Feng Daozi Liu Pengfei!

This is a really not weak opponent.

A few months ago, Zhang Qingyuan had a battle with each other.

In the end, if it hadn't been for relying on the inner armor of the top-grade magic weapon level, he had experienced the opponent's attack several times in person, and he had broken through his attack methods.

"It seems that that guy is also getting better!"

Looking at the lingering shadow of the martial arts true meaning above the arena, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly, secretly in his heart.


Liu Pengfei has improved, and Zhang Qingyuan has improved even more!

Whether it was the power of comprehending the artistic conception of the wind after the war, or the breakthrough of the artistic conception of the wind in the Western Wilderness and his party, even the advancement of the cultivation base has been improved.

If he faced Liu Pengfei again and the other party only behaved like this, there would be no more suspense in the end.

"Awesome, this is the top genius in the inner door!"

"I can't even see the figures of them fighting. I only feel that the light and shadow flashed, and the fight lasted until the end of the fight!"

"It's terrible. If I face such an opponent in the Inner Gate Competition, I can only throw in a surrender."

The inner disciples around, sighed.

Some people also talked about the last war.

"I heard that this is Feng Daozi's first attempt to practice for several months since his defeat in that battle!"

"I didn't expect to recover so quickly."

"Senior Brother Feng Daozi is already so powerful, I don't know the extent of that Senior Brother Zhang Qingyuan!"

"Huh! That kid is just a villain who can beat Senior Brother Liu by relying on the power of foreign objects. If we fight in an upright game, how can Senior Brother Liu really lose to him?!"

Someone spoke about Zhang Qingyuan, with a sigh of exclamation.

However, there are also people who are dissatisfied with Zhang Qingyuan's winning the battle by relying on the extremely cherished high-grade defensive magic weapon, and think that Zhang Qingyuan will not win the battle that day.

If it is a fair fight, it may not be Senior Brother Liu's opponent.

"If you talk about real strength, that Zhang Qingyuan may not be in any position, and the inner door is about to be compared, which seed of genius did not prepare one or two trump cards? In my opinion, Feng Daozi brother was just afraid that day. I don't want to expose the hole cards in front of other enemies, so I didn't expose it."

"Everything will be compared to the inner door, and if you are a genius or a mediocre, you will naturally see the difference!"

A group of monks kept arguing around.

Have spoken.

"Well, maybe it is really possible!"

At this time, hearing the words of the surrounding monks, Zhang Qingyuan recalled the situation of the battle with Feng Daozi that day, and said in his heart.

In the first battle that day, he did make a breakthrough and discovered the flaws in the opponent's methods.

Then he seized the flaw with his keenness and severely damaged Feng Daozi in one fell swoop.

some of,

There is not necessarily a factor that is careless about Feng Daozi.

After all, in addition to the artistic conception that the opponent showed, there was no other card to show. If there were no magic weapons of magic weapon, no one would believe it.

Or maybe it wasn't really a real care, or maybe it didn't want to reveal that the last hole card was in such an insignificant matter.

There are many possibilities.


No matter how the other party hides, Zhang Qingyuan is not afraid at all.

"Is there a big competition in the inner door? I'm looking forward to it!"

Zhang Qingyuan took a deep look at the arena not far away, and prepared to leave regardless of the various discussions of fellow monks around him.

But at this moment,


A burst of invisible and invisible Zhenyuan airflow suddenly descended from the sky, turning into a tangible and invisible thrust, breaking open the monks around Zhang Qingyuan without leaving a trace.

It seemed that there was an unpredictable mysterious Qi machine coming.

A shadow is like a wisp of white smoke, and the figure is flying, as if riding on the wind, light as a feather, slowly descending from mid-air.

The figure fluttering in white, standing with his hands behind his back, Zhang Qingyuan.

An invisible aura stunned the Quartet, everyone around felt a heavy pressure in their hearts, and the crowded figures could not help but back away.

For a moment, he was shocked by the momentum, and didn't dare to say anything.

"Are you that Zhang Qingyuan?"

The voice of the white figure sounded faintly, the words were doubtful, but the voice was indeed full of affirmation.

"Who is your excellency, I don't know if you come to Zhang for advice?"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was plain, without the slightest expression.

The person in front of him is undoubtedly a strong enemy.

Just standing there, the breath radiating at will, like the trembling of the deep sea, with an unfathomable meaning.

His breath,

He was even no less inferior to the red-robed bishop Zhang Qingyuan faced that day!


so what?

"Give you two options, one is to obediently apologize to dao friend Liu Pengfei, and publicly eat back what you have said before, and the other is to beat you half to death when it comes to the inner gate competition."

The man in white shirt has no wind and automatic, his tone is calm,

It seems to be telling an ordinary fact.


Zhang Qingyuan's face was still calm, not knowing what he was thinking, but the corners of his mouth were grinning with a smile.

There was a slight grinning smile.

"Then I'm sorry, I'm a man born with bones, and I have to be beaten to a good meal~www.readwn.com~ Please enlighten me from this brother at that time!"

The surrounding air is somewhat depressed.

There was silence all around.

No one speaks.

"Oh, that's fine, I hope I can meet you in the Grand Competition, but you will be eliminated halfway, and I hope you can maintain such calmness by then. By the way, I would like to remind you that the top-grade defensive magic weapon is not a panacea. Yes, the moment you expose it, it is enough for people to find a way to crack it."

The figure in white glanced at Zhang Qingyuan lightly, as if looking at a dust.

I didn't care at all, as if I just wanted to recognize this dust for a while.


The figure stepped out in one step, but it was as if the foot was shrunk into an inch, and it was clear to leave slowly, but there was a sense of space, and a few flashes disappeared in a flash.

"Who is that?"

The surrounding atmosphere seemed a bit depressed,

The pressure left by the previous person's departure still lingered in everyone's hearts, making the hearts of everyone around him seem to be crushed by a stone.

"Hey, that is Yuwen Shaochuan, the white dragon swordsman. Among the entire inner disciples, the top three must have a place of peerless genius!"

Someone took a deep breath and said in an authentic voice.

There was a commotion all around, and countless people whispered.

"How can such a big man appear here, and how can he forge enmity with that Zhang Qingyuan?"

"Who knows? But it looks like it should be a contradiction between the steady faction and the radical faction. I don't know why the White Dragon Swordsman would take action..."

Zhang Qingyuan heard all the whispers around him.

Keeping the name of the white dragon swordsman Yuwen Shaochuan in his heart, Zhang Qingyuan remained silent, displayed his body skills, and suddenly the sword disappeared and left.

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