Receiving similar assessment tasks are generally investigations and pursuits.

For example, investigating the spies of the enemy sect, hunting down the monks wanted by the sect, or beheading the monks who do evil in a certain place.

Anyway, they are all fighting and fighting tasks.

There is no easy situation.

And to this,

The Yunshui Sect also has a saying, that is, the essence zone is rich in cultivation resources, and it may be attacked by the bandit monks. As the guardian monks set the Dongfu there and enjoy the benefits, they naturally have to take the responsibility of helping the sect to care for the industry. .

This naturally places certain requirements on the strength of the disciple.

And the more resource-rich the station is, the harder and more dangerous the task will be.


With the size of the Yuelian Islands today, the Zongmen's record is just a small newly established city for cultivation, and there is no need to investigate dangerous tasks such as Nangong Batian.

After all, according to rumors, Crazy Blade Nangong Batian has been promoted to the Sixth True Yuan after more than ten years of retreat.

This undoubtedly has a lot of dangers.

Originally, Zhang Qingyuan only needed to do three tasks that could be completed by both the first and second levels of the True Element Realm.

It's just that those three tasks seem to be cumbersome, and it's hard to complete every few years of work.

Zhang Qingyuan has his own plan. It is impossible to delay things for a long time to avoid changes.

Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan took the initiative to explain to the deacon elder of the branch that he hoped to complete the task in one go, even if it was difficult, it didn't matter.

Although the deacon elder who dealt with was a bit surprised,

Although the other party did not have much impression of Zhang Qingyuan, seeing that Zhang Qingyuan's age and cultivation level also belonged to the category of geniuses in the sect, and accommodating it did not violate the regulations.

So Zhang Qingyuan selected a higher-level task.

Among those high-level missions, there happened to be this mission to investigate Nangong Batian.

At that moment,

All sorts of things at the Linghai Sword Sect site that day flashed in front of them.

A killer flashed in his eyes.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Zhang Qingyuan applied to the deacon elder for this task.

"Some grievances, it's time to resolve it. If I faced him before, it would be hard to say, but now..."

Feeling the more powerful True Qi in his body than it was a few months ago, as well as the natal magic sword pill contained in his dantian, Zhang Qingyuan no longer has the slightest fear.

Before leaving,

By the way, it's not bad to understand this grievance!

Many thoughts flashed in my mind.

Zhang Qingyuan turned into a sword light and disappeared into the distance.


One month later.

A lonely island somewhere.

A azure blue sword light swept across the sky in an instant, pulling out a long wave of air in the sky, and finally landed on the island lightly, and Zhang Qingyuan's figure appeared in the sword light.

Zhang Qingyuan's face was solemn at this time.

Carefully search around the island, as if looking for something.

Half a day later,

Somewhere beside a hidden sea reef cave, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Then he stopped staying.

The figure turned into a sword light and rose through the sky.

Quickly left the island.

A few more days passed,

Early in the morning and late at night.

A remote black market somewhere in the South China Sea.

Zhang Qingyuan was shrouded in the black robe, his figure fell, and the divine consciousness hidden in the dark swept over. He didn't care at all, and walked into the island.

There are many monks in the black market.

Basically, they came and went in a hurry, covering their faces.

Many people set up stalls on the open space, with blood-stained objects of unknown origin placed on them, and occasionally passing monks and stall owners whispered to complete the transaction.

Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness swept across the stalls one by one.

Lots of good things.

However, there are more objects of unknown value, and there are many shoddy things.

Buying things in the black market depends entirely on your own eyesight and the character of the stall owner. In this dark underground world, there is no fairness at all.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't go shopping much.

He just took the two blood-stained magic treasures that he encountered at the booth and walked directly towards a low-rise building that was extremely remote.

The light is dim.

The house is covered by formations, but the main body is extremely dilapidated.

Zhang Qingyuan walked into it.

There has been no movement for a long time.

Several hours passed before he walked out with an ugly face.

Then he didn't stay.

Leaving the black market directly.

The people behind him came and went, and the monks looked in a hurry.

Zhang Qingyuan was inconspicuous among the monks in the black market, as if the same drop of water merged into the lake and never disappeared.

"Is it the realm of God Abandoned? It is dark under the lights. The most dangerous place is the safest place, or is Nangong Batian planning something?"

Somewhere on the sea.

Zhang Qingyuan examined the intelligence he had obtained from the black market,

Frown slightly.

The investigation mission this time was not smooth.

Zhang Qingyuan first hid the traces at first, and went to the dojo of Nangong Overlord, hoping to find some clues on the other side's However,

After spending half a month near Nangong Batian Taoist Temple, he still couldn't find the slightest clue.

Zhang Qingyuan learned from the disciples of Nangong Batian and the servants who remained in the dojo that the other party had not returned since he went to the Linghai Sword Sect site more than half a year ago.

If it hadn't been for someone from behind to see Nangong Batian escaped before the secret realm collapsed.

I'm afraid that maybe he thought he had fallen into the battle of the secret realm.

With the strength of Zhang Qingyuan’s spiritual consciousness.

Monitoring the entire dojo is not a problem.

But for more than half a month, there was no sign of Nangong Batian.

Even Zhang Qingyuan concealed his figure and broke into the dojo one day to look for its traces, but there was still no gain and no trace of it.

It was as if the other party disappeared after going to the Linghai Sword Sect secret realm.

Without any choice,

Zhang Qingyuan was only able to search outside the place where the other party had appeared.

He also sought help from the intelligence organization in the black market, and at a great price, he got the place where Nangong Batian last appeared in recent days.

It's just that Zhang Qingyuan is extremely surprised.

According to the information given in the black market, Nangong Batian had been met by chance on the sea in the Realm of God Abandonment a month ago and three days ago respectively.

"What the **** is going on? In the Realm of God Abandonment, doesn't that guy still want to pursue and enter the Linghai Sword Sect ruins?"

These days.

The birth of the secret realm of the Linghai Sword Sect site really shocked the entire Nanhai realm.

It's just that the final result, everyone knows, with the collapse of the space channel, the Linghai Sword Sect ruins have been completely sealed under the abyss of the sea.


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