Originally, when they were in the lower secret realm, both of them were afraid of each other's shots when they escaped, which eventually led to the destruction of the same.

So when he escaped, he never continued to fight.

Is now in the outside world,

The secret space behind him had been completely closed, and when the danger within it could no longer threaten the two of them, the two immediately broke out in a big fight.

The enmity that was forged in the second underground level,

Even if the two did not gain the slightest gain, they have reached the point where they cannot kill each other at this moment!


Lin Yan's palms were shot continuously, and the wind screamed, and the scorching true essence was burning like a flame, like the impact of a huge river, sweeping the opponent into it.

The other figure did not dare to show weakness.

A huge momentum is condensed on the fist, the arc of electric light bursts, blasts into the void, provokes the violent wind, and even the space is cracked by the power of terror!

In a flash,

The two had already fought dozens of moves, and the powerful forces collided, and a destructive force burst and swept through, shattering the surrounding mountains and rivers.

Within a radius of one hundred feet, the earth was shattered by shock and vibration!

Peng! ! !

It was another thunderbolt-like fight, the terrifying power exploded, and the space seemed to vibrate and crack.

The impact of energy visible to the naked eye swept across,

The two figures took advantage of this opportunity to go backwards.

"Huh, how about it, do you want to continue fighting? I will definitely accompany you!"

The figure retreated hundreds of feet.

Although Lin Yan was a little embarrassed, his whole body was damaged a lot in a flash, but his aura was not reduced at all.

Looking at each other with a sneer.

And at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan started taking photos and fell to Lin Yan's side.

"What happened, do you need help?"

This time,

Having obtained those two extremely important gains, among them, Lin Yan helped lead the way here, and Zhang Qingyuan was naturally on the side of the other party.

If the other party needs help.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't mind helping Lin Yan together to kill the opposite person.

not to mention,

The opponent seemed to be the leader of the Azure Dragon Gang.

And because of what happened just now, Zhang Qingyuan really didn't have any good feelings about the Qinglong Gang itself.

"Thanks Brother Zhang."

Lin Yan took a sigh of relief, with an angry expression on his face.

"This thief has forged a great feud with me, and he must be killed here!"

I don't know what happened between the two of them, but they formed an endless hatred.

And when entering the secret realm,

Zhang Qingyuan has never met either of them, and he doesn't know where the two of them went.

Zhang Qingyuan also had doubts about this. After authenticating the inheritance of the old man, he searched around and found no signs of other people.

Naturally, I don't know the entanglement between the two of them.

But it doesn't matter much.

"If Brother Lin is in need, Zhang will naturally not hesitate to help."

Just when Zhang Qingyuan and the two were talking.

the other side,

The gang leader of the Azure Dragon Gang who had just escaped and ascended into the sky looked at the two of them, and their expressions became extremely gloomy at this moment.

"very good!"

"I underestimated you. I didn't expect that a little brat would have such strength!"

"But if you think that this will keep me here, you are very wrong!"

While the Qinglong Gang leader stared at Lin Yan with a fierce look, he glanced at Zhang Qingyuan by the way, his gloomy complexion almost wringed out of the water.

I thought that the two ants who could crush to death easily,

Unexpectedly, it was so difficult.

If another kid also has this kind of strength, then it will be in trouble!

"I was thinking of swallowing the contents and leaving, but I didn't expect to take this step in the end. You are dead!"

The main face of the Azure Dragon Gang showed a trace of cruelty.

I don't know when,

A jade talisman glowing with black aura appeared in his hand, and he was about to crush it as soon as he tried hard.

Just when Zhang Qingyuan's face was a little surprised,

Lin Yan on the side wanted to try to stop it.

boom! ! !

A majestic and majestic momentum, like a tsunami, swept across the sky from the sky, and instantly enveloped every corner of the world.

Strong pressure suppresses the Quartet.

The ordinary members of the Azure Dragon Gang who were gathering around him not far away knelt on the ground directly under this tyrannical pressure.

Even Zhang Qingyuan and Lin Yan,

Behind is the handstand.

"Late True Yuan?!"

Before a person arrives, its momentum is vast and powerful!

Lin Yan's pupils shrank slightly.

"No, it can only be regarded as the quasi-seventh realm!"

Lin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly at this moment, and the deep voice was full of heaviness.

"But even so, I'm afraid we can't easily deal with it!"

The light from the sky not far away seemed to dim at this moment.

However, the Qinglong Gang leader stayed at the moment when he smashed the jade talisman hard and felt the familiar aura, not only did he not feel the slightest joy on his face.

Instead, there was a wave of panic and panic.

"No need to summon, this seat is already here!"

boom! ! !

The majestic air currents in the air ignited layer upon layer, and was broken open like a sea wave, and a heavy figure like a mountain crossed the boundary and appeared in the air!

It was a man in a red robe decorated with mysterious patterns.

Under the red robe, there was a dove-shaped face with fierce eyes, but a pale paper-like face like a ghost with young fangs.

Those eyes that shone like blue light,

First, they swept across Zhang Qingyuan and Lin Yan, both of them felt a chill in their backs~www.readwn.com~, and then turned to the side of the Qinglong Gang leader.

"Guo Sancai, you really are so brave, how dare you conceal and fool with the Holy Cult?!"

In that ice-like gaze, the cold voice seemed to condense into frost, and the knife was generally scratched on the body of the Azure Dragon Gang.

"It's really a big handwriting to exterminate humans and animals within a hundred miles. Your purpose is to stop the leakage of news."

"When I get the news, I will come back to my mind, you are afraid that you have disappeared without a trace with the things you got!"

"Good good!"

"If I didn't find the clue and followed, you Guo San would be afraid that it was not a true city, and disappeared in an unknown corner of the cultivation world!"

The man in the red robe stared at the Qinglong Gang leader Guo Sancai on the side, and said three good words in a row.

Blood red robe,

The nine heavens are rendered like flames burning!

"No, the bishop is aware of it. The subordinates are just not sure if this is the place that the holy religion needs to search, so they should first check it out. As for other things, they are just to keep the holy religion's secrets!"

Guo Sancai half-kneeled on the ground, sweat beaded on his forehead.

Sweat on his back.

The clothes are almost soaked.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes became deeper, and Lin Yan on the side was also a little surprised.

The Azure Dragon Gang gathered here not far away,

Seeing the appearance of the majestic gang leader in the past, he was a little flustered.

But no matter who it is,

I am afraid that at this moment, I realize that the leader of the Qinglong Gang, Guo Sancai, including the purpose of his trip, is hiding a bigger secret!

Things become confusing and confusing.

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