"Unexpectedly, you will be your opponent in this inner door competition."

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the slightly visible figure opposite,

In the voice, there was a trace of remembrance, inexplicable and emotional.

"Do you recognize me?"

Fu Hongtian was obviously also a deserted person, or a arrogant and lonely person in his heart, and he didn't care about the people he had met in the past.

For Zhang Qingyuan's words, a trace of doubt flashed across the other's face.

Take a closer look,

It seemed to be a little familiar.

Scenes from more than ten years ago followed.

"Oh it's you!"

Fu Hongtian suddenly sounded, and at this moment, his mind was tightened, his eyes fixed on Zhang Qingyuan, his heart was full of vigilance, and he was ready to explode with a thunderous blow at any time.

Without him, the impression left by the person in front of him is really a bit deep.

Facing it back then, I felt that the opponent's progress was incredible.

Now standing in front of you, just standing there at will, there is a kind of Yuanzhu Yuezhi, as if it contains the feeling of a majestic ocean!

This person in front of him is definitely an unprecedented enemy!

"Yes, it's me."

There was a trace of nostalgia and remembrance in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

Ten years ago, when he was at the Outer Gate Big Competition, the person in front of him was an enemy he could hardly overcome.

At that time, Zhang Qingyuan had two fights with him.

One time was at the Outer Gate Big Bi's previous ten courtyard Xiaobi.

At that time, it coincided that the cultivation base broke through to the eighth layer of the Lingyuan realm, and won the top ten of the seventeen courtyards, and was able to go to participate in the ten courtyards.

In that competition, Zhang Qingyuan won one game and met Fu Hongtian as he entered the second round.


He couldn't handle a single move, so he was blasted out of the ring.

A fiasco without suspense.

the second time,

It was after half a year from those ten hospitals,

In the semi-finals of the Outer Gate Competition, Zhang Qingyuan met Fu Hongtian in the rounds.

During that battle,

Having improved a lot, he finally tried his best to fight the opponent, and was defeated by the opponent after a hundred moves.

Played twice,

Both times are failures.


More than ten years have passed, perhaps in an unknown number of days, so Zhang Qingyuan once again faced this former opponent in a period of more than ten years.

"I remember you, you were defeated by me twice that year, and I was surprised at how fast you improved your cultivation."

"Now you seem to be very confident, but the results this time will not be the slightest difference from before!"

Fu Hong is solemn, but more confident.

Back then, the guy in front of him practiced fast, but the Ling Yuan Realm was completely different from the True Yuan Realm.

Every step of the real-element realm improves,

They all need resources hundreds to thousands of times higher than the Lingyuan Realm, and the monks themselves must have a large enough foundation and a high enough cultivation aptitude to continuously break through the bottleneck that is difficult to break and maintain a state of bravery and diligence.

Among the people Fu Hongtian himself knew, his cultivation level was already at the level of genius in the true origin realm.

In more than ten years, he has already cultivated to the realm of the dual realm.

Except for those enchanting geniuses in the inner door, he is already more than most people in the same period, so naturally there is a reason for such pride.


Coupled with the preparations Fu Hongtian had made for himself before the Inner Gate Competition.

The great accomplishment of Lei Zhi's true meaning, coupled with his own assassin practice, and a magic weapon that he used not long ago to start with his family connections.

With so many advantages, even a cultivator of the True Yuan Triple Layer, he dared to come forward and touch it.

Whether in the family or in the peak veins, he belongs to the category of a well-deserved genius.

Naturally full of confidence,

Think of yourself as no less than others.


If Fu Hongtian didn’t like what happened in the inner gates of gossip not because of his personality, or if his memory was a little better, he heard the conversations of the juniors and sisters in the same Fengmai about that Zhang Qingyuan’s name. Ignoring irrelevant conversations, but remembering words in my heart, I am afraid that I will not be so confident.

"Really, but I also think it will be me who wins this time."

Zhang Qingyuan’s voice was flat,

There was not the slightest color on the face, as if it was telling something that couldn't be more common.

Fu Hongtian didn't speak any more,

Gather the spirit,

Silently adjust your breath,

Keep the noisy surroundings out of your ears.

Wait for the battle to begin.

Zhang Qingyuan did not speak either.

He failed twice in a row that year, and when he entered the inner door, he swore that if he met again next time, he would not lose again!

At that time, he thought it would not be too long to meet again.

As a result, I didn't expect that because of an accident, I ended up in the South China Sea, until he returned to the inner gate more than ten years later, and met the opponent again in this inner gate competition.

"Although it is more than ten years late, it doesn't matter anymore."

"Just take today as the end of everything!"

Zhang Qingyuan closed his eyes.

Also standing on the other side of the ring, waiting for the start of the battle.

Did not delay for too long,

After determining the identities of the two on the field, the deacon and referee ~www.readwn.com~ issued an order:

"Game start!"

As soon as the voice fell,

Boom! ! !

There was a sudden thunder in the flat ground, and the dazzling light tore through the sky, illuminating the entire arena. Fu Hongtian, like a violent thunder dragon, patted out his palms, and electric snakes tens of meters long were woven into a net. , Covering half of the sky, with terrible power, shooting in the direction of Zhang Qingyuan!

The air seemed to be torn and shattered by violent thunder,

Between the arc of electric light and fire, it is as if the space is broken into pieces of glass, and the dazzling light carries a kind of devastating true meaning between the dense power grids!



It seems that all the matter that is resisting the front will be shattered and cleanly under the palm of thunder on this day!

"Give me defeat!"

Fu Hongtian was wrapped in a huge momentum, and even the space seemed to be affected, and the light behind him dimmed.

Through the formation on the ring, the vigorous oppression even affected the spectators outside the ring who were gathering to watch the battle. They felt a devastating violent thunder sweeping towards them, and they all backed away involuntarily, staring in amazement. The ring ahead.

When Fu Hongtian made a move, it was a trick.

The spiritual sense given to him in Mingming's spiritual sense made him faintly perceive that this person in front of him is an unprecedented enemy!

Although he is confident,

But they are not conceited.

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, I decided to use the strongest bottom-pressing trick to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop with the momentum of thunder!

Fu Hongtian's shots were very decisive and strong.

The ordinary triple level of True Primal Realm, any one who is not careful will be defeated by this thunder.

But unfortunately,

He is facing Zhang Qingyuan!

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