"Heh, Zhao Yuanyang, are you capable of this? Your Zhao family is not so good. I heard that the arrogant Yan lunatic and some slightly better junior boys are in the same class as you."

"The most outstanding disciple in decades, it seems that he is nothing more than such a nameless generation!"

Over the square,

A man in luxurious clothes stands high in the void, with his hands sealed, giving birth to a vast and majestic true essence like the vast ocean, gathering the heavens and the earth, turning into a huge palm print and falling from the sky under the suppression of the sky.

The sky was obscured, and the space seemed to be suppressed.

"Damn it, Yu Shaojing, I said something is going on today!"

"If you really have that ability, why don't you challenge Yan lunatic? It's just a mediocre person who has entered the inner gate earlier and bullied others!"

Zhao Yuanyang spit out a mouthful of blood in the center of the cracked ring pit below.

Staring glaringly.

Zhao Yuanyang’s golden true essence burst out, gathered on his arms, and shot out towards the sky, as if condensed in mid-air into a big golden hand that stood up to the sky, gilded light surging like gold casting, and the sky. The huge palm print that fell from above slammed together fiercely.

Boom! ! !

The splendid flame turned into an impact visible to the naked eye, and even the space seemed to be twisted and folded, and layer upon layer impacted in all directions.

Devastating fluctuations,

The face of the monks around the square changed slightly, and they retreated instinctively, as if they were afraid of being affected.

Fortunately, when the shock wave was about to swept away and rushed out of the ring square, a light curtain suddenly rose on the edge of the ring, enveloping the entire ring.

The destructive force generated by the collision impact, when it touches the light curtain.

Only a few waves were made on the light curtain,

Raged for a long time,

Just dissipated.

And as the impact of the true energy dissipated, the light curtain also dissipated, as if nothing had happened.

The protection law ban on this ring is obviously arranged by a high-level array mage. It will only be activated when the energy impact is generated by the collision and combat, preventing the shock wave from spreading towards the periphery and spreading to other places.

And what ordinary people pass by or do, when the power does not exceed the standard, it will not play any role.

at this time,

The light faded away.

I saw in the field,

The tall arena, which was originally towering and forged from a huge stone as hard as fine iron, was now covered with cobweb-like cracks and almost collapsed.

Yu Shaojing hovered in the sky, folded his arms around his chest, with a sneer on his face.

And on the other side,

Zhao Yuanyang's right arm fell weakly, and the man half-kneeled on the ground.

The blood dripped along the arm to the ground.


Obviously the outcome of the game is clear at a glance.

"It's a pity that Zhao Yuanyang has entered the inner gate for more than ten years, and his cultivation has reached the dual realm of true yuan. Whether it is talent or strength, it is not bad. It is a pity that he faced Yu Shaojing with a higher cultivation base, It’s also longer."

"Huh, then Yu Shaojing just used his cultivation time to be longer. If he is a contemporaneous cultivator, where does he come from madness?"

"Yes, if it weren't for 20 or 30 years of cultivating, in the same era, how can Yu Shaojing have such confidence? In my opinion, these so-called self-proclaimed conservative characters are just relying on their own age. Some, more years of practice, suppressing the younger generation in the name of the so-called sharpening of the younger generation's disciples, in fact, it is just a bunch of waste-like goods."

"Yes, the so-called self-professed stable school guys, are they not those who are more qualified for entry and wait for death? Those geniuses from the same era have long been at the level of true disciples. Haven't seen anyone talk about honing the younger generation? These? The guy is just afraid that our latecomers will surpass them and take away the resources of these mediocre people. When I am successful in my cultivation in the future, I must ask them for advice!"

Among the crowds onlookers, there was a young and new inner disciple who spoke angrily.

His face was indignant.

Obviously, he was suppressed by those older disciples in the past, and he was even more disgusted with Yu Shaojing, the winner in the ring.

But when there is opposition, there will naturally be support.

Next to the young inner disciples, an old man sneered and said:

"Oh, young people are very angry, and they think that the great man is the biggest in the world. They don't know that there are many dangers on the way, and if you are careless, you are in danger of falling. If you don't think about it, you still need more tempering. "

"With such an impulsive mind, it is also a disaster to venture outside in the secret realm."

The Yunshui Sect disciple enters the inner gate through the outer gate assessment. If he fails to break through the true essence realm within thirty years, he will be deprived of his status as the inner gate disciple.

Therefore, among the disciples of the inner sect, those within 30 years of the beginning can be regarded as new disciples of the inner sect.

However, there are also cases where fifty years are regarded as new entry disciples, because the inner sect disciple is held every fifty years. In addition to true biography disciples, all inner sect disciples under the age of one hundred can participate.

Due to the difference in time to enter the inner door.

Divided into disciples of the new and old students, divided into two factions, steady or radical ~ www.readwn.com~ Of course, these so-called two factions are actually just a general name, allowing some old inner disciples to pull some banners to be legal. It's nothing more than oppressing new entry disciples.

This competition to a certain extent is also conducive to the promotion of sect disciples.

After all, after being oppressed by the old disciple, the edges and corners have been smoothed, making life more smooth, and it is also conducive to the disciple's future practice.

If the edges and corners have not been smoothed, the breath of courage and diligence in my heart will be even worse, holding a breath of energy to improve my cultivation, so that I can advance my cultivation and surpass those old disciples before returning everything I have suffered in the past. Its sharpness is sharpened even more sharply, which is even more a good thing.

In this way, no matter which direction the sect disciple is heading, there will only be advantages and no disadvantages.

Therefore, the high-level sect acquiesced to this kind of rivalry within a certain range, and it is permissible to not cross the line.

Of course,

Doing this may also cause discipleship of the sect disciples.

But speaking of it, even if you blindly give and treat the sect disciples as flowers in the greenhouse, you can raise the mien's grudges, and it may not necessarily be able to win people's hearts completely.

The human heart is the most complicated thing.

The most important thing here is the mastery of a degree, and the means of showing kindness among them.

Based on thousands of years, Yunshuizong has grown up to become the top overlord of the Yuzhou cultivation world. Naturally, there is a way to balance the two.

The new disciples around him glared at him, while the old disciples sneered with a sneer.

For a time, the crowd was hustling and hustling.

And at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan, who was walking into the crowd and walking towards Hu Junshan, saw everything that was being discussed around him, and his gaze on the stage became deep at this moment.

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