There is nothing wrong with Lin Yan's idea.

By chance, it is destined that what I get does not have the obligation to share with others.

Even at this moment,

A ray of superiority arose in Lin Yan's mind.

After all, I have Xiao Lao's guidance, can enter the real core and get the real inheritance.

And what about Zhang Qingyuan?

But it can only wander and explore on the first floor.

What if your talent is outstanding?

After all, I can’t compare with me. There is no master with amazing knowledge to show the way forward, and there is no chance to get involved in a deeper level of secrets.

My future will be a higher world level, and you may be hovering in this narrow world forever.

this moment,

Lin Yan couldn't help but flash some dark and complicated thoughts in his heart.

no way,

During this period of time, Zhang Qingyuan put too much pressure on him.

Returning from the land of the South China Sea, the cultivation base has not fallen in the slightest, and the vigorous foundation has made the combat power extremely powerful. In just a few months, he can see the naked eye of the opponent's improvement!

Even Elder Xiao, who was hiding in his own body, said that the other party was talented.

You must know that Xiao Lao is not a simple character, and the other party's knowledge is even far beyond the realm of Yuzhou.

And Lin Yan himself?

In comparison, it was just a mediocre generation.

Under such circumstances, how can Lin Yan not be unwilling to develop in his heart?


A sense of superiority can only be produced in contrast.

"On the journey of comprehension, luck and chance are also an inaccessible part. Being able to get advice from Elder Xiao and get more resources for comprehension. This is my luck and chance..."

Lin Yan secretly said inwardly.

The footsteps became firm.

Slowly walked towards the dark abyss.


at the same time.

outside world.

A nearby small village near the river has lost its former peace and harmony at this moment. Teams of **** Azure Dragon Gang are patrolling, killing any living creatures they see.

The body fell to the ground,

Blood was splattered, a patch of scarlet.

After confirming that there was no living person in the village, and scraping away the property of a low-level cultivator in the Lingyuan realm in the village, the gangs of the Azure Dragon Gang set off a big fire, completely burning all the evils.

Then evacuated in an orderly manner.

Behind him is the black smoke rising from the sky, spreading his teeth and dancing claws like an injustice.

This is only a corner of a hundred miles around.

In order to avoid leaking the news, the leader of the Qinglong Gang directly ordered that all people or things within a hundred miles of this area be beheaded to death.

Thoroughly clean up.

A word from a big man, who usually lives in this neighborhood, the peaceful and peaceful civilians have suffered sudden destruction.

At the same moment,

A group of people gathered at the entrance to the valley where Zhang Qingyuan and the two discovered.

In the center of the crowd, the gang leader of the Qinglong Gang stood with his hands, with a lofty aura of himself, and he looked at the passage in front of him with deep eyes.

And not far from his feet.

The informant greedy guide has lost his vitality, and his face is still fixed on a scene full of hope and greed.

Greed blinded his reason and made him forget the cruel facts in the realm of comprehension.


The so-called lucky person who obtained the Condensed True Pill back then was nothing more than a show by the Azure Dragon Gang. Even if someone really got the non-condensed True Pill, they would not live out of the area of ​​Luoyan City the next day... ..

There is no possibility that he will get such a valuable reward.

"Helper, it's already confirmed. There are traces of the two boys here. The passage leads to a cliff underground. It seems that something is hidden!"

Not long after, a figure that had completed the exploration walked out of the passage.

Kneeling in front of the Qinglong gang leader, the various intelligence gathered in the aforementioned statement.

The leader of the Qinglong Gang did not speak.

At this moment, his attention was placed on the fragment of the picture that he had written down in his mind.

This fragment of the picture was obtained when he was traveling in the realm of comprehension and killed a descendant family member whose family was wiped out by a powerful enemy, and from the torture of that person, he obtained the secret library resources that the other family secretly saved to prepare for a comeback.

Relying on the huge amount of resources obtained from that time, the leader of the Qinglong Gang finally reached the point where it is today from an unnamed casual cultivator.

It was in that secret library that the leader of the Qinglong Gang got this broken image.

And at the same time, among the words left by the ancestors of the family, he learned that the secret realm in the remnant map hides a huge opportunity.

After that, the Azure Dragon Gang’s gangster consumed all of that large amount of resources, and his cultivation reached a bottleneck, and he hadn’t made any progress for decades.

So in the end, he set his sights on this broken picture.

After sorting out all kinds of leftover messages, it was determined that the location of the secret realm was in the vast wild mountains near Luoyan City.

However, what this fragmented picture depicts is only the two-layer map in the secret realm, which leads to the unknown land at the core of the second layer. There is no introduction to the direction in which the whole secret realm is deep in the earth.

Without any choice,

The leader of the Qinglong Gang can only wait.

He came to Luyancheng strongly, swept the three major families, forcibly integrated the remaining forces, and established a gang of the Qinglong Gang that he joined when he was in the midst of the mundane, and borrowed the power of the gang to search for news and explore the secrets.

The name of this gang didn't mean anything at all, just because he didn't bother to develop any forces, using a shell of the mortal gang back then.

Even the name is too lazy to be perfunctory.

Just named it Qinglong and this name is unknown in many places in the world.

Although the name is vulgar,

But no one dared to laugh at it.

In the hearts of millions of people in Luoyan City, there are only deep fears.

And while the founding forces use the forces search,

He is also waiting!

Wait for someone who has obtained another part of the map to come and find out the location of the secret realm for him!


He waited!

The leader of the Qinglong Gang opened his eyes, and a sharp and deep cold energy swept across the void, and the surrounding cultivators felt a deep chill on their backs.

"Ye Qing, you brought some people to completely block this entrance for me. If an outsider comes out from the inside, you don't need to ask any reason to kill it directly!"

Thirty-eight years of waiting, finally waited for him!

Anyone who dares to stand in front of him will be swept away by him!

Ye Qing's complexion changed slightly.

In a low voice:

"Leader, those two people are from the Yunshui Sect. Should we also kill them? Moreover, if the Yunshui Sect's inner sect is concerned, the subordinates may not be opponents."

The leader of the Qinglong Gang looked at the sky, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What about the Yunshui Sect? The cultivation world is so big that after all, he is not the only sect of the Yunshui Sect. Taking this Western Wilderness as an example, the tentacles of their sect can hardly extend here. Two disciples of the inner sect, kill that so what?"

An invisible domineering aura blasted out of the Azure Dragon gang leader's body, and the air was shocked by hunting and hunting.

Full of the supreme self-confidence enough to make all people surrender.

"Let you stay here, just in case, there are two ants, when I go in and meet them, they will naturally be crushed to death!"

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