Zhang Changyang stared at Zhang Qingyuan's face nervously, observing his reaction.

When asked this sentence,

His heart is actually a little worried.

Although Zhang Qingyuan comes from the Zhang family in Huainan, he is actually not as close as he imagined, and it can even be said to be a bit distant.

Zhang Qingyuan's parents themselves are remote branches of the Zhang family in Huainan.

When the Yunshui Sect test was conducted, Zhang Qingyuan himself sold the barren spiritual field handed down by his ancestors to his family to make up for the ordinary living expenses of practice.

And with this as a favor, he asked a certain family elder for a place to participate in the test.

There are not many relationships with the family.


It was the team he led.

But who would want it,

The young man who had abandoned everything and had the determination to break the boat, finally was able to get to where he is today? !

No one thought of it,

As soon as the other party entered the Yunshui Sect, it was like a fish entering the sea, a trapped dragon ascending to the sky, step by step, reaching a position where even Zhang's family could not be seen.

When he was weak,

The family's feeling for him is that there are dispensable family children, and only when outside the door, they can pay a little attention every month in accordance with the rules that have been passed down by the family for hundreds of years.

And at that time,

The direct disciple of the family in the outer door, because of some trivial things, excluded the other party from the family circle in the Yunshui sect!

From here to the end,

Although the family is not like some ordinary cultivation.

Because of the problems of fighting for family property, oppression by family elders, and other issues, Zhang Qingyuan and Zhang Qingyuan came to the point where they regarded each other as enemies.

But the relationship between the two is almost strange.

After all, with the exception of a little family yin and very small funding back then, the reason why Zhang Qingyuan was able to get to where he is today has nothing to do with his family at all!

His own blood is alienated.

In this context,

How can the family have any confidence to ask Zhang Qingyuan to pay?

Especially Zhang Qingyuan has come to this day,

When the cultivation base is a few points higher than the patriarch of the only True Element Realm in the Zhang Family!

"Give me advice..."

Zhang Qingyuan took a sip of tea and pondered for a moment.

I couldn't help but flash in my mind the group of monks guards patrolling the harbor when they returned to the Yuelian Islands that day.

Those guards,

The main body is still a child of the Zhang clan.

In the process of building the Yuelian Islands, the children of the Zhang family played no less, although at the same time, they also paid a certain amount of spiritual stones and other cultivation resources as rewards.

But the relationship between family, favor, etc.

It's not so easy to distinguish.

At least,

Zhang Qingyuan is relatively satisfied with the performance of these Zhang family children.

When his spiritual consciousness enveloped the Yuelian Islands, he did not find any bullying or exploitation of merchants and scattered people. On the contrary, he seemed to be proud of his existence and consciously maintained the reputation of the Zhang family.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't know.

The children of the Zhang family who can come to the Yuelian Islands to work are actually selected family elites.

The character and character are all selected.

Naturally, there is no such thing as a **** stove.

Especially in order to prevent some nasty things from causing a discord with him, the patriarch deliberately summoned people for training before setting off.

Zhang Changyang always paid great attention to the role of the Zhang family's children living on the Yuelian Islands.

So as not to discredit Zhang Qingyuan's image.

"Alright, they gave up the stable life in Yuzhou and came to work in Yuelian Islands, helping to establish the original administrative framework of Yuelian Islands. The credit is naturally indelible, and I am naturally not the kind of ungrateful person."

"A lamb is also a lamb, in that case, Uncle Chang Yang."

"In addition to the members of the Zhang clan, I also selected a few local or foreign cultivators with higher merits, and selected them together. I will find a time to give them some pointers."

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan promised,

Zhang Changyang was also secretly relieved.

As for the latter requirements, it seemed to him nothing.

As long as the younger generations of the family can get guidance, and don't say anything to produce a genius and enchanting like Zhang Qingyuan, at least one or two younger generations who can successfully forge true yuan can be produced.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements when I go back."

Zhang Changyang replied quickly.

The two talked for a while.

Zhang Changyang then left.

Out of the city lord's mansion.

Zhang Changyang looked up at the gray sky.

That is the direction of Yuzhou.

"Fortunately, this kid Qingyuan still reads a trace of the old bloodliness after all..."

"Oh, it's a pity..."

"I hope the family can escape this disaster, with Qingyuan, I just hope that at least the family's fire can be retained..."

Zhang Changyang sighed for a long time.

Seems to think of something.

The originally full interest also diminished.

Clean up your mood.

Driving the escape light and disappearing into the distance~www.readwn.com~For this,

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan, who was sitting on the chair and taking a sip of tea, knew nothing.


Although he agreed to Zhang Changyang's preaching and pointing matters.

But this matter can't be rushed.

After all, those who are qualified to come to listen to and receive guidance are basically making a lot of credit in the development of Yuelian Islands. The children of the Zhang family who have played a lot in the operation of Yuelian Islands or are outstandingly absorbed in. System of foreign monks.

If these people are all transferred out at once,

Then the affairs of the entire Moon Link Islands are not going to be paralyzed.

What's more, the population of Yuelian Islands has increased recently, and the pressure on management has not been small.

This requires deployment in advance.

In this regard,

Zhang Qingyuan is not in a hurry either.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhang Qingyuan will put it in a storage bag, and take out the many elixir obtained from the Linghai Sword Sect ruins, unlock the seal, and plant it near the mouth of the Lingquan.

The more spiritual creatures, the more spiritual energy you can vomit.

The greater the improvement to the ground veins!

Back then, this neighborhood was only a small spiritual spring. With the improvement of many elixir collected by Zhang Qingyuan over the years, it has developed into a large spiritual spring.

Even gradually evolving towards the direction of miniature spiritual veins.

Looking at the aura, almost condensed into a white mist, it looks like a colorful elixir field area.

Zhang Qingyuan estimated,

It is estimated that I have planted all these high-level elixir from the secret realm of the Linghai Sword Sect to grow up for a year or two, as long as I invite a spiritual master to cultivate it, I will be able to cultivate this large spiritual spring into a miniature spirit. pulse!

And the miniature spirit veins also have a lot of benefits for one's own practice!

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