Yu Shaojing was overjoyed.

Full of the ecstasy of the rest of his life.

This power,

Very familiar.

He had felt it back then, and it was unforgettable.

This is the power contained in Brother Liu Pengfei!

And after many years,

This power is even more full of illusory and mysterious meanings that are incomprehensible!


The breeze is blowing, and if there is a transparent silk thread between the sky and the earth that cannot be seen by the naked eye, it will gather into an invisible and qualityless breeze, which will wipe out all the violent storms that obstruct the vision!

As the breeze spreads, the billowing yellow sand storm that obscured the sky's sight dissipated, and everything became clear again.

This space of hundreds of meters,

The vision becomes extremely clear!

The tiger demon in front of him was entrenched in the void, his majestic aura suppressed the space, and his unparalleled power spread like a hill, but at this moment, it brought death-like pressure on Yu Shaojing, but it looked at the surrounding world vigilantly and roared.


The violent roar caused waves of visible sound impact between the sky and the earth.

Disperse towards the sky!

At this moment, a majestic demon spirit is straight into the wolf smoke rising into the sky, and the terrifying force seems to crush the sky and the earth!

The center of gravity is lowered.

Sit down and prepare for the hunt.

no doubt,

When the enemy appears, the tiger demon will make a shocking blow!


No figures appeared.

The terrifying tiger demon beast’s pupils shrank, and no half of the figure was seen within a few mile radius, which made the tiger demon even more irritable, roaring in a low voice, and with a loud boom, the whole body was swept away like a torrent of monster energy. , The terrifying shock that broke out seemed to destroy everything around!

Yu Shaojin held their breath at this moment.

A heart raised his throat.

Once this terrifying demon bombardment swept away, with their distance and strength, they would not die or be seriously injured under such a terrifying momentum!

Sweat on the forehead.

Crazy warning behind the crisis.

But at this moment,


The unspeakable wind descended on the world.

With a flavor that only exists between heaven and earth.

The entire space seemed to be stagnated, only the strands of transparency could not be seen, but the wind strands of the incomprehensible Dao Yun came.

"this is!!!"

The unimaginable scene was that Shao Jing appeared in front of him, making him stare as wide as possible.

Even the monks at the same level of the True Element Realm,

At this moment, his eyes were filled with unprecedented shock.

I saw the front,

That one entangled in the void, like a high mountain pressed between the sky and the earth, with a terrible tiger demon with endless ferocity, motionless in the breeze.

The whole body, under the breeze,

It seemed to have suffered thousands of years of weathering, layers of dry and decayed, bright hair withered, and flesh and blood became dry, as if time passed quickly on its body, and then turned into sand and gradually dissipated with the wind!


The terrifying tiger demon, as huge as a hill, turned into a rusty gravel in front of Shao Jing and drifted away in the wind.


Yu Shaojin swallowed hard.

This terrible scene,

Let the two of them stand upside down, stiff in place, unable to move their hands or feet at all.


Fear from the bottom of my heart!

I was afraid that I would also be involved in this strange mysterious force field, turning into sand and dissipating.

And at this time,

There was a crisp sound.

There were waves of water ripples visible to the naked eye in the void in front of me, turning into circles of whirlpools, and a graceful and elegant face appeared from the void, and the surrounding breeze gathered. , Like an invisible ladder under his feet, allowing him to stand in the void.

The clear and mysterious auras seem to reflect the heavens and the earth.

Let Yu Shaojing have a feeling that the person in front of him seems to change into the wind and the clouds at any time to blend into the world.

"Shao Jing, why are you here?"

The light voice resounded in the ears of the two of them like running water.

"Brother Liu!"

Yu Shaojing showed excitement and hurriedly saluted.

However, I didn't see any movements of the figure above the sky, but there was an invisible force that made Yu Shaojing unable to bend down to salute.

The invisible and intangible force cannot be resisted.

This undoubtedly shocked Yu Shaojing's heart, and his awe of Feng Daozi deepened.

"Looking at you, did something happen? Let's talk about it. I owed you a favor back then. If you can do it, you will definitely have nothing to stop."

Above the high altitude, strands of awe-inspiring dissipated.

It seems that the space around Feng Daozi's body is faintly distorted, the air between the sky and the earth seems to be centered on him, and all the lines of sight are concentrated on him.

Feng Daozi didn't open his eyes.

But it is already clear about the purpose of Shaojing's trip.

"Brother Liu..."

Yu Shaojin knew Feng Daozi's character and didn't like all kinds of corners, so he quickly explained the general situation, and hoped that Liu Pengfei could take action and help teach that Zhang Qingyuan a lesson.

"Even the monster beasts of the Sixth Layer of True Essence can be killed so easily, huh, that **** kid, you are dead!"

Thinking of the terrible scene before.

Yu Shaojing couldn't help but give birth to a hearty feeling that he was about to be ashamed!

Feng Daozi hangs above the sky.

Keep silent.

for a long time,

I saw him open his eyes~www.readwn.com~ The original peaceful posture has changed for a while, as if something awakens in his heart, and his eyes shoot out a kind of greatness in the world like a sharp sword. Whose arrogant attitude.

Arrogance rises to the sky!


"I stayed here for 20 years in a retreat, in order to be able to use the power of the spirit thing, Sundae, to cultivate the artistic conception of the wind to a higher level, dignifiedly defeating the great enemy Yun Tianjun."

"Now that my Dao has come to pass, and it coincides with the inner sect of the sect, how about helping you once before defeating Yun Tianjun!"

"I just hope that the enemy you said is really as strong as you said, so that I can warm up before challenging Yun Tianjun."

Feng Daozi raised his eyes to the sky, confidently running through the sky.

After hearing this, both Yu Shaojing were horrified in their hearts.

If the guess is correct, then Yun Tianjun in Feng Daozi's mouth is the top ten genius evildoer on the list of Inner Sect's secret list.

It was just like the Yan lunatic disciple back then, and it was also the enchanting evildoer who crushed the outer disciple of the Yunshui Sect. His achievements in those days were not inferior to the Yan lunatic disciple, and his practice time was even longer than The rising star of the swallow madman has been on the rise for more than a decade!

In the secret list circulating in the inner door, the top ten who have not played against each other do not know the real ranking.

I only know that everyone who can be included in the top ten of the inner door secret list has the terrifying and crushing strength of the same level!

And among the rumors,

After many years of practice.

That Yuntianjun's strength has the power to compete for the first in the inner door!

With such a genius and enchanting goal as the goal, and full of confidence, then what kind of strength will Feng Daozi reach? !

At this moment, Yu Shaojing is full of expectations!

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