A few days later, the inner door list was updated,

This is the first update since the Inner Gate Competition started, and the content in it is particularly worthy of attention.

The ninth place among the top ten was occupied by Zhang Qingyuan, who was brilliant in the arena battle that day, and directly pushed the people behind.

For a time, there was a lot of shock in the entire inner gate and even among the Yuzhou monks who came to watch the game.

at the same time,

There are more than a dozen Inner Sect monks who are a hundred outside the ranks directly squeezed into the hundred.

The inner door list has undergone a lot of changes,

These rankings suddenly squeezed into the list. Basically, there are few ascetics with all the performances in the past.

In the past, I rarely fought with people, did not have much record, just practiced hard,

After several battles,

They have shown their respective strengths more or less, and have since been able to re-customize their rankings.

Among them, Lin Yan, a disciple of Lieyang Peak’s inner sect, was the most shocking. This person did not have much reputation, but in the third battle, he was ranked in the top two in the inner list. One of the fifteenth seniors was defeated, and in one fell swoop he raised his own strength ranking from outside the list to the top twenty-fifth position!


Another news also makes people particularly concerned.

That is, it took more than ten years to enter the inner gate, and the genius enchanting Yan lunatic who had already broken through the prestigious ranks was once again promoted, from the nineteenth to the eleventh position.

This undoubtedly caused a lot of waves in the inner door again.

Because someone with a heart finds,

In today's inner sect list, Zhang Qingyuan, ranked ninth, and Yan mad disciple, eleventh, are the new disciples who entered the inner sect in the same year!

If you add Lin Yan at the back, Bing Yuyao at the 89th place, and Fu Qiaolei at the 97th, then the outer disciples of that session can be described as terrifying!

You know, it has only been more than ten years for the new disciples of Zhang Qingyuan and the others to enter the inner gate!

But he was able to rank five people in the list of this inner door competition!

And the ones in the forefront are directly in the top ten!

This is simply incredible!

There are some that have been in the market for decades, and there are not even one in the top 100.

It deserves to be the most tyrannical event in decades that was rumored that year. It was as if the outer door's luck was concentrated in that event and broke out!

Also from this,

The newly released inner door list spread farther and attracted more people's attention.


A mansion somewhere.

A tall figure with a lion-like hair radiating behind him, one hand is holding the newly released list, the other hand is behind him, standing on the clearing and browsing the information on the paper.

Just standing there at will, there is a domineering aura like the beast king entrenched all around.

The coercion diffused into the void all around.

This is a very strange young man.

As long as you meet him, you can see the arrogance that comes from the heart in the eyes of the opponent.

"Ninth? I was ranked behind, huh! When it comes to the finals, it will naturally prove to the world that who is stronger!"

"Back then, I swept through everything and entered the inner door with an invincible force, breaking the mirror hole really, ten years of courageous diligence, how can I be under a younger generation whose life is not obvious!"

The youth snorted coldly.

The true essence in his hand was swayed, and a firework was born out of thin air, burning the list in his hand.

He looked up at the distant sky, his eyes were full of burning fighting spirit.

The whole body was rolled up with a huge domineering aura, and the surrounding numbers seemed to be suppressed and surrendered under this pressure!

He is a Yan fanatic,

Invincible Yan Fanatic of the same generation!

More than ten years ago,

He defeated all the outer disciples of that session, and he lost all of the 10 outer disciples, and finally gathered an invincible force to break through the barrier in one fell swoop and step into the real yuan.

And after that, stepping into the inner door of this master like a cloud, the fanatic Yan never stopped on this journey.

Whether it was the conflict with the old disciple after entering the inner gate, the family heirs who got involved in the expedition, or even the next two battles, they all established a reputation on the Yunwushan battlefield.

Invincible at the same level, invincible!

In just ten years of work, the cultivation base has been brave and diligent, leapfrogging challenges and constantly defeating the old disciples who are the first to get started, the more they are left in the inner door, the reputation is extremely dazzling.

In his heart, he has developed an invincible momentum of courage and diligence.

Among his contemporaries, no one is his opponent.

His goal,

It is a higher and farther realm!

But now,

Suddenly someone told him that in the same group that entered the inner gate with him back then, there was an unheard contemporaneous monk who surpassed him and walked in front of him!

How could this fanatic Yan be convinced? !

"Only I can surpass others, how can I be surpassed by others?!"

"Zhang Qingyuan, the inner door is very competitive, I will let you know who is the real invincible of the same generation!"

Majestic momentum,

Soaring into the sky!

The monks within the radius of a few miles felt this majestic fighting spirit, and they all looked sideways.


The practice secret room of the inner door.

At this time, after a lot of hard work day and night, Fu Hongtian, who was already sweating profusely, sat aside and rested, looking at the new list sent by his servant at home, and seeing the familiar name of the ninth place, his face was silent. Word.

Holding the list's hand, I unconsciously tried harder.

The list paper is wrinkled.

That name, if he hadn't cared about it in the past, but at the moment it is extremely profound~www.readwn.com~ is almost inscribed in the bottom of my heart!

For the first time, he blasted the opponent out of the ring with one move.

In the second fight, you need to contend with a hundred moves to be able to defeat the opponent.

the third time,

Ten years later,

The same is when one person is beaten out of the ring by one move, just like the first time they played against each other that year.

However, the roles of each other have changed.

This feeling of being surpassed step by step by the little character that he had originally ignored, and finally throwing himself behind him, who can't see his back at all, can anyone feel it except himself?

"Zhang Qingyuan? One day, I will catch up with you again!"

It is good to open the list loosely.

Fu Hongtian resumed his intense training.

at the same time,

Somewhere in the inner gate, beside a beautiful landscape and lake, Yang Wenqian, wearing a light green long skirt, is sitting on the railing of the small pavilion by the lake, holding the list of the latest internal rankings in his hand as well.

Seeing the name of the ninth,

The face is full of complexity.

Not long ago, she was wondering if she could retaliate against the battle that was more than ten years ago in the Inner Sect Grand Competition, and prepare for a shame, but she did not expect that the person had already walked to the point where she could not see her back. To the point.


Yang Wenqian sighed slightly, not feeling in her heart.

But at this moment,

"Gluck, Xiaoqian, are you thinking of spring? Oh, I'm watching the news of my lover, I didn't expect our cold big beauties to have such a day!"

A lively and lovely pink figure suddenly jumped out from behind, his head leaned over, and his sparkling eyes were full of "shock."

"Xiaoman, you **** Nizi..."

After a while,

The lake is full of crisp girl clamoring noises.

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