Sword light was shot under his feet, and Zhang Qingyuan was about to leave.

But at this moment,

Boom! ! !

There was a sudden tremor in the entire secret space!

This tremor was very short,

It's just a flash.

But the entire sky and the earth, no matter how far or near, was affected by the shock at this moment.

That feeling,

It's like a "box" containing this secret world, being touched by someone, causing a tremor!

"what happened?!"

People in the air,

This tremor didn't have much influence on Zhang Qingyuan, but it made his face become gloomy at this moment, and his eyes scanned the surrounding world.

In Zhang Qingyuan's shaking eyes.

You could see the vast black unknown mist rising between the sky and the earth, rising from the dry earth and soil below, slowly rising, and gradually flooding the ground.

at the same time,

In the black smoke,

An invisible body, scarlet eyes, a shadow condensed by smoke, slowly converging like a ghost...

Coming with this world change,

It was an unfounded upset that suddenly emerged from my heart and gradually spread.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at this suddenly changing world,

His complexion became gloomy.

Even his own mood was affected at this moment!

Didn't think much,

The whole person turned into a flash of thunder and lightning, driving the sword light and flew towards the entrance of the coming moment.

No matter what happened in it,

The most important thing now is to leave here first.

Now that he had obtained what he needed, he didn't stay to solve the trouble and explore the curiosity of the cause of the mutation.

Go cleanly.

Very decisive.


At the same moment.

The second floor of the mystery.

Deep in the core.

Boom! ! !

There were collapsing stone pillars everywhere, broken gravel covered the ground, and huge cobweb-like cracks spread on the pitted ground.

The entire underground space on the second floor is a mess.

After suffering the war.


And at this time,

The two culprits who caused such a scene, at this moment, have put aside all grievances and flee in the direction of the entrance desperately.


Escape desperately!

A series of afterimages were left in the air, the extremely fast speed of escape light even sent a long wave of air in the air, and after the afterimages flashed and disappeared for a few seconds, a sharp sound burst was emitted, and the oscillating air was like The boiling lake suddenly broke through the two staggered air wave channels!

There is no way not to escape.

At this moment, both Lin Yan and the leader of the Azure Dragon Gang lost their usual calmness and became extremely embarrassed.

From time to time, the gaze behind him became frightened.

I saw them behind them,

All the space was swallowed by the rolling darkness.

The darkness was like the huge waves of the Yangtze River rushing, and all the space and land swallowed by its impact were silently submerged, and even a sound could not be heard.

It seems that even the sound has been swallowed!


Whether it is the stone pillars supporting the space, the broken stones, or the gangs of the Azure Dragon Gang who fled in embarrassment but were quickly engulfed by the dark tide.

Even Lin Yan or the Azure Dragon Gang’s true essence attack burst out, the powerful energy was still silently swallowed when it blasted into the darkness.

Not even the slightest wave of waves splashed.

Not to mention the ability to hinder competition.

This is simply not something they can deal with!

In the dark tide that quickly swept across, there seemed to be some incomprehensible great horror, making both Lin Yan and the Azure Dragon Gang leader's idea a crazy warning sign.

The cold hair suddenly started.

The depths of darkness,

It seemed that there was something incredible, the terrifying aura oppressed the void, and even the space seemed to be cracked by a tremor.

Both of them seemed to be pressed against a heavy mountain.

The space became an extremely viscous liquid.

Behind them, give them a feeling that everything that falls into it will return to eternal silence and darkness!

Endless death force,

Accompanied by that horrible momentum is spreading!

In this context,

no doubt,

The two escaped.

Even gave up the previous conflict,

Give up the fight.

Run with all your strength.

Just want to be able to escape this ghost place!

A moment ago, Lin Yan and the leader of the Qinglong Gang were still fighting life and death by all means, trying to kill each other.

But now running away, the two of them didn't even mean to attack the guy who was also running away quickly.

