Yunshuizong, enveloping the top of the mountain.

Inside the ethereal, majestic and majestic hall, several figures descended like a rainbow from a distance and walked into the hall.


In the hall, several figures stood up and saluted.

"Head, what's the situation in Hanhaizong?"

Beware that a figure asked.

"Well, after a fight on the endless sea, Xuan Tianshu has taken people back, but the situation is not optimistic."

Among the returning figures, the middle-aged man in the lead walked to the first seat of the palace and motioned to everyone to sit down as well, while speaking.

"What happened?"

"Those things have changed."

The answer was not the head, but another figure behind.


As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of the several figures who had gathered in the main hall changed drastically.

There was a look of worry between his eyes.

Some bad memories were turned up from the depths of my mind.

"The current Hanhaizong is not a big trouble. It's just the grievances three hundred years ago. With the suppression of the Supreme Elders, they can't make a big storm, but if it's those things..."

A figure was very worried, with a deep voice.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another figure.

"The situation hasn't reached this point yet, it's just that the Sky Mirror seems to have found something before, and there has been a little fluctuation. According to the calculation of the Temple of Heaven, it is at least a hundred years before the real outbreak."

"That's it, that's okay."

Inside the palace, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"That said, but you can't be careless."

"This time, there is no Huangtianjiao standing in front of us to resist. As the top of Yuzhou, we want to be the main force to resist."

The head spoke in time and poured cold water and authenticity.

"Although I have never experienced that battle before, I believe you all know how our Yunshui Sect replaced Huangtian Sect as the first sect in Yuzhou."

"Although the elder Taishang has reached that level, he may not be able to deal with those numerous things."

As soon as this statement came out,

The surrounding atmosphere is cold.

All the people present were the absolute high-levels standing at the top of the sect. They knew some of the secrets of the sect. Although they had not been able to truly participate in the world-destroying war a thousand years ago, they could still be left behind by their ancestors. I felt the terrible part of that kind of war in his words.

The Yunshui Sect was established thousands of years ago, and it didn't really become the overlord of Yuzhou until a thousand years ago.

And before that,

At the top of Yuzhou is a huge monster called Huangtianjiao, who has dominated the Yuzhou cultivation world for an unknown number of years.

And such a behemoth collapsed in a catastrophe thousands of years ago.

Suddenly it was gone.

At that time, the Yunshui Sect had the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and defeated those things that were severely damaged by the Huangtian Sect, and only then took the place of Yuzhou's first sect until today.

Compared with the giant that lasted thousands of years ago, the Yunshui Sect's foundation is much less after all.

I don't know if I can afford this shock.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, the head sitting in the first seat knew it well.

Just cheer everyone up:

"Don’t worry too much. Soldiers are coming to cover the water and earth. We have done enough over the years. Compared with the giant Huang Tianjiao, we have more sect disciples, and the talented children we can select are stronger. The accumulated number of strong men has also surpassed that of the giants of the year. If we talk about the First World War, I am not completely incapable of fighting back."

"Of course, in order to better deal with future disasters, we must release more resources next to improve the strength of the sect's children."

"Whether it is a secret disciple, a true disciple, or an internal or external disciple, we should speed up the training as much as possible."

"Isn't the Inner Gate Competition coming these days? Perhaps it will allow the winners to get more training rewards."

"Also, the omen of the great catastrophe that appeared this time cannot be completely contributed by us. Maybe we can hold a Yuzhou Comprehension Competition to elicit more talent training as much as possible, or open up with other sects that we used to wait. The treasured secret realm serves as a place of experience!"

As the leader's words spread, the thoughts of everyone around him calmed down.

After all, he is a strong person who has cultivated to such an unknown realm. He was only slightly shocked by the ancient catastrophe, and it is impossible to panic as easily as a mortal.

"Junior Brother has lost his attitude, this plan is feasible."

"Follow the commander's instructions."


A scene that happened far away in the sky,

Naturally, they don’t know anything about the bottom beings.

The same is true for Zhang Qingyuan at this moment.

At this time, he was putting all his energy into the ancient alchemy inheritance in the patina.


The ancient alchemy may not be able to compare with today's alchemy, the times are constantly evolving, and some things are constantly being optimized.

Even from the perspective of Zhang Qingyuan today, the ancient alchemy techniques were a bit rough.

Some treatment methods are even more violent.

But this does not mean that it is useless.

On the contrary, for Zhang Qingyuan has a great reference role.

"I don't know what era this alchemy is. It is very close to the time when alchemy was first formed, but instead it allowed me to peek into the most essential things of alchemy, understand the principles of various aspects, and penetrate my whole body of alchemy. ability!"

In the secret room, the more you comprehend, the greater the joy in Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

Today's alchemy has developed to this day, and I don't know why. The monks are pursuing the best possible effects of elixir and improving the success rate of alchemy. Each kind of alchemy has developed to the point of being extremely complicated.

However, the most important kernel is already lost.

The extremely complicated pill recipes, so that alchemists basically know it and don't know why. All of Enshang is jib following the rules on the pill recipe, strictly implementing the procedures one by one, and then finally refining it into medicinal materials.

As for why that happens,

The alchemist will not pay attention to why the elixir is handled like this, and why the several medicinal materials are added in this way, the alchemist will not pay attention to it at all, only to see whether the elixir can be successfully refined.

Of course, the complicated alchemy prescriptions also limit the alchemist's ability to pursue it.

This is why it has been extremely difficult for Danfang to innovate over the years.

"This is almost the same as the craftsmen in the past. The craftsmen in my previous life relied on years of experience to achieve skillful craftsmanship to create various ingenious tools, but they did not know the principle or why it was so, and they could only follow the rules when handed over to future generations. , A rare innovation."

"On the contrary, the ancient alchemy has just appeared, without the many processing steps of later generations, but it is more able to embody the principle of complementarity between medicinal properties."

"Returning to the source, this is the most fundamental thing in alchemy!"

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