"Yes, I underestimated you, you can do it like this."

The red-robed bishop hovered in the air,

The majestic aura permeated his body, the light seemed to dim, shimmering with an indeterminate color of blood, and the gloomy face was full of extremely cold killing intent.

The murderous air pervades the void,

Extremely cold.

at this time,

The red-robed bishop's face seemed calm, but at this moment, there was already a stormy sea in his heart!

This cultivation world genius is not without,

But with the talents of these two little ghosts in front of them, they can use the fourth and fifth levels of true essence to be able to fight against their own quasi true essence and seventh level powerhouse.

This age,

Such fighting power across classes!

Even within the entire Jinjizong, it is definitely a class of core disciples!

That is the seed of standing above ten thousand people, who will be destined to become the big man who will dominate the Yuzhou cultivation world in the future!

With such a huge potential,

How to prevent the red-robed bishop from having a bitter murderous intent in his heart.

"Never allow these two little ghosts to live, otherwise they will grow up in the future, it will definitely cause great trouble to the holy religion!"

Feel the murderous intent as cold as ice.

Lin Yan sneered and said:

"It seems that you are just a person who can only speak big words. If I were you, I would have been hit and killed here a long time ago, so as not to continue to survive and humiliate the seventh realm of the late real element!"

Lin Yan at this moment,

The situation is not so good.

The repeated battles had already cost him a lot, and then he faced the seven-fold red-robed bishop, even though Zhang Qingyuan was on the sidelines.

But in the course of the battle, he also suffered a lot of injuries, and his strength was further reduced.

A lot of tattered clothes all over his body.

A gray-headed look.

"Previously, I thought it was a strong person, but I didn't expect that it was just going with the arrogant caterpillar gang leader. As expected, it is not that a family does not enter the house. What is meant by a group of incompetent people! "

The words were full of cold mockery, sharp and sharp.

However, Lin Yan looked at the red-robed bishop's gaze, deep in his eyes, with a deep vigilance.

There is no slack at all.

It's not that I can't beat it but can only make a slap in the face.

Instead, try to irritate the other party and expose the other party's flaws.

Due to the relationship between the true essence realm, the mistakes between the electric light and flint will be greatly magnified due to the relationship of the gods, which will affect the outcome of the battle.

Bishop Hongpao is actually very strong!

Lin Yan felt most clearly in the previous battle.

That kind of extremely powerful oppressive force, even with Zhang Qingyuan on the side, can only be resisted!

And with the passage of time, relying on higher levels, the balance of victory and defeat will only gradually tilt towards the opponent!

The more dragged on, the lower their winning percentage!

Although Lin Yan still has a back hand, the price of this back hand is too great.

In addition, Zhang Qingren was on the sidelines, unless he had to do so, he would not use that hole card.

Be able to use words to break through the opponent, lead to the opponent's flaws, and thus establish the victory.

That would be best.

If it doesn't work, it's just a waste of saliva, and it won't cost much.

"Very well, you successfully angered me!"

The red-robed bishop stared at Lin Yan, his eyes surged with murderous intent, like the most blazing flame between heaven and earth, trying to burn Lin Yan!

If the eyes can kill people, then Lin Yan has already been killed many times!

"Boy, you are dead!"

"Guo Sancai, what are you doing over there!"

not far away,

Originally saw that the red-robed bishop was unable to take down the two boys quickly, the moving mind of the Qinglong gang leader Guo San heard this voice and met those eyes burning like anger.

There was a sudden excitement all over his body.

"Subordinates are here, Master Bishop!"

Guo Sancai quickly flew tens of feet to come to the red robe bishop, half kneeling on the ground, sweat oozing from his forehead.

"Hmph, get out of here, you will hold the sword-wielding kid first, and today's matter will even be your atonement!"

"Subordinates obey, Master Bishop!"

Guo Sancai lowered his head and should be.

At this time, the red-robed bishop, who was putting all his attention on the two opposite people, did not see the flash of resentment in the eyes of Guo Sancai, who was slowly standing up.


Seeing this scene.

A wry smile appeared on Lin Yan's face.

This time I was afraid that it was not self-defeating and backfired.

Originally, I wanted to anger the opponent and let the red-robed bishop appear flaws in the battle, thus laying the stalemate in one fell swoop.

But he never expected it.

Because of his irony, especially the insult to the mysterious sect of Bishop Hongpao, Bishop Hongpao directly let go of all his arrogance. Even if he lost face and asked Guo Sancai beside him to help, he must be both of them. Beheaded here!

Originally, the red-robed bishop was able to suppress both of them.

Coupled with a strong Guo Sancai, then there will be big troubles next!

Lin Yan took a deep breath.

With the slightest expression on his face, Xiao Xuantian was already in contact with him in his heart, ready to use the back hand that pressed the bottom of the box.

"Brother Zhang..."

About to speak to Zhang Qingyuan on the side.

But Zhang Qingyuan was seen one step earlier, interrupting his words.

"Brother Zhang, wait a moment for you to hold the guy named Guo Sancai~www.readwn.com~ I will deal with the red-robed bishop!"

"No! That guy is Quasi-True Seventh Layer, and you are only in the middle of the Fourth Layer, absolutely not possible, let me come!"

"Wait a moment to fight, I will use some things back, take advantage of this time you flee here directly, this crisis still has something to do with me, you can't let you take risks."

Lin Yan shook his head repeatedly.

Just now, the two of them could only barely contend, he didn't think Zhang Qingyuan could deal with the red-robed guy alone.

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at his side.

I was a little surprised and moved in my heart.

When the disaster is approaching, this person can take the initiative to face the most dangerous enemy and hand over other people to himself, but he is a person worthy of deep friendship.

"Brother Zhang, you don't have to fight with me. I was not good at using something when I was besieging something just now. I have enough confidence to deal with that guy. And when you pester Guo Sancai, it's better to stay away."

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly, rejected Lin Yan's proposal and said.

"If you have any guilt in your heart, when you kill them, the spoils will be handed over to me as compensation."


Lin Yan was trying to say something,

There was a voice in my heart.

[Let him go, I felt something was wrong with this kid at the beginning, this time I took this opportunity to observe his strength. 】

[Furthermore, Xiao Yanzi, you are always ready to accept my power. Once there is any accident, wouldn't it be extremely easy to save someone from an old ghost who hasn't completely stepped into the Seventh Realm Realm? 】

In the depths of Lin Yan's mind.

Xiao Xuantian's phantom voice was faint and authentic, and his voice was full of confidence.

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