Because even if it’s a momentary stagnation,

Will also be overtaken by the terror behind that!

Instinctively tells them that once caught in the darkness,

There must be no bones left!

Doing so will only perish together!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The two rays of light rushed like thunder and lightning, and as they fled in embarrassment, all the stone pillars or things resisting in the front were shattered by the bombardment of the true essence.

The tide of darkness behind him swallowed everything silently.

The entire second floor space,

In just a few breaths, most of them were swallowed by darkness!

Not long after,

A beam of light appeared in front.

That is the entrance to the second floor.

Seeing that light, both Lin Yan and the main face of the Azure Dragon Gang showed hopes of survival from a desperate situation, rushing into it at an unparalleled speed.

Just when the two of Lin Yan fled and left the second floor.

The second layer of core.

That flash of huge and simple gate was already half-concealed, and a corner opened, surprisingly because Lin Yan and the Qinglong gang leader inadvertently destroyed something in the course of a battle!

The boundless darkness just gushes out from the gate, constantly devouring everything in the secret space.



The door shook again.

Then there was the crisp sound of nails passing between gold and iron, echoing in this lonely darkness where no light could be seen!

In the darkness where I can't see my fingers,

It seems that there are a few fingers that can't be described in words, the whole body is pitch black and twisted, slowly peeking out from the crack of the door, and the shape of each one is full of horror and uncertainty.

Like being disgusted by the curse of heaven and earth.

Even the void couldn't support it, and it was distorted.

A few indescribable fingers,

Poke out from behind the door, grab the whole door,



With a heavy scream, the whole door is about to open, and something is about to come out of it!




this moment,

Even if they rushed to the first floor and escaped from the darkness swallowing behind them, Lin Yan and the Azure Dragon Gang leader suddenly felt tight in their hearts, as if they were caught by something.

Behind him, came the unbearable malice and ignorance!

As if there is a horrible existence that cannot be described in words, it slowly rises after itself,

Shape and weight fill the world,

Endless horror is overwhelming!

The two of them were frozen in place, almost unable to breathe!


But at the same time.

In the white space on the high platform, the old man's phantom opened his eyes, the bright golden light seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth, all material obstacles were penetrated, and he saw the door that opened slightly.

The void was reflected, and transparent void ripples oscillated in the line of sight.

His eyes were cold.

"Get back!"

The sound of cold rebuke, blasted like thunder.

It’s like verbal constitution,

Undoubted words seem to have inspired some inexplicable law, with endless power ~www.readwn.com~ descending from the nine heavens!

boom! ! !

The second layer of core,

Several chains formed by intertwining the laws of heaven and earth, emerged from the endless void, as if coming from a different dimension, and with irresistible power, crashed through the big hand behind the door!

The strength exploded, and the flat ground suddenly thundered, and the space collapsed and shattered.

The escaping vigor is like a sharp sword, piercing everything around and collapsing!

Wow! ! !

The dazzling chains vibrated and shook, making a crisp sound like a collision of gold and jade, and a powerful force that could not be described in words rang out, Shengsheng pulled the big unknown man back into the abyss behind the door.


There seemed to be some kind of angry roar from the depths of the darkness, which shook the clouds.


There was a loud bang, and the entire door was closed with a bang, and dense chains of law runes emerged from the void, intertwined all over the door, and completely sealed it.

The closed door,

No more darkness escaped.

There was no vibration, and it stood there quietly, like a mountain.

In the white space.

The old man's phantom snorted, and at this moment it actually gradually became transparent, as if it had lost the color of the whole body, and then gradually subsided after it faded by half.


"time is limited!"

With a sigh, he disappeared into this empty white space.

The old man's phantom pale golden gaze scanned the world, saw everything in the secret realm space in his eyes, thought for a moment, and pointed a finger towards the void, the entire secret realm standing time had an unknown change.

Then he closed his eyes again.

Everything is quiet.


ps: Third, ask for monthly pass.

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