
Yunshui Mountains,

A beautiful mountain pavilion near the gate of Yunshuizong Mountain.

Surrounded by towering ancient trees, beautiful scenery, enveloping clouds and mists enveloping the mountains, and the mysterious heaven and earth enveloping the sky, ordinary people standing here feel a sense of relaxation and joy.

These pavilions in the mountains are countless within the entire range of the Yunshui Mountains.

In the beginning, it was established by a family of mortals or monks who lived within the area here, and was a place for the immortals of Yunshuizong to pass by.

I don't know what the reason is, the secular inherited this behavior in general.

As long as there are conditions and capabilities,

They all built pavilions in nearby places with good scenery.

However, the immortals of the Yunshui Sect are too scarce for the area of ​​the Yunshui Mountain range of tens of millions of square kilometers, so these mountain pavilions are generally in a state of idleness.

Occasionally, there are family princes, literati and writers who stand up high to enjoy the beautiful scenery of this world.

This time period,

Naturally, no one came up.

Zhang Qingyuan stood between the courtyard buildings, looking at the beautiful scenery outside.

But the brow is slightly frowned.

"Isn't this the agreed place? Why haven't people arrived yet, has something happened?"

not long ago,

Zhang Qingyuan arranged the general affairs of the Yuelian Islands in the future, and then returned to the mainland of Yuzhou through the newly opened teleportation formation in Tiannan City.

Embarked on the road of returning to the sect.

Before that, Zhao Yuanyang had already had several letters back and forth with Zhang Qingyuan to determine the time for Zhang Qingyuan's return, and promised that he would wait in the pavilion where Zhang Qingyuan had left that year and pick him up.


When Zhang Qingyuan spent a day rushing to Tiannan City with all his strength, and then passed it back to the mainland of Yuzhou through the teleportation array, and returned along the old road when he left that year.

When I arrived at the pavilion where my friends had seen them farewell ten years ago, there was no one inside.

After waiting for a long time,

Still did not see any figure.

"Something's wrong..."

Because of the fact that they both went out of the same outer sect and were promoted to the inner sect in the same session, the relationship between Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Yuanyang was fairly good.

In the past communication and communication, he is also more clear about his personality.

Definitely it will not be the generation who ignores promises.

Am I being tricked?

For a moment, such a thought flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.


Zhang Qingyuan didn't think that Zhao Yuanyang would be so boring. The purpose of communicating several times was just to play tricks on himself. Most likely it was a sudden accident.

Still can't see the figure.

Zhang Qingyuan had no plans to wait any longer.

Since Zhao Yuanyang and the two are not here, there may be something really going on, and it will be useless to wait any longer. In addition, since he has not returned to the sect in ten years, Zhang Qingyuan wants to see the changes in the sect with his own eyes.

What's more, he has to go back to the Deacon's Hall for handover tasks.

As for Zhao Yuanyang and the others, just enter the inner door and just find someone to inquire about it, and send a talisman to ask about the situation.

There is no need to wait here.

"someone is coming."

In the depths of the forest-lined trail in the distance, two disciples dressed in Yunshuizong outer sect costumes came together with swords, seeming to have taken some outer sect mission, and went to kill demons and demons together.

The two Outer Sect disciples are not high in cultivation, and their faces are a little excited, perhaps because they have taken the Outer Sect quest for the first time.

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at it and didn't care much.

It's not the person who came to pick him up, so there is no need for more contact.

Then one step forward.

Stepping under his feet is like shrinking the ground into an inch, and the space seems to be shrunk in the line of sight.

The figure is unpredictable over time, like a phantom.

Just a few flashes in the forest.

The effort between a few breaths,

Floating disappeared among the haunting mountains and forests.


"what happened?"

"Just now I saw a figure on the other side, and then suddenly disappeared."

"No one, you are the one who read it wrong!"

"Um... Maybe."

The outer disciple of the Yunshui Sect who first spoke and touched his head with some doubts, not sure about the authenticity.

It feels a little strange.

However, it is also possible that he was dazzled.

Didn't think much,

Just glanced at the place where the previous phantom appeared strangely, and then talked about other things with the friend beside him again.

"I heard that the new generation of Inner Sect disciples held in the 50th year of Inner Sect's competition is about to begin. By then, I am afraid that this will not be a grand meeting that will shake the entire Yuzhou."

"Yes, I know a brother from Inner Sect who has been working hard in retreat this time, preparing for a blockbuster comparison in Inner Sect."

"Hey, the battle between those who are in the real element realm will surely become famous in the entire Yuzhou cultivation world in the future. I don't know if I will have the chance to pass the sect's outer disciple contest in the future and be promoted to the inner disciple. ....."

The inner disciple competition held every 50 years.

This is not comparable to the Outer Sect Disciple Dabi, which is held every three years.

The elites who have accumulated more than a dozen outer disciples, after varying years of practice, will all bloom their own most dazzling demeanor in this competition!

Such a big competition ~www.readwn.com~ will definitely attract the attention of all aspects of Yuzhou.

Because it is not only a battle between the disciples of Yunshuizong, the top sect of Yuzhou, but also a stage for Yunshuizong to show its new generation of mainstay power to the outside world!

Who is going to be the waver of the next era, in this fifty-year-old Yunshui sect disciple competition, one or two will be able to spy.

It is precisely because of this,

The news about the big competition just circulated so much, and the hustle and bustle of news caused the two inconspicuous outer disciples to discuss when they took over and completed the task.

But they, as the bottom of the periphery,

I didn't know that as time approached, some undercurrents in the dark began to surge up.

The inner door at this time,

It's not as calm as it seems.


After Zhang Qingyuan left, he naturally had no way of knowing the conversation between the two behind him.

At this time, he had entered the scope of the Inner Sect Mountain Gate, and first went to the Zongmen Law Enforcement Hall, eliminated the ten-year mission of stationing in the Yuelian Islands, and resumed his normal Xuanshui Peak Inner Sect disciple.

The journey went smoothly.

Did not encounter any inexplicable people making things difficult.


It has been ten years since Zhang Qingyuan left the Inner Sect. Perhaps he had little reputation when he left, but among their newly promoted Inner Sect disciples that year, he was still an unremarkable one.

Compared to the ten shows of the year, and those who were newly promoted inner disciples after that, they were more brilliant.

Zhang Qingyuan's light was obscured and dimmed by them.

After Zhang Qingyuan and the others, every three years, a group of outer disciples automatically filled in and entered the inner gate.

Every year there are geniuses who shine in brilliance.

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