all the cultivators present!

This is the power of the spirit weapon!

The power to change the situation of one side!

In this context,

When the flower buds on the barren tree bloomed, immediately became the fuse for the collapse of the fragile alliance.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Attacking flying,

Shocked one after another.

The shock of horror swept across the sky, and energy swept across the sky.

It seems that a huge ocean tide is set off in mid-air.

Even far away, you can feel the devastating force of impact.

"Friend Nangong Overlord Daoist, this treasure contains sword intent and does not match your swordsmanship, why bother to intervene in this matter?!"

Tan Nansheng spoke,

While gathering the majestic True Essence in the palm of one hand, it turned into a big hand and grabbed it towards the sun wheel high above the sky.

boom! ! !

However, a sword swept across the air, slashing Tan Nansheng's big hand.

At the same time, the figure differentiated into purple light.

Go to heaven to grab that spiritual tool sun wheel.

But it was the real Zizhu who was not far away.

"Tan Daoyou is right. I am afraid that the spirit weapon here is not the sword pill of the rumors, and it is compatible with the old swordsmanship. How about you selling the old man's face?"

"Huh, Zizhu knows that you don't look at your age. Maybe you will sit in Huashengxian after a few days. What if you get this spiritual tool?!"

Someone didn't let it go.

The shot interrupted the magic of the real man Zizhu.

In front of the barren tree,

These few real element realm overlord-level powerhouses fought fiercely.

It's just a few short breaths.

Many people have been injured.

Blood spattered into the void.

at this time,

With the birth of the spirit weapon, the outside world is surging.

Many monks who were blinded by greed flew in this direction one after another.

But this light shines.

The figure that caused all this in the first place has quietly disappeared.


Under the big Luo Jinchi.

Zhang Qingyuan dived directly into the water, and quickly hid into the surrounding formation group was not enough, and almost buried himself directly in the ground!


The fear in his heart almost made him startled in a cold sweat.

Because I had already made the plan to make a noise, I was also ready to wait for the muddy water to be muddled, and use the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole.

So when the barren tree blossoms bloom.

The magic weapon sword pill was born,

Zhang Qingyuan was not attracted by the scene of the birth of the sword pill, but instead took advantage of this opportunity to pay attention to the surrounding movement.

When almost everyone's eyes were on the rising round of Jianmaru.

Only Zhang Qingyuan, who was pushing in the dark, had this leisurely sentiment, to observe the surroundings.


Then he discovered something that frightened him extremely.

That is,

Behind this, there are one or more horrible existences that make him stand upside down, watching all this silently behind him.

I don’t know where I am, and I haven’t even appeared yet!

Because at the moment when the sword pill spirit weapon rose from the flower bud, he, whose divine consciousness was far more acute than ordinary monks, felt a flash of passing, but it made him frightened by it, as if he fell into the abyss. A slight fluctuation of the general horror consciousness!

This point fluctuates very little.

Everyone present except Zhang Qingyuan didn't notice it at all.

But this kind of spirituality,

This kind of consciousness fluctuation, which is completely above the level of one's own life, even though there is only a trace, still makes Zhang Qingyuan's hair stand upside down.


When everyone's eyes were attracted by the rising spirit weapon.

Zhang Qingyuan ran away.

Very decisive.

It's not enough to hide under the water of the Big Luo Jinchi, and even to run into the chaotic formation community, and dig a hole to bury yourself in the ground!

In order to be foolproof.

"Damn it! Who the **** is it?!"

"No wonder! I said that the Linghai Sword Sect relic space channel has been open for more than half a month, why is the strongest cultivation level only the Sixth True Yuan! And most of them are among the eight people who first opened the channel? A few of them!"

"Although there are few in the late Zhenyuan period, this kind of fluctuation that shakes the entire South China Sea is unreasonable and cannot attract a few."

"I am afraid that monks above the late True Yuan stage will be driven out directly and are forbidden to enter!"

Drill the whole body into the bottom of the Great Luojin Pond,

Zhang Qingyuan, who was buried in your stupidity, looked particularly ugly at this moment.


My own thoughts of the oriole behind, I'm afraid it's not completely a joke!

"Well, I can't afford to offend, this level of consciousness fluctuation, even if it is not the legendary cave realm, it must be the peak of true essence!"

"Next, I will hide behind my back and watch the show!"

I don’t even know I’m hiding this time,

Can you avoid the mighty prying behind the scenes?

But no matter what.

Everything can only do my best!

Zhang Qingyuan was like an old ghost, converging his breath to the extreme, completely burying himself in the sand.


Never show up.


Just when Zhang Qingyuan was worried and hid his deeds.

Sudden changes on the court rising Kanmaru Hikaru,

The golden brilliance spreads out, and if the sword power of nothing is hidden in it, it spreads every corner of the void!

But just in Nangong Batian and the others,

The true essence seemed to burst into the void,

Fight against the sky.

When competing with each other.

"Hmph, a group of little ghosts, they still want to seize the power of this seat, looking for death!"

The majestic voice resounded through the sky.

The voice did not fall.

The rising sword pill light wheel suddenly burst into a vast beam of light, just like a hanging Tianhe descending from the sky, sweeping through the void, and the space seemed to split a huge channel.

Rumble! ! !

Xuanmang sword energy swept past,

Whether it's Nangong Batian or Tan Nansheng, all the nearest True Yuan monks have resorted to life-saving tricks, but they were all cut in an instant, and their bodies flew out like rag dolls!

It was just an attack of sword light.

The cultivators of the Sixth Layer of the Digital True Origin Realm were directly swept away!


There were still many monks eager to try,

At the moment, his face is stagnant,

Looking at the rising sword pill light wheel, his eyes were full of disbelief. The cultivator of Zhenyuan who originally wanted to participate in the melee and started fighting, was stuck in the air.

Don't dare to move at all.

too terrifying!

Just a sword light swept the strongest people present and vomited blood.

The power of this,

Can't resist at all.

"Hahaha, today I, Fan Yehuang, will return to the world and recreate a legend!"

Between heaven and earth,

All the brilliance was gathered on the sword pill in the sky at this moment.

The wind and thunder echoed, and the thunder roared!


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