The Thunder Dragon roared, as if it drew the entire Lei Hai, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, it slammed towards Zhang Qingyuan's direction!

Every inch of space in the sky and the ground seems to be sealed off by this sea of ​​thunder!

The whole world of the ring is shaking!

"This power..."

At this moment, facing the huge thunder dragon exuding terrifying power, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes also narrowed slightly.

This level of power is no different from the power that he can burst out when he is at the peak of the four-fold True Essence!

If the enemy is careless, it would not be impossible to kill the quasi-seventh-layer cultivator of the late True Yuan!

"Sure enough, no matter how strong you are, you can't underestimate the world after all"

"If it weren't for a higher level than Fu Qiaolei in front of him, the strength of this person is probably no less than mine!"

Zhang Qingyuan's heart was shaken.

Zhang Qingyuan already recognized the Fu Qiaolei in front of him.

But even so, he didn't mean to release water at all in his heart.

"Good job!"

Zhang Qingren shouted coldly.

Both hands volleyed out of the sky, and the invisible terrible power spread. Under this terrifying power, the space seemed to be captured by a curtain!

The powerful aura radiated, accompanied by the blazing temperature, within a radius of tens of feet, it seemed that a huge hot stove had risen!

The billowing hot temperature gathered in the volley on Zhang Qingyuan's bulging, powerful arms glowing golden light like cast iron.

Ssangyong meets!

In the space of hundreds of meters in radius, the air is pouring in like a tide.

next moment,

Huh! Huh!

Two amazing figures flashed across the sky like lightning in an instant, and their speed exceeded the limit that a monk of the same rank could catch with the naked eye!

The light burst, as if torn the void.

In an instant, they smashed into each other fiercely with majestic strength!


At the moment of impact, everyone's hearts trembled.


The devastating energy burst out, and a shock wave of tens of hundreds of meters of terrifying true essence was swept away, and the invisible force was repelled away, and the air seemed to be swept away!

The ground of the ring seemed to have encountered an invisible, but terrifying force crushing a series of cobweb-like cracks, spreading quickly!

Gorgeous rays of light burst, and the devastating storm made the space roar.

Each of the two figures turned into an afterimage and shot out.

But also at this moment.

The two suddenly disappeared in the midst of flying backwards, turning into flashes of lightning flashes, traversing the void, turning back and staggering, sharp power like cutting the void, and two different lightning flashes continue to collide and collide. !

Bang bang bang bang...


Indescribably fast!

Even the cultivator of the Sixth Layer of the True Element Realm, at this moment, he only feels that the rays of light on the ring are intertwined, and then his eyes can only catch up with the brilliant and powerful terrorist shocks that erupted after the collision, and the two lights and shadows that caused all of this are already Disappear and escape into the void.

It's dazzling!

One breath,

The lightning staggered and collided, bursting out powerful shocks again and again.

Two breaths,

Only the two flashing afterimages can be seen on the arena, and the gorgeous shock explosion swept half of the arena!

Until the end of the third breath,

There was a loud bang,

This is the last collision!

A collision that was several times stronger than before broke out!

The horrible impact turned into an arc of electric light and swept away in all directions, and even the ground of the ring was torn and pierced by the lightning!

Two figures at the same time, one up and down,

Under the impact of that terrible force, it turned into a beam of light like a cannonball and shot straight backwards!

The red figure flew upside down to the sky, and after retreating hundreds of feet away, he stayed high above the top.

Stabilized the figure.

And on the other side,

The figure blooming with blue electric light smashed to the ground with great power. The whole ring ground was smashed out of a big hole, the ground shook violently, and the cobweb-like cracks spread to the surroundings. !


Above the sky, Zhang Qingyuan breathed out a long breath.

The figure then slowly fell from the mid-air, suspended in the air for more than ten feet, looking condescendingly at the figure on the other side who was struggling to stand up from the pit at this moment.

At this time, the surrounding smoke has dispersed,

It was revealed that the square and round Zhang Xu had collapsed, and the cobweb-like cracks spread, extending beyond the ring.

At this time, in the center of the pothole, Fu Qiaolei no longer had his previous domineering momentum, half of his clothes were torn, and one hand was bent and weakly hung down.

Blood dripping,


"I lost!"

Fu Qiaolei squeezed out these three words with a slightly hoarse voice, and at the same time, his pale complexion was a little gloomy.

Able to enter the top 100 in the list.

And he was once a genius who led the way for a while, so naturally he would not lack the courage to challenge the strong.

This is why, knowing that Zhang Qingyuan, who is ninth in the inner list, he is also the reason for the outrageous shot.

Genius, naturally there is the pride of genius.

It's a pity that the challenge failed.

Of course, if you use any hole card ban, Fu Qiaolei may not have the power to fight again, but it is of little Inner Gate Competition will play 30 games in the semi-finals, and Zhang Qingyuan is just one of them. There is no need to bet everything, not to mention that even if all the cards are used out, it may not be able to beat the opponent.

So Fu Qiaolei surrendered cleanly.

"Zhang Qingyuan, win!"

With Fu Qiaolei's surrender, the referee also announced the final winner of this arena.

At this time, around the ring.

Quite a few exclamations were heard everywhere, and they stared at the two people on the ring with shocked eyes.

Not to mention the others, it's just that the terrifying speed demonstrated by the previous two has surpassed the ordinary six-layered cultivator of True Origin Realm.

Fight like a genius monster!

Many people have such an idea in their hearts.

"You are very strong and look forward to playing against you next time!"

After winning this game, Zhang Qingyuan didn't have much pride, but looked at Fu Qiaolei who was embarrassed in front of him, and said seriously.

This is not humility,

It's the fact.

During the previous battle, Zhang Qingyuan swung a total of 73 punches.

Seventy-three moves were made.

Now he,

With only physical fitness and the vigorous true essence power in the body, a punch is like a mountain full of vigor, with the power to overturn mountains and rivers!

Since the semi-finals,

Fu Qiaolei is already among the inner cultivators he has ever met, the existence that can take the most fists from him!

And his cultivation level is almost the lowest among those people!

Hearing Zhang Qingyuan’s words,

Fu Qiaolei's complexion didn't change much, but he looked up and down Zhang Qingyuan carefully, as if he wanted to keep all of Zhang Qingyuan's face in his eyes.


Then turned and left.

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