The penetrating power of sunlight is extremely powerful.

Of course, the Great Sun Wheel Heaven Jue, named after the Great Sun, will not be much worse, especially Yang Tianlie has cultivated the body-refining technique that is also well-known throughout Yuzhou to the fourth level!

But as long as the practice reaches the fourth level, all the exercises can produce earth-shaking changes.

It is as usual as the most basic Qi Refining Jue in the realm of cultivation. If Yan can cultivate to the fourth level, it will be enough for the monks to gain the upper hand in disputes of the same level.

What's more, it is a well-known ancient body refining exercise?

Regarding the Great Sun Wheel Heaven Secret Art, the Yuzhou Comprehension Realm has said that if it is against a monk who practices this skill, unless the cultivation level is higher than that, it is absolutely impossible to stand in a stalemate with these monks.

And if facing the cultivation of Yangyan Zhengang, if it is not for the cultivation base to be higher than a few chips, and the corresponding restraint of the true element attribute is mastered, the best response is to run away directly.

The fourth Double Ninth Flame Realm of the Great Sun Wheel Tian Jue is almost one of the pronouns of invincibility under the Dongzhen Realm!

That is the absolute sign of being able to leapfrog the challenge!

Let's imagine,

Fighting against such an enemy, your own means are difficult to break the opponent's defense, and the opponent's extremely corrosive Yangyan Zhengang continuously breaks through the true essence in the battle, and continues to accumulate in his own body through the fight, and the final heat The power of the overbearing sun and flames converge, causing great damage to the meridians in the body.

How desperate is to face such an enemy?

"It's a pity, that Zhang Qingyuan is also a genius and enchanting level powerhouse, and his comprehension of the artistic conception of water is even more powerful with his own means. Leaping the challenge is not difficult, but he is facing Yang Tianlie!"

"Water can extinguish fire, but how can it extinguish the sun?"

"As a result of this battle, there have been no accidents."

The man stroked his beard and his face was full of regret.

Hearing his words, everyone around him suddenly realized.

One after another sighed.

His eyes on the stage were filled with admiration and regret.

"Hmph, this is all you think it is, how do you know that Senior Brother Zhang has no other means?"

"Senior Brother Zhang emerged from the dying, step by step to the point where it is today, how can you, such as employing people, be able to make false claims?"

The surrounding spectators flattered the judging man with the fluttering sleeves, but there were also voices of dissent with dissatisfaction.

Eyes gathered around him.

Surprisingly, it was Yi Guangtian, one of his own fans that Zhang Qingyuan met in Fangshi that day!

As his idol, Zhang Qingyuan is so despised, even if Yi Guangtian watched the battle, he felt that there was little hope of victory, but he still retorted stubbornly.

"Hehe, a kid with a dual True Origin Realm, who dares to speak nonsense."

The middle-aged monk in Huayi sneered.

Glancing contemptuously.

But he didn't bother to argue with Yi Guangtian and ignored him, as if it would lower his level.

And everyone around heard that,

Seeing Yi Guangtian's cultivation level in the early Zhenyuan period, they all ignored them, turning their heads to flatter the monk with sharp eyesight or something.


Yi Guangtian's eyes showed anger, but the other party didn't respond at all.

A frustration can only be pressured in my heart.


Disputes under the ring will naturally not affect the two fighting in the ring.

"Give up, you have no chance!"

"This battle is over!"

Yang Tianlie's figure was suspended in the void, his eyes burning, just standing there randomly, there was a kind of domineering and boundless aura spreading.

The hot flame molten armor covered the whole body, and the hot temperature made the surrounding space seem to be distorted.

Full of confidence.


the other side,

Zhang Qingyuan moved his gaze away from the flushed palm, and put it back on the opposite Yang Tianlie.

There was not much tension in his eyes.

"Do you think I have only these methods?"

"Or, in the previous battle, I didn't take the initiative to attack once, every move was passive resistance, so you have the illusion that you can press me down and make me powerless to fight back?"

Zhang Qingyuan said quietly, with an inexplicable smile on the corners of his mouth.


Heard that,

Yang Tianlie's pupils shrank suddenly to the size of a needle.

The audience under the ring might think that Zhang Qingyuan was just saying useless cruel words to retain self-esteem, but Yang Tianlie would not think like that.

At this moment, a heart palpitations suddenly enveloped my heart!

It seems that some great danger is coming!

The inner warning signs flicker wildly!

Compared to Yang Tianlie's heart tremor, Zhang Qingyuan's heart was much more refreshed at this time.

Especially when the two previous sentences are said.

this moment,

He suddenly understood the reason why some bosses in the previous life spoke so vigorously, because this feeling of pretending to be really cool!

"I agree with your last words."

"That is, the battle is over!"

Zhang Qingyuan stepped out in the void,


The vast and majestic power erupted like a volcano at this moment, the heavens and the earth's Qi machine rolled, and the space seemed to be boiling at this moment!

The horrible momentum swept through Fury of the Wind!

The sky and the earth are changing!

Zhang Qingyuan shot!

Full shot for the first time!

Prior to this, his fight with Yang Tianlie was all because Zhang Qingyuan thought that he could not get started with the Huangtian Body Refining Technique so far. Caton was in front of the gate, so he was ready to experience each other's means in the fight, hoping to be here. During the battle, learn the direction of the opponent's bodybuilding!

It is precisely because of this that in the previous seventy-one collisions, Zhang Qingyuan both defended and counterattacked, and never attacked actively.

It is precisely to take this opportunity to feel the power of the opponent to take the Great Sun Wheel Heaven Secret Art.

Learn from each other’s path,

I hope to be able to experience the entry method of Huangtian Body Refining Jue from it!

The result of this,

Naturally it was a great harvest, which made Zhang Qingyuan feel vaguely, that the door of the Wild Heaven Refining Art had turned into a thin piece of paper in front of him, and he was about to break into the door!

But in the process of fighting against each other,

Zhang Qingyuan also found that he really underestimated the other party.

The Quadruple Great Sun Wheel Heaven Art is really powerful, especially the Sun Yan Zhen Gang. Even with his strength, it can’t be defensively blocked, until the hot and domineering Zhen Gang gathered in the palm of the hand shines bright red, like a flame. Burning.

Although this pain is nothing to Zhang Qingyuan now.

But if you continue to fight like this, you can't say that you will have a sailing boat in the gutter.

Therefore, even if he failed to achieve his full accomplishment, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't take care of it with the help of Yang Tianlie's pressure to break through the Huangtian Body Refining Art.

"It doesn't matter, even if I can't break through now, the big deal is to refine the Yangyan Zhengang in my hand after I go back, and experience the true meaning of martial arts in it, which is enough to fill the last gap in my own!"

"This battle should indeed be over!"

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