"Regardless of fame or strength, I think I am inferior to Zhang Qingyuan, who is ninth in the ranking. Why would I invite me?"

Lin Yan did not immediately agree to the party's invitation of unknown origin.

Instead, he suddenly asked.

"He can't."

The mysterious youth shook his head.


"He has been accepted as a named disciple by that one, and he will definitely stand on the side of the radical in the future, and as long as he cultivates the fifth level of the practice, he is likely to join the plan. Go in."

"Actually, compared to the radicals, that kid's personality is more suitable for the steady style, but it's a pity..."

The mysterious youth also sighed.

Some secret information was inadvertently revealed in the words, and he obviously knew a lot of things.

Lin Yan did not answer.

It seems to be thinking.

Suddenly asked for a long time:

"I originally thought that the conservative and radical factions within the sect were just two different sect ideological factions. It was just a very broad concept, and it was not considered a division of power and faction."

"But now it seems that this is not the case. Can you tell me what these two factions are?"

In Lin Yan's eyes,

Exuding curiosity.

In fact,

At first, he was not interested in the division of the two factions, and he was not involved in these factions, so he didn't care much.

Originally it meant that this was just something the sect seniors used to motivate the disciples to be motivated, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

It seems to be related to the secrets of the high-level...

How to make Lin Yan not interested?

"There are some things, before you are promoted as a direct disciple and become the core of the sect, I can't say more. The inner information is related to the secrets of some sects."

The mysterious young man shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"But I can tell you that the steady and radical sects are actually related to some secrets at the core of the sect...some things are not as simple as they seem."

"The development of the two factions is actually caused by the high-level leaders, and the results have spread to other places in the inner sect. The senior sects see that the division of the two groups has a competitive and stimulating effect on the disciples, so they did not stop it."

"In fact, the reason why the named master Zhang Qingyuan and the former peak master of Xuan Shuifeng resigned is also related to certain things."

"When you get promoted, you will naturally know something."

The words of the mysterious youth were a bit vague, and did not leak too much.

But from the perspective of its words,

Obviously, there is a deeper inside story between these two factions.

"Your Excellency suddenly appeared in front of me and said this, but I don't even know your origin and name. Do you think you are so easy to be touched by you?"

Seeing that the other party didn't reveal any more news.

Lin Yan expressionlessly said indifferently.

"Well, I was abrupt at this time."

"However, when the inner gate competition is over, I believe you will eventually choose a correct decision."

"As for the origin of my name, you will naturally know it during the finals."

The mysterious young man took a deep look at Lin Yan, as if he wanted to remember the other's face deeply in his mind.

Then turned and left,

There is no sluggishness.

"Old Xiao, what do you think?"

Seeing the figure of the mysterious young man go away and disappear from the end of his sight, Lin Yan asked secretly in his heart.

[What's weird about this? As the first sect of the Yuzhou cultivation world, Yunshui Sect is the king of the monkeys in the mountain nest, but at least it also commands hundreds of thousands of monks and disciples. That’s strange. 】

In Lin Yan's mind, an old voice was faint and authentic.

As a once powerful monk, he has lived through many ideas and knowledge in his life. It is not impossible that a sect force collapsed because of internal fighting.

"Unexpectedly, there is also a struggle within the vast Yunshui Sect..."

It was the first time that Lin Yan had come into contact with this aspect of the sect, and she sighed in her heart.

You know when you are at the outer door,

Although the outer disciples are competing, but the deacon who is in charge of the teaching and the academy does not show any contending drama in front of them.

Even if you enter the inner door, although there are topics of steady and radical factions.

But nothing happened to him.

But now, the words of that mysterious young man had tore off a corner of the veil of the sect.

[Everyone has their own minds and appeals for their own interests. This situation is normal. 】

Old Xiao's voice was not strange, and said lightly.

[However, as far as the Yunshui Sect is concerned, this kind of struggle currently seems to be benign, and the sect is not comparable to the internal friction of the late period of power. 】

"That said, once this struggle is involved, it won't be easy to come out, and that Zhang Qingyuan..."

[That’s no way. This sect is already your best springboard. Before you can get away from it, you’d better stay here to practice...]

Lin Yan was distracted and talked with Elder Xiao who was within the spirit of knowledge, and while turning away, his figure disappeared in the distance.

In the depths of my mind~www.readwn.com~ Lin Yan didn't notice, Xiao Lao's phantom eyes flashed.

In fact, based on Xiao Xuantian's many years of life experience, he could more or less guess something.

For example,

There has been no news about the famous Narcissus who was amazing and brilliant three hundred years ago, and used his true essence to cut through the cave. Since then, there has been no news.

Such a genius, no matter how easy it is to fall.

Xiao Xuantian instinctively sensed that the internal situation in it might have something to do with the steady and radical factions.

Although Xiao Xuantian was not a witness, but with years of life experience, he could guess and feel one or two things.


There is no need to talk to Lin Yan about this.

After all, although he instructed Lin Yan's practice, he was not a nanny. With regard to these things, he still needs the other person to really experience it before he can understand more and increase his life experience.


Outsiders don't know what happened to Lin Yan when he met the mysterious young man.

Nor did it have the slightest impact on the outside world.

Time flies quickly,

Another two months passed in the blink of an eye.

In this short period of time, the atmosphere of the inner gate of the Yunshui Sect did not cool down the slightest with the rest, but became even more enthusiastic.

Because after the semi-finals are over, the finals will begin!

This is also the highest level battle among the inner gates of the Yunshui Sect!

In addition to the top 30 from the semifinals, there are also the top ten in the finals.

A total of forty people,

Compete for the final ranking.

And the battle of these people, I am afraid that it will be more intense than any abnormal ring battle in the past, and it is more worthy of attention!

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