If there is such a degree of improvement after each battle, Zhang Qingyuan said that he couldn't but hope that someone would come to the door every day.

But he also understands,

This kind of thing is basically something that can be met but not desired.

After continuing to consolidate in the cave for several days, he stabilized his newly acquired strength.

Zhang Qingyuan went out.

no way.

Who told him that before that, he had promised Lin Yan to go to the Western Wilderness together to explore the cave ruins left by his ancestors?

Since the battle with Feng Daozi, more than a month has passed.

The time is approaching to see the Inner Gate Big Competition.

Zhang Qingyuan is not good at procrastinating any longer.

Otherwise, there will be some accidents, it will be bad if you can't rush back to participate in this grand competition.

"The body training method...I hope it can really fill my last shortcoming, if there is really the level of inheritance that Lin Yan said, plus the practice of taking Tongzhen Pills, then Before the inner gate competition, my strength will be further improved a lot!"

Zhang Qingyuan secretly calculated in his heart.

Then became a sword light,

Yu Jian rushed in a certain direction.


"Speaking of which one of our most legendary in these years, I'm afraid it's Brother Zhang Qingyuan, who was in the limelight more than a month ago. In just over a decade, he has grown from a small family child to where he is today. ......"

Somewhere under the shade of the grove, a group of new disciples were discussing enthusiastically.

The topic is not far from Zhang Qingyuan, a new generation of rising stars after defeating Feng Daozi that day.

But this is not an exaggeration.

Although a month has passed, Feng Daozi, who was originally famous, turned over in front of an unknown inner disciple.

Coupled with the legendary nature of the rise of the two, it has naturally attracted numerous discussions.

A tall building not far away.

Standing on the pavilion, Lin Yan shook his head helplessly as he looked at the new beginner disciples who were talking happily.

"Why, are you envious?"

In my heart,

A voice came from deep in his heart.

It seems to have a hint of playfulness.

"Partners of the same generation have already gained a reputation and have achieved something, but I am still unknown. After all, I am unwilling to do so, right?"

Lin Yan couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

"Elder Xiao, you don't have to tease me anymore. Zhang Qingyuan can be regarded as a friend of mine. What can I not be reconciled to with the achievements of my friend?"

"not to mention."

Lin Yan's face was solemn.

The upright body has a puff of arrogance spreading all around.

"How can Lin Yan's strength be better than others?!"

"With my current strength, I can compete with those monks who have practiced for more than decades in the Inner Sect Competition. It may not be possible to say that I will win the first place, but there are always the top ten." Three k

"When that day comes, naturally, when I have a reputation, why should I be jealous of others?"

In words,

Full of confidence.

At the same time, a look of eagerness appeared in Lin Yan's eyes.

"Compared with the jealousy in my heart, I look forward to that time, I can stand on the ring, defeat Zhang Qingyuan upright, and prove my strength!"

"Hahaha! No loss is my Xiao Xuantian's chosen person!"

Inside, the voice burst out laughing.

The color of satisfaction is beyond words.

"It's not terrible to have a low cultivation base, and it's not difficult to have a poor aptitude. What a monk wants in the end is the dignified, brave and diligent Dao heart that is not moved by foreign objects!"

"When I chose you back then, the old man didn't look away."

Deep down in Lin Yan's heart,

The ghost of an old man nodded in satisfaction.

But he turned his head and threw cold water on him again.

"However, the heart of self-improvement must be present, and the heart of fear must not be let down."

"To be honest, that little ghost named Zhang Qingyuan is actually not bad at all. He can grow up to this day in such a remote place. Whether it is character, aptitude, or perseverance, it is a first-class existence. If it is really better than In the last game, the probability of you losing is even higher."

"What? No, I also saw the battle that day, but if the strength that Qingyuan showed, it was not much higher than me?"

Lin Yan was puzzled, and he didn't believe it.

When the war broke out that day ~www.readwn.com~ he was also a guest in Zhang Qingyuan's cave.

Because of that battle as a bystander see it clearly.

And it is precisely because of this that, in contrast, Lin Yan is confident that his strength will not be lower than that of the opponent, after all, he is carrying a lot of hole cards.

If it is a duel of life and death, the possibility of one's own birth might not be higher.

But now,

In Xiao Lao's evaluation, he was inferior to the other party.

How can this be?

"You are indeed a bit inferior to him."

"Have you noticed that during the battle that day, Qing Yuan was knocked into the air at the beginning, and it seemed that there was no resistance, but in fact, the other party condensed the true essence in his head and other vital points at that moment. "

Elder Xiao's voice obviously became a bit solemn at this moment.

"Although the change at that moment was fleeting, the old man still saw it clearly."

"so what?"

Lin Yan looked a little puzzled.

"The problem is that after that, Liu Pengfei entered the realm of air and light, borrowing the second stage of the artistic realm of wind, and his body speed increased sharply. But when he hit the Qingyuan for the last time, the opponent instantly lost his true yuan as he did at the beginning. Protected the head and waited for the vital points!"

"Old Xiao, what do you mean..."

Lin Yan was a little puzzled at first, but the next moment he seemed to think of something, his expression suddenly changed.

"Yes! That Zhang Qingyuan learned and improved during the battle, and the speed of this improvement is extremely fast!"

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