"Qing... Brother Qingyuan?"

Zhang Qingyuan, who suddenly appeared in the field, not only attracted the attention of the surrounding monks, but also surprised Zhao Yuanyang, who was kneeling on the ground with injuries.

Although he hadn't seen him for ten years, Zhang Qingyuan's face did not change much, and Zhao Yuanyang recognized his identity for the first time.

"Sorry, I originally said that I would pick up the dust for you today, but I didn't expect it..."

"It's okay, I see it all in my eyes, and I can't blame you for being entangled in these goods."

Zhang Qingyuan waved his hand slightly, indicating that he didn't care.

"Huh, which mountain did your excellency come out of? What a big tone!"

Mid-air on top,

Listening to Zhang Qingyuan's words, Yu Shaojing was naturally not a good-tempered person, and immediately snorted.

Cry and sarcasm authentically:

"Sure enough, only trash stays with trash, standing with this trash, what else do you have besides sharp teeth?"

Yu Shaojing pointed his finger at Zhao Yuanyang, who was wounded and gasping beside Zhang Qingyuan.

The demeanor is high.

The sneer was beyond words.

Full of undisguised mockery.


On the side, Zhao Yuanyang's eyes condensed, and Rao couldn't help showing anger in his current temperament.

Although ten years have passed, Zhao Yuanyang’s xinxing is more stable than when he was young, but he was pointed at him to waste, no matter how good his xinxing was, it could not be regarded as nothing happened, not to mention the profound nature of each other. Contradiction.

Yu Shaojin stared at the sky above him.

Zhao Yuanyang's inner anger was pouring out, and he was about to stand up.

However, a hand suddenly stood in front of him.

Zhao Yuanyang, who was impulsive, was pushed back.

Zhang Qingyuan, who was on the side, looked calm, looking calmly at Yu Shaojing who was floating high in the sky.

The voice was faint:

"Oh, you so-called steady sects are just a group of bullies and fears of hardship. Haven't they been born so many decades earlier, and decades of practice are still the bottom of the contemporaries?"

"I heard that you seem to have been promoted to the true legend of the arrogant Jun Pingjian of the previous generation, and you have gained a reputation throughout Yuzhou, but what about you?"

"Your peers have long been so famous that you can't reach it in your entire life. You have spent decades of cultivation time, but you ran back to compete with a group of younger generations, still shamelessly pulling the banner of the steady school to sharpen the children of the younger generations. Bullying and bullying the newcomer can satisfy your humble self-esteem and be scornful. If your father knows that he has such a trash son, he will not be ashamed to death by you!"

"Just your stuff, what face is there to stay in the inner door and live in the world?"

As a culturally prosperous Blue Star World in his previous life, Zhang Qingyuan also fought hundreds of rounds with people on the keyboard. Only one or two of the keyboard man’s true biography is enough to spread across the world. Where are these people living in feudal society? Can the soil buns be compared?

If it's not for some civilizations or cultural barriers.

Zhang Qingyuan’s greetings will probably be even sharper.

For example, why didn't your dad shoot you on the wall back then...

Of course, in this large public, if you really want to say something like this, in this ancient world of cultivation, the image of Qingyuan is probably irretrievable from now on.

He still cherishes feathers.

So I charged it a little bit.


No matter how you collect it, this is the essence of the keyboard man summed up by the major netizens in the past life for many years.

There was dead silence all around.

All eyes were focused on Zhang Qingyuan.

All of them opened their mouths wide, but their mouths were speechless.

Even Zhao Yuanyang on the side was dumbfounded, staring at Zhang Qingyuan beside him in a daze.

It seems that I only met him for the first time.

And now on the periphery,

Hu Junshan, who saw everything in his eyes, almost fell to the ground at this moment.

The surrounding areas of the originally noisy square suddenly became audible. One can imagine the impact of Zhang Qingyuan's words on all the monks present.

And at this time,

Facing Zhang Qingyuan’s questioning and mocking Yu Shaojing,

First, he was sluggish.

And the flames in the back spread rapidly, turning red, and his eyes were more like raging flames, as if to burn the person in front of them into ashes!

no doubt,

Zhang Qingyuan's words caused great harm to his weak heart.

Anger is like a volcanic eruption.

"You are looking for death!!!"

Yu Shaojin roared,

The sound was like a roar of thunder, resounding through two heavens and the earth, and the roar full of boundless anger could be heard from a radius of ten miles away.

boom! ! !

Under the extreme anger, all the true essence in Yu Shaojing's body broke out at this moment.

The terrifying true essence power flooded the entire sky.

Cover the sky!

Under this boundless anger, the Qi machine between heaven and earth shook into a violent tsunami of flames, and the Qi machine seemed to oscillate into boiling water.


Boundless shame!

Let Yu Shaojin's whole person be so angry!

Only blood and fire ~www.readwn.com~ can wash away this boundless anger!

"Die me!"

Yu Shaojing shot Zhang Qingyuan angrily, his voice resounding like thunder, resounding between heaven and earth.

The figure of him that I saw immediately fell from a high altitude, pulling the majestic and boundless power with a palm, turning it into a terrifying hand that covered the sky and the sun, and Tao Tao rolled down.

The entire sky is obscured!

The billowing dark clouds enveloped the square, lightning and thunder.

Even the spectators outside the square felt this kind of feeling like the majesty of the sky, like a big mountain pressing on the body!

"Hey! This is the Huang-rank martial arts Da Luo Tianshou!"

"I heard that this is the trick at the bottom of the box in Shaojing. It was exchanged from the sect more than 20 years ago, and it took more than three years to train it. They also had a great skill in the same year. He is so prestigious, and now he is shooting again, this level of momentum, I am afraid that this martial art has not been cultivated to the realm of great achievement!"

"What a terrifying momentum, with this hand of power, how many people in the same rank are his opponents?!"

A passerby was shocked and took a breath.

Even if there is a protective formation on the arena square,

But they still couldn't help but retreat in a hurry, and back out of the square hundreds of feet!

"Kneel me down!"

In the sky,

Yu Shaojin roared like a **** who photographed the great hand of the world, and his voice resounded like thunder.

Between heaven and earth,

It seems that even the situation has been suppressed.

Under the powerful force, the surrounding ground was collapsed and cracked under the invisible weight, and cobweb-like cracks spread towards the surroundings.

Shaking the sky!

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