This is undoubtedly a huge treasure.

Although not long ago, a large number of monks entered the exploration, but they had to leave after a change occurred in less than a month of exploration.

And because of the sniping of Ouyang Qianqiu and others, higher-level powerhouses could not enter.

Let’s not talk about other things,

It's just that the branches are on the entire island. Those monsters in the True Essence realm that few in the jungle have wiped out, and the precious elixir they guard, are definitely an incalculable treasure!

Not to mention the entire Linghai Sword Sect Mountain Gate,

In the last few days, most of the True Primal Realm was overwhelmed with dangers, and eventually a series of battles occurred, and there were not many people fighting for long.

There must be a lot of various sect inheritance resources!

Use two groups of heaven and earth spiritual materials that can forge top-grade magic weapons in exchange for a chance to monopolize the entire secret treasure!

For Zhang Qingyuan,

It is undoubtedly an absolute worthwhile gain!

"Those True Essence Realm monster beasts distributed on the island and the spiritual materials they guard, don't worry about it. Let's start the search from the Linghai Sword Sect Mountain Gate, and I left in a hurry that day, I don't know what happened to the Great Luo Jinchi... ..."

The war that broke out suddenly.

Those monks in the True Element Realm who wanted to pick up the bargain at the core of the Daluo Jinchi were basically swept by Fan Yehuang after the rebirth of Jishen, and then a great battle at the peak of True Essence broke out, which eventually derives from the great power of the cave realm. The turbulence and collapse of the entire secret realm.

To prevent being completely trapped here.

At that time, all the monks, regardless of whether they were disabled or in good health, fled the exit as quickly as possible.

Yang Jinfeng,

There may be something left.


Zhang Qingyuan is not very interested in the magic weapons on Yang Jinfeng for the time being. What he really cares about is whether the spiritual weapon sword pill that has been refined into his life magic weapon can find some clues on Yang Jinfeng. Fix it!


It is also the biggest purpose of Zhang Qingyuan's trip!

Now Jian Wan is just the power of a low-grade magic weapon, enough to make Zhang Qingyuan feel shocked.

If Jianmaru can recover.

So in the end, even he could hardly imagine the power in it!

make up your mind.

Zhang Qingyuan drove the escape light, turning into a meteor and swiftly fluttering in a certain direction.

But at this moment,

Boom! ! !

The strong demon aura suddenly exploded like a torrent, sweeping the air in a radius of several tens of meters in an instant, with an extremely fierce and terrifying force, suddenly violently violent among the lush towering trees below, and rushed towards Zhang Qingyuan who was flying in the air. Coming!

A huge and hideous mouth,

The sharp teeth that could bite off steel showed a dreadful glow.

Brought up a fishy wind.

The fierce evil spirit faintly distorted the entire space.

The power is like a tsunami that rolls up into the sky,

Fierce and boundless!

This sudden attack came suddenly, and even the cultivators of the True Essence Realm four layers were likely to suffer severe damage!


At the moment when the hideous person swallowed Zhang Qingyuan's stream of light in the sky!


A sword rang, resounding throughout the world!

The extremely bright sword light illuminates the entire space, and the sharp and boundless sword power sweeps through, tearing through the void, and passing from the head of the monster beast who is fighting hard!

The first line of blood suddenly went from top to bottom.

Obliquely emerged from the neck of the monster that suddenly attacked!

next moment,

All the movements of the monster beast are stiff.

Sword Qi instantly wiped out the soul with it!

at the same time,


The whole head of that monster beast fell from the middle, and the cut on the neck was as smooth as a mirror, and the hot blood was pouring like a fountain!

Looking at the monster beast's body that had lost all signs of life underneath. Feilu

Zhang Qingyuan's figure stayed.

Frown slightly.

Thought for a while.

With a wave of his hand, he put the two monster beast corpses into the storage bag.

At the same time, the subdivisions of the majestic divine consciousness were scanned, spreading around, scanning up and down where the monster beast had previously entrenched.


The divine consciousness seemed to touch something.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned.

Fingers pointed together to form a sword, inspiring a ray of indestructible sword energy to sweep across, cutting off the towering tree covering the front, along with a huge boulder that was several meters high and a single inch of grass shattered and annihilated.


A touch of golden light lit up, and at the same time a strong Gengjin breath filled.

A piece of golden mineral the size of a football stood quietly around the cracked gravel, emitting a dim golden light.

Zhang Qingyuan made a move.

An invisible force swept out, oscillating waves visible to the naked eye, and through the space of tens of meters, it grabbed the piece of metal mineral and flew towards Zhang Qingyuan as if losing gravity.

"Hey, this is...The Essence of Gengjin?!"

Zhang Qingyuan was a little surprised.

The gold of Gengjin is similar to the essence of Guishui.

Both are the essence of the power of the five elements.

It's just that as long as the essence of Guishui is a monk who has practiced the One Yuan Guishui Sutra, even the Ling Yuan realm can be refined in the water.

However, the essence of gold can be extracted from metal minerals as long as the refining master has entered the stage.

Although it is far less precious than the essence of Yuan Jin.

But this is undoubtedly a good windfall.


Zhang Qingyuan also discovered another thing.

"Why does the gold of Gengjin make Jianmaru a faintly touching feeling?"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly This sudden attack did not expect Zhang Qingyuan to discover some accident.

Thought for a while.

The sword pill radiating bright light emerged from the pubic area.

Appeared in the void.

At this time, the pitted wounds on the appearance of Jian Wan have all repaired themselves and turned into a round and flawless golden ball shape again.

But Zhang Qingyuan also knows,

This was just a cosmetic repair, and the grade drop in it did not fluctuate at all.

When Kenmaru appeared,

When approaching the golden gold in Zhang Qingyuan's hand, the slight fluctuation became stronger.


When Zhang Qingyuan controlled the contact between Jian Wan and Geng Jin Zhi Jin, except Jian Wan still trembled slightly, as if he was eager, nothing happened!

"It seems that Jian Wan's repair needs to swallow the gas of Gengjin, but it needs a correct feeding method!"

The sight in front of me.

Zhang Qingyuan also guessed one or two in his heart.

At this moment, the sword pill gave Zhang Qingyuan the feeling that he was like a hungry person, facing a sumptuous meal, but had no mouth to eat.

Must find the right way of eating.

"Go to Yang Jinfeng first, and we must find a way to repair it from the remaining sect classics!"

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan was determined even more.

Even if you can't find a way to repair it, you must find various records about Kenmaru itself and try to find a way to repair it.


I am afraid that it will be difficult for Kenmaru to complete the restoration and promotion in the future.

Zhang Qingyuan took the sword pill back into his body, and at the same time put the essence of Gengjin back into another material storage bag, and then the whole person turned into a light, and quickly flew through the sky.

Disappeared in the sky.

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