Until the end of the banquet.

Zhao Yuanyang said that he would be a great benefactor that day, but if he wants something in the future, he will never hesitate to die.

Zhao Yuanyang’s sincere thanks.

Zhang Qingyuan refused.

"If you really want to thank you, then please help me find out where the cultivation world can get enough golden spirit objects."

However, I thought that the spirit weapon sword pill in my body needed more Jin Xing spirit objects to absorb and recover, and Zhao Yuanyang's family seemed to be not small, and the information was relatively well-informed, so I might be able to help myself a lot, so Zhang Qingyuan It is blunt and authentic.

"Golden Xing Lingwu?"

Zhao Yuanyang thought in his heart, pondered for a moment and said:

"If you say which place in Jade Island produces the most Jinxing Spiritual Relics, then it is the Western Wilderness that lies deep in the extreme west of Yuzhou, tens of thousands of miles away from here."

"There are many Gobi areas in the western wasteland, and there are many sandy deserts. It is hard to see rain all the year round, and the terrain is extremely barren."

"But because of the mountains in the Western Wilderness and the many veins of Jinxing, many monks will go to that place to obtain Jinxing spiritual objects."

"Why? Does Qingyuan need any magic weapon for Jinxing spirit objects? With the power of the family, I can also help you buy some precious Jinxing spirit objects."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly, with a wry smile on his face.

"Thank Brother Zhao for his kindness, but for the time being, it's not necessary."

There are too many Jinxing spirits needed for the repair of the spiritual weapon sword pill. If you rely on the trading channel, I am afraid that you will invest in yourself, including the entire Moon Link Islands, and you may not be able to restore it to the spiritual weapon level.

Zhang Qingyuan needs Jinxing spiritual objects.

You need the spirit of Jinxing,

And this amount needs to be very large, and it is simply not something that a small amount of transactions can handle.

The kindness of Zhao Yuanyang was declined.

The three of them drank spirit wine again for a while, then it was getting late, and they left each other.


"Where is Yuzhou in the extreme west...The words there are no longer in the extension of the Yunshui Sect's power. It seems that after this matter, you can plan carefully before you can go..."

The wind banquet is over,

Zhang Qingyuan originally wanted to stop by to visit Wang Yuenian, the big brother who taught him this year, but the servant who stayed behind said that he had a mission and hadn't come back for a few years.

have no choice,

After that, Zhang Qingyuan did not visit other people, but went straight back to the high-level Dongfu leased to Xiangzongmen.

These high-level cave palaces are extremely abundant, and they are generally used to retreat to the real yuan realm cultivator when they break through, and consume a little merit point a day.

Anyway, for the time being, Zhang Qingyuan didn't lack merit points, so he rented a relatively remote and quiet cave as his foothold.

Take out the white jade futon.

Zhang Qingyuan sat on it, thinking about the general plan for the next step.

"The previous announcement stated that the inner gate competition will be held at the end of the year, and there are still six or seven months away from the start. Then take advantage of this time to practice and stabilize the cultivation base here!"

"First, this half of the spirit wine..."

Zhang Qingyuan flipped it over, and a wine jar made of white jade appeared in his hands.

This is the spirit wine drunk at the banquet.

After the banquet was over, Zhao Yuanyang gave the rest to himself, but Zhang Qingyuan refused, so he did not pretend to be, and accepted it calmly.

"After refining this altar of spirit wine, my cultivation level may be able to rise to the initial peak of the fourfold."

Did not hesitate much.

Open the wine seal.

Raise your head and pour it down.

As the spirit wine enters the dantian from the throat, a more powerful hot force burns in the dantian, turning into a stream of heat and spreading along the meridians in the body toward all sides of the body.

Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly sat cross-legged on the white jade futon, meditating intently.

Refining the power of spirit wine in the body.

His cultivation base breath,

With the refining of spirit wine, it is rising steadily.

A few days later.

Zhang Qingyuan on the white jade futon opened his eyes again, and in an instant it was like two flashes of lightning flashing in the void, as if to pierce the eyes of a blind person.

Void generates electricity!

The majestic power in the body circulates in the meridians around him, and Zhang Qingyuan's vigorous aura permeates, causing waves of visible ripples in the surrounding space.

Running every week, the breath of the whole body converges and converges.

The previous vision just subsided.

"Quadruple's initial peak!"

"Moreover, my own foundation is strong enough. Within the mid-range of True Element Realm, there are basically no bottlenecks in the road ahead. Compared to other people, the speed of cultivation is easier and faster."

"One Yuan Guishui Jing, Taiyi Divine Refining Technique..."

Slightly make a fist in the palm of your hand,

Feeling the more powerful force, Zhang Qingyuan pondered in his heart.

Practice till now,

After returning to the sect and seeing those same people in the past again, Zhang Qingyuan realized how easy it was for him to improve.

It may take ten or even twenty years for ordinary real-primary-level cultivators to upgrade to the first level of cultivation.

And he?

After breaking through to the True Origin Realm, I entered the Linghai Sword Sect site. The cultivation base progressed directly from the late stage of the first stage to the early stage of the third stage in a short period of one or two months!

Among them, perhaps there is the help of extremely precious treasures of heaven and earth such as golden bee royal jelly, and there are also the incidental upgrades when inheriting the secret land.

But the most important of these is Zhang Qingyuan's own profound background!

There is no big bottleneck for breaking through the road ahead.

And these,

To a large extent, it is because the one-yuan Guishui Jing, which he majored in practice, is related to the divine consciousness secret technique Taiyi alchemy technique.

"The effect is so good, it's weird..."

Zhang Qingyuan seems to have thought of something,

It seems that I didn't think of anything.

Meditate for a moment.

In the end, I gave up thinking about ~www.readwn.com~ It is a good thing to improve the cultivation base, but Zhang Qingyuan just walked out of the cave, took a stroll outside, and explored the customs of the inner door. After spending a day to relax, he went again. Go back to the Dongfu retreat and upgrade.

The spirit wine has been drunk.

If you want to improve again, you can only use other medicines.

Before returning to the sect, Zhang Qingyuan once obtained a kind of pill called Tongzhen Pill in the black market.

This is the pill that can be used in the middle stage of the True Element Realm.

When he returned, Zhang Qingyuan had picked enough main precious medicinal materials from his spiritual medicine field, and the materials in the storage bag were enough to refine more than 30 furnaces of pill.

Now there is still more than half a year, just to make alchemy while assisting in cultivation!

Thinking like this,

Zhang Qingyuan flipped his hand, and a pill furnace appeared in front of him out of thin air.

This is a middle-grade magical artifact-level alchemy furnace that Zhang Qingyuan once asked Lin Yan to help refine more than ten years ago.

"Middle-grade magical weapons are barely enough, but if you want to refine higher-level pill in the future, this pill furnace will not be neglected. It seems that you will pay attention to higher-level pill furnaces in the future.. ...."

Thoughts flashed through my mind.

Sitting on the white jade futon, Zhang Qingyuan began to use the pill furnace to simulate the process of refining Tongzhen Pill.

Precious materials,

Must be prepared to be proficient.

Can not be wasted.

If the refined Pill is enough.

Zhang Qingyuan is confident that he can raise his cultivation level to the realm of the fourth stage of True Yuan in one fell swoop before the arrival of the inner gate competition!

In that way,

The confidence to participate in the inner gate competition is much greater.

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