This kind of preaching field simulated by Zhang Qingyuan is fundamentally different from the preaching field of Mingshui Daoist that day.

Less than one percent of the power!

The only thing that resonated with the Qi of Heaven and Earth was Zhang Qingyuan's own artistic conception of water and a certain mystery and mystery that even he himself could not understand.

But despite this,

But for some small Lingyuan realms, this kind of preaching technique is also enough!

So it created such an almost appalling effect.


The price paid is also great.

Maintaining this preaching field for three days almost exhausted Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness.

Almost supported it!

His head was a little dizzy, producing a sense of sorrow that consumed a lot of spiritual consciousness.

Pay such a big price,

What was exchanged was the breakthrough of the spiritual element realm monks who listened to the Tao, and also made himself dispirited. It seemed that Zhang Qingyuan seemed to be at a loss. The only benefit was the children of the Zhang family in the Yuelian Islands and the casual cultivators on the island.

But in fact it is not the case.

If such a resonance preaching did not yield any gains, Zhang Qingyuan would definitely not hold on for the sake of face, and would inevitably cancel the field of preaching resonance in the middle of the field.

In fact, Zhang Qingyuan has never really cared about false names during his more than ten years of spiritual practice.

The reason why he died for three days.

But it is because of unexpected gains during the preaching process!

"Reviewing the past and learning the new, the ancients sincerely did not expect me!"

"Unexpectedly, a preaching would actually be able to play such a big role!"

Regained a little energy.

Zhang Qingyuan's tired face was a smile that could not be concealed.


As the main speaker, he gained even more from this preaching than the group of spiritual realm monks he heard!

"Originally I just sorted out my own practice system for more than ten years, but I didn't expect that while preaching, I was also examining myself, filling up the flaws in the practice process that I hadn't done back then, and successfully digesting all my gains from Master's preaching! "

"This, maybe some kind of Taoism resonates!"

Zhang Qingyuan pondered in his heart,

Secretly thinking.

at this time,

The true essence of his body is integrated, unprecedentedly cohesive, and the whole person is sitting there, as if he is fused with the heavens, the earth and the mountains.

Disappeared in the induction of human monks.

If anyone is here,

It is impossible to ignore Zhang Qingyuan on stage by accident.

This is a further embodiment of his comprehension and cultivation!

The preaching itself is based on Zhang Qingyuan's self-recognition.

The resulting resonance has thoroughly refined him. At the same time, the preaching accumulated by Mingshui Dao people that day was quickly digested within these three days, and it became the nourishment to consolidate his roots!

In just three days,

The cultivation base of the True Yuan Triple Peak is completely complete!

He can already clearly perceive it, as long as it takes a little more time to increase the strength of the true essence to the triple perfection, he can break into the fourth level of true essence with the Tongxuan Pill!

True Yuan Quadruple,

In the entire True Origin Realm, it is already regarded as a middle-stage cultivation base advancement!

"The ten-year period is coming soon, so let's stay here for a while, and go back after raising the cultivation base to the fourth level of true essence."

"Grace is gratitude, resentment is resentment. Those people who threw me to the South China Sea back then may have done one in the future!"

"Also, this time the Inner Sect disciple competition, Master assigned me at least to enter the top ten, which also requires a certain level of cultivation support."

"The inner disciple of the Zongmen True Element Realm can choose a place outside as their own dojo. Recently, I heard that the teleportation formation of Unicom Yunshuizong has been opened in Tiannan City, and the transportation has become more convenient. If I apply for the month of the Zongmen There shouldn't be any problems with the islands as my own station..."

For a moment,

Many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

This sermon,

Zhang Qingyuan has gained tremendously.

It is precisely because of this,

Zhang Qingyuan was holding on to the end of these three days of preaching, and did not revoke the simulated Taoism resonance in the middle.

The purpose is to maximize the benefits.

In fact, he also succeeded.

These three days of preaching directly saved him at least a year of hard work.

Moreover, I have made a systematic arrangement of my ten-year practice career, and these intangible gains are difficult to show outside.

But it's not just a simple practice that can be compared.

But Zhang Qingyuan is clear.

This kind of gain is probably the only one.

Because the first time I tried, the effect was so great.

Even if I preach this way again in the future, I will definitely not gain as much as I have in the past three days.

Although it is a pity.

But Zhang Qingyuan is not greedy.

Go with the flow.

It is already very good to be able to have this unexpected harvest.

Just when Zhang Qingyuan was about to continue to meditate and recover all his spiritual consciousness.

A voice suddenly came:

"It's not bad, I heard that Ming Shui Old Road said that he had accepted a genius before, I was a little disapproved. Seeing it today really surprised me."

Zhang Qingyuan looked up in amazement.

But there was not much vigilant reaction.

Because he didn't feel any killing intent.

I saw the void in front, and the space rippled like water waves, and the figure of an old man walked out of the water waves and appeared in the void in front of Zhang Qingyuan.

The old man's hair was messy like a bird's nest, and his clothes were casual, and he looked quite like a top scientific worker like Einstein in the pre-yuan period of Zhang Qingyuan.

The old man glanced up and down at Zhang Qingyuan.

Just speak first:

"You are Zhang Qingyuan, You can call the old man Master Lu, the array mage who your master invited to help you arrange the space movement array."

"Unexpectedly, not long after I came here, I saw this scene of your preaching."

"It's really good, much better than those in the outer courtyard where people eat and wait to die!"

Master Lu's eyes were bright,

Can't help nodding.

"The master is joking, but the kid is just a little trick to make things happen."

"Hey! You are the same as your master. Too humble is hypocritical. The old man doesn't go around in circles. Seeing your performance, the old man asks you for a favor. I wonder if you want to?"

"Despite the master's orders, but if you ask, you must do your best!"

Zhang Qingyuan's righteous words,

A solemn look.

Just what you think in your heart, then no one knows.

Can you refuse what the boss ordered?

Anyway, listening to the other party's words, I should have a certain friendship with my cheap master, at least I wouldn't let myself go to death.

This is enough.

"Don't worry, it's not difficult, and the reward is indispensable for you."

Master Lu seemed to see Zhang Qingyuan's thoughts at a glance, but didn't say much, he said directly:

"The old man has a granddaughter who is now hanging around in the outer courtyard. If your kid hasn’t had a major event in the past few years, I hope you can take over the task of temporarily taking over from the outer courtyard. Take a look at her practice."

Master Lu's request did not seem to matter.

It seems to be simply seeing Zhang Qingyuan's performance, seeing Lie Xinxi, and then letting him help.

It’s just that Zhang Qingyuan faintly felt that,

Things are not that simple...

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